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  1. The relation between task-relatedness of anxiety and metacognitive performance.Catherine Culot, Gaia Corlazzoli, Carole Fantini-Hauwel & Wim Gevers - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 94 (C):103191.
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  • Cognitive Impairments in Occupational Burnout – Error Processing and Its Indices of Reactive and Proactive Control.Krystyna Golonka, Justyna Mojsa-Kaja, Magda Gawlowska & Katarzyna Popiel - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • State Anxiety Impairs Proactive but Enhances Reactive Control.Youcai Yang, Tara A. Miskovich & Christine L. Larson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Proactive and reactive control depends on emotional valence: a Stroop study with emotional expressions and words.Bhoomika Rastogi Kar, Narayanan Srinivasan, Yagyima Nehabala & Richa Nigam - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):325-340.
    We examined proactive and reactive control effects in the context of task-relevant happy, sad, and angry facial expressions on a face-word Stroop task. Participants identified the emotion expressed by a face that contained a congruent or incongruent emotional word. Proactive control effects were measured in terms of the reduction in Stroop interference as a function of previous trial emotion and previous trial congruence. Reactive control effects were measured in terms of the reduction in Stroop interference as a function of current (...)
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  • Types of Anxiety and Depression: Theoretical Assumptions and Development of the Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire.Małgorzata Fajkowska, Ewa Domaradzka & Agata Wytykowska - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Performance Monitoring and Correct Response Significance in Conscientious Individuals.Mike F. Imhof & Jascha Rüsseler - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:438917.
    There is sufficient evidence to believe that variations in the error-related negativity (ERN) are linked to dispositional characteristics in individuals. However, explanations of individual differences in the amplitude of the ERN cannot be derived from functional theories of the ERN. The ERN has a counterpart that occurs after correct responses (correct-response negativity, CRN). Based on the assumption that ERN and CRN reflect an identical cognitive process, variations in CRN might be associated with dispositional characteristics as well. Higher CRN amplitudes have (...)
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  • The case for compensatory processes in the relationship between anxiety and error monitoring: a reply to Proudfit, Inzlicht, and Mennin.Jason S. Moser, Tim P. Moran, Hans S. Schroder, M. Brent Donnellan & Nick Yeung - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • A neurocognitive account of attentional control theory: how does trait anxiety affect the brain’s attentional networks?Michael W. Eysenck, Jason S. Moser, Nazanin Derakshan, Piril Hepsomali & Paul Allen - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (2):220-237.
    Attentional control theory (ACT) was proposed to account for trait anxiety’s effects on cognitive performance. According to ACT, impaired processing efficiency in high anxiety is mediated through inefficient executive processes that are needed for effective attentional control. Here we review the central assumptions and predictions of ACT within the context of more recent empirical evidence from neuroimaging studies. We then attempt to provide an account of ACT within a framework of the relevant cognitive processes and their associated neural mechanisms and (...)
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  • Improving the study of error monitoring with consideration of behavioral performance measures.Hans S. Schroder & Jason S. Moser - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • Introduction to the special research topic on the neurobiology of emotion-cognition interactions.Hadas Okon-Singer, Talma Hendler, Luiz Pessoa & Alexander J. Shackman - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • Conditions affecting the association of general trait-anxiety with the ERN-Ne.Vera Scheuble, Fee-Elisabeth Bertram & André Beauducel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The ERN-Ne of the event-related potential indicates error monitoring. Even though enlarged ERN-Ne amplitudes have often been related to higher anxiety scores, a recent meta-analysis provided very small effect sizes for the association of trait-anxiety with the ERN-Ne. Conditions modulating this association were investigated in the present study: The generality of the trait-anxiety factor, gender, and experimental conditions, i.e., worry induction and error aversiveness. Participants completed a flanker task. Worries were induced before the task by giving participants a bogus feedback (...)
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  • Sex Differences in Anxiety: An Investigation of the Moderating Role of Sex in Performance Monitoring and Attentional Bias to Threat in High Trait Anxious Individuals.Natalie Strand, Lin Fang & Joshua M. Carlson - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Anxiety disorders are more predominant in women than men, however there is a lack of understanding as to what neurocognitive mechanisms drive this sex difference. Recent investigation has found a potential moderating role of sex in the relationship between anxiety and the error related negativity —a component of error-monitoring that is prevalent in high anxiety individuals—such that females display a positive relationship between anxiety/worry and ERN amplitude. We strove to further explore the influence of sex on the relationship between trait (...)
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  • Error-Related Negativity and the Misattribution of State-Anxiety Following Errors: On the Reproducibility of Inzlicht and Al-Khindi (2012).Carmen Cano Rodilla, André Beauducel & Anja Leue - 2016 - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2016.
    In their innovative study, Inzlicht and Al-Khindi (2012) demonstrated that participants who were allowed to misattribute their arousal and negative affect induced by errors to a placebo beverage had a reduced error-related negativity (ERN/Ne) compared to controls not being allowed to misattribute their arousal following errors. These results contribute to the ongoing debate that affect and motivation are interwoven with the cognitive processing of errors. Evidence that the misattribution of negative affect modulates the ERN/Ne is essential for understanding the mechanisms (...)
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