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A Deflationary Account of Mental Representation.Frances Egan - 2020 - In Joulia Smortchkova, Krzysztof Dołęga & Tobias Schlicht, What Are Mental Representations? New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.details
Structural representations: causally relevant and different from detectors.Paweł Gładziejewski & Marcin Miłkowski - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (3):337-355.details
Neural Representations Observed.Eric Thomson & Gualtiero Piccinini - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):191-235.details
Structural representations do not meet the job description challenge.Marco Facchin - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5479-5508.details
Investigating neural representations: the tale of place cells.William Bechtel - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1287-1321.details
From symbols to icons: the return of resemblance in the cognitive neuroscience revolution.Daniel Williams & Lincoln Colling - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):1941-1967.details
Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Intentionality.Alex Morgan & Gualtiero Piccinini - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):119-139.details
Strong liberal representationalism.Marc Artiga - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):645-667.details
Mechanisms, Wide Functions, and Content: Towards a Computational Pluralism.Jonny Lee - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (1):221-244.details
Similarity-based cognition: radical enactivism meets cognitive neuroscience.Miguel Segundo-Ortin & Daniel D. Hutto - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):5-23.details
Structural representation and the two problems of content.Jonny Lee - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (5):606-626.details
(1 other version)Entity Realism About Mental Representations.Bence Nanay - 2019 - Erkenntnis 87 (1):75-91.details
Structural and indicator representations: a difference in degree, not kind.Gregory Nirshberg & Lawrence Shapiro - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7647-7664.details
Mindless accuracy: on the ubiquity of content in nature.Alex Morgan - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):5403-5429.details
Understanding Structural Representations.Marc Artiga - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.details
Multimodal Modeling: Bridging Biosemiotics and Social Semiotics.Alin Olteanu - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (3):783-805.details
Are Generative Models Structural Representations?Marco Facchin - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (2):277-303.details
(1 other version)Entity Realism About Mental Representations.Bence Nanay - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (1):75-91.details
Rise of the swamp creatures: Reflections on a mechanistic approach to content.Jonny Lee - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (6):805-828.details
Correspondence Theory of Semantic Information.Marcin Miłkowski - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):485-510.details
Content Pragmatism Defended.Dimitri Coelho Mollo - 2017 - Topoi 39 (1):103-113.details
The content of Marr’s information-processing framework.J. Brendan Ritchie - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (7):1078-1099.details
Contents, vehicles, and complex data analysis in neuroscience.Daniel C. Burnston - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1617-1639.details
Retiring the “Cinderella view”: the spinal cord as an intrabodily cognitive extension.Marco Facchin, Marco Viola & Elia Zanin - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (5):1-25.details
Cognitive Artifacts and Their Virtues in Scientific Practice.Marcin Miłkowski - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):219-246.details
From representations in predictive processing to degrees of representational features.Danaja Rutar, Wanja Wiese & Johan Kwisthout - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (3):461-484.details
The problem with appealing to history in defining neural representations.Ori Hacohen - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-17.details
Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines.Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli (eds.) - 2017 - Heidelberg: Springer.details
Bodily structure and body representation.Adrian J. T. Alsmith - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2193-2222.details
Neural Representations Beyond “Plus X”.Alessio Plebe & Vivian M. De La Cruz - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):93-117.details
Neural Representations Beyond “Plus X”.Vivian Cruz & Alessio Plebe - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):93-117.details
Maps, Simulations, Spaces and Dynamics: On Distinguishing Types of Structural Representations.Marco Facchin - 2024 - Erkentnnis.details
Structural Resemblance and the Causal Role of Content.Gregory Nirshberg - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (1):305-324.details
The Code Model of Biosemiotics and the Fate of the Structuralist Theory of Mental Representation.Majid Davoody Beni - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (1):99-107.details
Normative realism and Brentanian accounts of fittingness.Reuben Sass - 2023 - Synthese 202 (6):1-25.details
Mental representation, “standing-in-for”, and internal models.Rosa Cao & Jared Warren - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):379-396.details
Neural representations unobserved—or: a dilemma for the cognitive neuroscience revolution.Marco Facchin - 2023 - Synthese 203 (1):1-42.details
(1 other version)Dynamicism, radical enactivism, and representational cognitive processes: The case of subitization.Misha Ash & Rex Welshon - 2020 - Tandf: Philosophical Psychology 33 (8):1096-1120.details
Modelling Empty Representations: The Case of Computational Models of Hallucination.Marcin Miłkowski - 2017 - In Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli, Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines. Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 17--32.details
(1 other version)Dynamicism, radical enactivism, and representational cognitive processes: The case of subitization.Misha Ash & Rex Welshon - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (8):1096-1120.details
Representaciones mentales, representaciones neutonales y el enigma de la intencionalidad: Acerca de representaciones mentales de Liza Skidelsky.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2018 - Análisis Filosófico 38 (2):209-220.details
Are representations glorified receptors? On use and usage of mental representations.Paweł Grabarczyk - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (240):335-350.details