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The Culture of Cities

Science and Society 2 (4):532-535 (1938)

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  1. Lively Infrastructure.Ash Amin - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (7-8):137-161.
    This paper examines the social life and sociality of urban infrastructure. Drawing on a case study of land occupations and informal settlements in the city of Belo Horizonte in Brazil, where the staples of life such as water, electricity, shelter and sanitation are co-constructed by the poor, the paper argues that infrastructures – visible and invisible – are deeply implicated in not only the making and unmaking of individual lives, but also in the experience of community, solidarity and struggle for (...)
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  • Homo Philosophicus: Reflections on the Nature and Function of Philosophical Thought.Said Mikki - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (3):77.
    The philosopher is a fundamental mode of existence of the human being, yet it is experienced only by a minority, an elite. Those constitute, among themselves, a subspecies of Homo sapiens that is sometimes dubbed Homo philosophicus. Our goal here is to investigate, in depth, the philosophical foundations of this ontological-anthropological concept. We analyze the concept of the philosopher into three basic components: the thinker, the artist, and the mathematician, arguing that the three fundamentally participate in maintaining the operation of (...)
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  • The Road to Necropolis: Technics and Death in the Philosophy of Lewis Mumford.Gregory Morgan Swer - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (4):39-59.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the close link between technology and death in the philosophical writings of Lewis Mumford. Mumford famously argued that throughout the history of western civilization we find intertwined two competing forms of technics; the democratic biotechnic form and the authoritarian monotechnic form. The former technics were said to be strongly compatible with an organic form of life while the latter were said to be allied to a mechanical power complex. What is perhaps less (...)
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  • (1 other version)Constructing a City: The Cerdà Plan for the Extension of Barcelona.Wiebe E. Bijker & Eduardo Aibar - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (1):3-30.
    This article applies a constructivist perspective to the analysis of a town-planning innovation. The so-called Cerdà Plan for the extension of Barcelona was launched in the 1860s and gave this city one of its most characteristic present features. For different reasons it can be considered an extraordinary case in town-planing history, though almost unknown to international scholars. The authors analyze the intense controversy that developed around the extension plan and the three technological frames involved. Finally, the relationship between power and (...)
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  • Urban Soundscapes as Indicators of Urban Health.Elsa M. Lankford - 2009 - Environment, Space, Place 1 (2):27-50.
    Cities of the past enjoyed rich soundscapes full of organic sounds. Such sounds can be hard to hear, even for those that are listening, in many of today’s cities and neighborhoods. Evaluating the sounds of life in urban neighborhoods can be one method of determining the health and vibrancy of an area. A silent neighborhood, one not devoid of sound or noise, but rather missing the sounds of human and animal life, can be detrimental to the community and its residents. (...)
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  • Whitehead's Ethics: Fill in the Blanks.Daniel Bella & Milan Stürmer - 2023 - Process Studies 52 (2):179-200.
    The recent publication of the stenographer's transcript of Whitehead's guest lecture on “social ethics” has shed new light on the relation between his metaphysics and ethics. Instead of including ethics in his philosophy, Whitehead treats it as a distinct, specialized science that does not share in the universality of metaphysics. The present article argues that an analysis of his lecture shows that a nonindividualist Whiteheadian ethics is possible without rupturing the coherence of Whitehead's system or contradicting the ontological or subjectivist (...)
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  • Technics and (para)praxis: the Freudian dimensions of Lewis Mumford’s theories of technology.Gregory Morgan Swer - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (4):45-68.
    The purpose of this article is to establish that Lewis Mumford’s historical and philosophical writings were heavily influenced by the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud. It is argued that Freudian ideas and concepts played a foundational role in the construction of Mumford’s views on the nature and function of mind, culture and history, which in turn founded his views on the relationship between technology and society. Indeed, it is argued that a full understanding of Mumford’s technological writings cannot be achieved (...)
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  • Critical synthesis on urban knowledge: Remembering and forgetting in the modern city.David Gross - 1990 - Social Epistemology 4 (1):3 – 22.
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  • Aesthetics of Urban Design.Heinz Paetzold - 2012 - Diogenes 59 (1-2):63-72.
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  • Aesthetics of Urban Design.Ken-Ichi Sasaki - 2012 - Diogenes 59 (1-2):63-72.
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  • The Anguish of God's Lonely Men.Andrew J. Swensen - 2001 - Renascence 53 (4):267-286.
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  • Urbs and Civitas: Stone Order and Civil Order Collapsing in Some Cinematographic Examples.Daniela Cardone - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (3):683-697.
    The assimilation of the architectural sign to the linguistic one, is the way that allow us to analyze the architectural element of the city, according to the symbolic and conventional way, but giving to the architectural sign an iconic value that we could read through reconstruction of city in films. It is possible if we consider city as artwork seen according to the definition of Lynch. There is a temporal and special dimension, the urban dimension, which would otherwise not be (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Nation-State as a Political Community: A Critique of the Communitarian Argument for National Self-Determination.Omar Dahbour - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 22:311-343.
    The principle of national self-determination has usually been justified by extending to national groups an entitlement that individuals are regarded as having, namely, to the conditions necessary for their self development. In order to extend the concept of self-determination to nations in this way, an argument that it is important for nations to exist within their own political communities must be given. In this essay, I describe and criticize one type of argument for such a principle of national self-determination – (...)
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  • ¿Tiene solución la ciudad?Mariano Vázquez Espí - 2008 - Polis 20:179-196.
    La hipótesis principal es que el crecimiento conduce inexorablemente a un rendimiento económico continuamente menguante, lo que nos coloca en una situación paradójica: siendo la economía un «juego de suma cero», sostener y acrecentar la riqueza monetaria de las poblaciones ya ricas requiere cada vez más esfuerzo, es cada vez más difícil, requiriendo mayores poblaciones que explotar a la vez que mayor transporte a fin de ampliar mercados, extraer recursos a mayores distancia, etc. Y puesto que la jerarquía mundial de (...)
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  • Matter and psyche: Lewis Mumford's appropriation of Marx and Jung in his appraisal of the condition of man in technological civilization.Adam Green - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (3):33-64.
    The aim of this article is to draw attention to the breadth and importance of Mumford's philosophical outlook by exploring his critical appropriation of the theories of Marx and Jung which he employed to create a penetrating, visionary collection of works that offer us a powerful and timely insight into the ills besetting our current technological civilization. Mumford partially accepted Marx's matter–psyche dynamic but expanded it to include architecture, technology and urban planning. He surpassed the one-way process of Marxist historical-economic (...)
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  • City Sense and City Design: Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch.Kevin Lynch - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Kevin Lynch's books are the classic underpinnings of modern urban planning and design, yet they are only a part of his rich legacy of ideas about human purposes and values in built form. City Sense and City Design brings together Lynch's remaining work, including professional design and planning projects that show how he translated many of his ideas and theories into practice. An invaluable sourcebook of design knowledge, City Sense and City Design completes the record of one of the foremost (...)
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  • ‘Sustainable Cities’: No Oxymoron.Diego Martino - 2009 - Ethics, Place and Environment 12 (2):235 – 253.
    Are urban societies unsustainable per se? So far most analyses of urbanization have been ethno and temporocentric, concentrating on modern industrial and post-industrial cities of the West. The potential sustainability of cities should not be determined with reference to correct consumption patterns, and the structures of capitalism and industrialism, nor under an autarkic view. To answer the urban sustainability question the characteristics of urban societies need to be defined and isolated.
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  • Visions of the Livable City: Reflections on the Jacobs–Mumford Debate.James G. Mellon - 2009 - Ethics, Place and Environment 12 (1):35-48.
    Since moving to Canada in 1969, Jane Jacobs, who recently passed away, has inspired and continues to inspire debate within Canada, as well as elsewhere, on the potential for and promise of the urban experience. Jacobs was not only a critic of unrestricted growth and the destruction of neighborhoods but, frequently, of the efforts of urban planners. The exchanges between Jacobs, author of The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961), and the American planner and cultural critic Lewis Mumford, (...)
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  • Johannesburg: Colonial anchor, African performer.Peter Vale & Noëleen Murray - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 141 (1):3-13.
    This journal article reflects on the conceptualization of a three-day meeting convened to open space for thinking differently about the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, and to begin to explore the possibility of working beyond the constraints of standard urban studies and regimes of spatial planning through which the city is conventionally viewed and researched. The incentive underpinning the 2015 Performative Urbanisms workshop was the desire to find areas of correspondence and overlap in the often widely separated realms of scholarly (...)
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  • Can Cities Sustain Life in the Greenhouse?Young-Doo Wang, Noah Toly, Kristen Hughes & John Byrne - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (2):84-95.
    Data from the Global Environmental Monitoring System indicate that pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and total suspended particulate routinely appear in the lower atmosphere of major cities at concentrations well above health guidelines set by the World Health Organization. As well, cities are major contributors to the build-up of greenhouse gases which now threaten climate change. These findings underscore the detrimental relation that has evolved between urban industrial society and the atmosphere. If this peculiar civilization is to be changed, three (...)
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  • Labour, utopia and modern design theory: the positivist sociology of Frederic Harrison.Matthew Wilson - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (2):313-335.
    Historians of modern design and sociology have shown little interest in the leaders of the ever resourceful and influential British Positivist Society. One of the aims of this essay is to show that the Positivist polymath Frederic Harrison (1831–1923) cultivated ideas and practices that are compatible with modernists’ aspirations to improve the lives of the masses. It is accordingly shown that Harrison was an ardent supporter of working-class causes and that on this basis he developed sociological survey methods and produced (...)
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  • From Topos to Oikos: The Standardization of Glass Containers as Epistemic Boundaries in Modern Laboratory Research (1850–1900). [REVIEW]Kijan Espahangizi - 2015 - Science in Context 28 (3):397-425.
    ArgumentGlass vessels such as flasks and test tubes play an ambiguous role in the historiography of modern laboratory research. In spite of the strong focus on the role of materiality in the last decades, the scientific glass vessel – while being symbolically omnipresent – has remained curiously neglected in regard to its materiality. The popular image ortoposof the transparent, neutral, and quasi-immaterial glass container obstructs the view of the physico-chemical functionality of this constitutive inner boundary in modern laboratory environments and (...)
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  • City and its researchers: social-philosophical focus on the concepts and explanations of the city phenomenon.Kseniia Hurzhy - 2019 - Cхід 1:37-41.
    The article deals with the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis and definition of the city. It is highlighted that modern authors again and again draw attention to the need for a holistic approach to the phenomenon of the city and tend to multidisciplinary urban studies. In the Ukrainian philosophical thought, the beginning of this work is laid in the philosophy of the city by L. Radionova, who proposes "to build a city in the cultural space as a (...)
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  • Reassembling the monad: the intellectual genealogy of an actant rhizome ontology.Christopher John Cassells - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    The monad, of which we will speak here, is nothing else than a simple substance, which goes to make up compounds; by simple, we mean without parts. From its origins in antiquity the monad is a concept that has time and again beguiled and attracted philosophers. This thesis will argue that it is a concept that lives on in the work of Bruno Latour and that it continues to have a contemporary relevance, offering a way out of sterile debates rooted (...)
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  • The Howie Smith Project ‘creative spaces for creative people’ a study of urban regeneration and the creative community.Robert Howie Smith - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Birmingham
    The Howie Smith Project (THSP) is a social enterprise that was formed in response to David Cameron’s Conservative Party’s political ideology, The Big Society. A practice-led study, THSP occupies derelict properties and enables space for creative enterprise, start-up opportunities, development of creative practice, entrepreneurship, collaboration and progress in an attempt to secure affordable long-term space for continued creative use as the city evolves. Regeneration strategies in the UK have targeted the creative industries and the rise in digital technology, bio-tech and (...)
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  • Design for Community: Toward a Communitarian Ergonomics. [REVIEW]Taylor Dotson - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (2):139-157.
    This paper explores how the designed world could be better supportive of better communal ways of relating. In pursuit of this end, I put the philosophy of technology dealing with the role that technologies play in shaping, directing, mediating, and legislating human action in better communication with a diverse literature concerning community. I argue that community ought to viewed as composed of three interrelated dimensions: experience, structure, and practice. Specifically, it is a psychological sense evoked via a particular arrangement of (...)
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