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Empirical Justification

Noûs 24 (4):613 (1990)

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  1. Epistemic Teleology and the Separateness of Propositions.Selim Berker - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (3):337-393.
    When it comes to epistemic normativity, should we take the good to be prior to the right? That is, should we ground facts about what we ought and ought not believe on a given occasion in facts about the value of being in certain cognitive states (such as, for example, the value of having true beliefs)? The overwhelming answer among contemporary epistemologists is “Yes, we should.” This essay argues to the contrary. Just as taking the good to be prior to (...)
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  • Reidian externalism.Michael Bergmann - 2007 - In Vincent Hendricks, New Waves in Epistemology. Aldershot, England and Burlington, VT, USA: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What distinguishes Reidian externalism from other versions of epistemic externalism about justification is its proper functionalism and its commonsensism, both of which are inspired by the 18th century Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid. Its proper functionalism is a particular analysis of justification; its commonsensism is a certain thesis about what we are noninferentially justified in believing.
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  • Externalist justification without reliability.Michael Bergmann - 2004 - Philosophical Issues 14 (1):35–60.
    Externalist analyses of justification typically include some sort of reliability requirement. But the fact that the beliefs of a demon victim can be justified despite their being formed in completely unreliable ways suggests that reliability isn’t required for justification. In this paper, I propose an analysis of justification in terms of proper function that enables us to hang on to the externalism without the reliability requirement. As an added bonus, the proposed analysis of justification yields an account of the elusive (...)
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  • (1 other version)Deliberative Indispensability and Epistemic Justification.Tristram McPherson - 2015 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics, Volume 10. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 104-133.
    Many of us care about the existence of ethical facts because such facts appear crucial to making sense of our practical lives. On one tempting line of thought, this idea does more than raise the metaethical stakes: it can also play a central role in justifying our belief in those facts. In recent work, David Enoch has developed this tempting thought into a formidable new proposal in moral epistemology, that aims to explain how the deliberative indispensability of ethical facts gives (...)
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  • Wissen und wahre meinung.Ansgar Beckermann - manuscript
    Wissen kann sich nicht in wahrer Meinung erschöpfen. Das ist ein in der Diskussion um ei- nen adäquaten Wissensbegriff fast einhellig akzeptierter Gemeinplatz. Der Grund dafür ist ein- fach und auf den ersten Blick einleuchtend. Unserem normalen Gebrauch des Wortes „Wissen“ zufolge würden wir von jemandem, der aufgrund bloßen Ratens zu der Überzeugung kommt, daß beim nächsten Spiel die Roulettekugel auf der Zahl 34 liegen bleibt, auch dann nicht sagen, er habe gewußt, daß es so kommen werde, wenn das Ergebnis (...)
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  • Epistemic means and ends: A reply to Hofmann.Pierre Le Morvan - 2008 - Synthese 162 (2):251-264.
    How is epistemic justification related to knowledge? Is it, as widely thought, constitutive of knowledge? Is it merely a means to knowledge, or merely a means to something else, such as truth? In a recent article in this journal, Hofmann (2005, Synthese, 146(3), 357–369) addresses these questions in attempting to defend an important argument articulated by Sartwell (1992, The Journal of Philosophy, 89(4), 167–180) and reconstructed and criticized by Le Morvan (2002, Erkenntnis: An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 56(2), 151–168). (...)
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  • Internalism, externalism, and epistemic source circularity.Ian David MacMillan - unknown
    The dissertation examines the nature and epistemic implications of epistemic source circularity. An argument exhibits this type of circularity when at least one of the premises is produced by a belief source the conclusion says is legitimate, e.g. a track record argument for the legitimacy of sense perception that uses premises produced by sense perception. In chapter one I examine this and several other types of circularity, identifying relevant similarities and differences between them. In chapter two I discuss the differences (...)
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  • Review. [REVIEW]Paul K. Moser - 1988 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 39 (1):131-140.
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