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  1. Can The Human Speak?Jishnu Guha-Majumdar - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (5):78-96.
    How does one give voice to the unspeakable, inhuman violence that shapes the present, and what remains of humanity in its wake? Adriana Cavarero offers an answer that roots human speech in embodied vulnerability, in contrast to philosophical emphases on disembodied rationality. In the face of what she calls horrorism, which puts humans in proximity to animality, she calls for resuscitating vocality, and therefore humanity, from loss. This article reads Kafka’s short story “A Report to an Academy” – which structurally (...)
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  • Ontology as a Guide to Politics? Judith Butler on Interdependency, Vulnerability, and Nonviolence.Jack Wearing - 2022 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9.
    In recent work, Judith Butler has sought to develop a ‘new bodily ontology’ with a substantive normative upshot: recognition of our shared bodily condition, they argue, can support an ethic of nonviolence and a renewed commitment to egalitarian social conditions. However, the route from Butler’s ontological claims to their ethico-political commitments is not clear: how can the general ontological features of embodiment Butler identifies introduce constraints on behaviour or political arrangements? Ontology, one might think, is neutral on questions of politics. (...))
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  • Four Conceptions of Liberty as a Political Value.Duncan Ivison - 2023 - In Dimitrios Karmis & Jocyn Maclure (eds.), Civic Freedom in an Age of Diversity. pp. 393-411.
    What would it mean to have a suitably ‘realistic’ account of political liberty? On the one hand, I don’t think we can properly understand liberty without an underlying account of personhood or agency.2 In making sense of liberty, we need to ask: What kind of agency does it presuppose or promote? What kind of independence do we care most about? What does it mean to exercise control, or to be self-guiding, in the kind of world we live in today? At (...)
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  • A Levinasian Reconstruction of the Political Significance of Vulnerability.Xin Mao - 2019 - Religions 1 (10):1-11.
    The concept of vulnerability has been renewed in meaning and importance over recent decades. Scholars such as Judith Butler, Martha Fineman and Pamela Sue Anderson have endeavored to redeem vulnerability from its traditional signification as a negative individual condition, and to reveal the positive meaning of vulnerability as a transformative call for solidarity, equality and love. In this paper we examine the newly constructed positive understanding of vulnerability, and argue that the current way of pursuing this positive understanding affirms a (...)
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  • From Deconstruction to Rehabilitation: Heidegger, Gadamer, and Modernity.David Liakos - 2019 - Dissertation, University of New Mexico
    This dissertation is a study of the problem of modernity, formulated as the following multivalent question: How should we understand the scope, character, and limitations of our historical age? The study approaches this question from the point of view of Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer. We will, first, clarify how Heidegger and Gadamer think about modernity, thereby shedding light on their widely misunderstood intellectual relationship; and, next, uncover and defend a distinctively Gadamerian response to modernity as a viable argument, and (...)
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  • Infinite Responsibility in the Bedpan: Response Ethics, Care Ethics, and the Phenomenology of Dependency Work.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4):779-794.
    Drawing upon the practice of caregiving and the insights of feminist care ethics, I offer a phenomenology of caregiving through the work of Eva Feder Kittay and Emmanuel Lévinas. I argue that caregiving is a material dialectic of embodied response involving moments of leveling, attention, and interruption. In this light, the Levinasian opposition between responding to another's singularity and leveling it via parity-based principles is belied in the experience of care. Contra much of response ethics’ and care ethics’ respective literatures, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary.Ann V. Murphy - 2012 - State University of New York Press.
    Examines how violence has been conceptually and rhetorically put to use in continental social theory.
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  • The Costs and Labour of Whistleblowing: Bodily Vulnerability and Post-disclosure Survival.Kate Kenny & Marianna Fotaki - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):341-364.
    Whistleblowers are a vital means of protecting society because they provide information about serious wrongdoing. And yet, people who speak up can suffer. Even so, debates on whistleblowing focus on compelling employees to come forward, often overlooking the risk involved. Theoretical understanding of whistleblowers’ post-disclosure experience is weak because tangible and material impacts are poorly understood due partly to a lack of empirical detail on the financial costs of speaking out. To address this, we present findings from a novel empirical (...)
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  • We birth with others: Towards a Beauvoirian understanding of obstetric violence.Sara Cohen Shabot - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):213-228.
    Obstetric violence – psychological and physical violence by medical staff towards women giving birth – has been described as structural violence, specifically as gender violence. Many women are affected by obstetric violence, with awful consequences. The phenomenon has so far been mainly investigated by the health and social sciences, yet fundamental theoretical and conceptual questions have gone unnoticed. Until now, the phenomenon of obstetric violence has been understood as one impeding autonomy and individual agency and control over the body. In (...)
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  • Precarity and Resistance: A Critique of Martha Fineman's Vulnerability Theory.Benjamin Davis - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (2):1-17.
    Contemporary feminist theory by and large agrees on criticizing the traditional, autonomous subject and instead maintains a relational, dependent self, but the vocabulary used to describe the latter remains contested. These contestations are seen in comparing the approach of some feminist legal theory, as demonstrated by Martha Fineman, to the approach of some feminist theory that draws on continental philosophy, as demonstrated by Judith Butler. Fineman's concept of vulnerability emphasizes the universality of vulnerability in the human condition, arguing that a (...)
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  • Four Paradigm Cases of Dependency in Care Relations.Simon van der Weele - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (2):338-359.
    Dependency functions as a keyword in care theory. However, care theorists have spelled out the ontological and moral ramifications of dependency in different and often conflicting ways. In this article, I argue that conceptual disputes about dependency betray a fundamental discordance among authors, rooted in the empirical premises of their arguments. Hence, although authors appear to share a vocabulary of dependency, they are not writing about quite the same phenomenon. I seek to elucidate these differences by teasing out and comparing (...)
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  • (1 other version)Figures of the human in Judith Butler the recognition of a political space between anthropology and anti-humanism.Emma Ingala Gómez - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):151-176.
    RESUMEN Si bien la crítica antihumanista de la categoría de lo humano tenía un objetivo eminentemente emancipador, ha desembocado en los últimos años en una paradoja vinculada a la defensa del carácter construido y, por tanto, descualificado de lo humano. Para responder a esta paradoja, varios filósofos ubicados en el espacio teórico del antihumanismo se han visto forzados a repensar, y en cierto modo a recuperar, lo humano. Judith Butler ofrece uno de los tratamientos más sofisticados de esta cuestión en (...)
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  • Human rights without human supremacism.Will Kymlicka - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (6):763-792.
    Early defenders of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights invoked species hierarchy: human beings are owed rights because of our discontinuity with and superiority to animals. Subsequent defenders avoided species supremacism, appealing instead to conditions of embodied subjectivity and corporeal vulnerability we share with animals. In the past decade, however, supremacism has returned in work of the new ‘dignitarians’ who argue that human rights are grounded in dignity, and that human dignity requires according humans a higher status than animals. Against (...)
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  • Norms, vision and violence: Judith Butler on the politics of legibility.Michael Feola - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (2):130-148.
    Judith Butler’s meditations on precarity have received considerable attention in recent years. This article proposes that an undertheorized strain of her argument offers productive resources for theorizing violence. The question extends beyond material acts, to ask how certain groups are rendered eligible for heightened, regularized violence – and, by extension, how liberal subjects are rendered complicit with policies at odds with their universalist commitments. At stake is a politics of sensibility that complicates and enriches juridico-institutionalist models. That said, when Butler’s (...)
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  • (1 other version)Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary.Ann V. Murphy - 2013 - State University of New York Press.
    _Examines how violence has been conceptually and rhetorically put to use in continental social theory._.
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  • Um olhar sobre os rostos da Palestina: notas introdutórias à filosofia política de Judith Butler.Almerindo Antônio Boff - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34721.
    Judith Butler tornou-se reconhecida inicialmente por seu posicionamento no campo dos estudos do gênero. Nas últimas décadas sua obra passou a abordar consistentemente temas da filosofia política, incluindo suas perspectivas teóricas do movimento sionista e do Estado de Israel contemporâneos, feitas na companhia das reflexões de Walter Benjamin, Hanna Arendt e Emmanuel Lévinas, entre outros. O presente artigo enfoca inicialmente, de maneira sintética, algumas destas reflexões, examinando aproximações entre os pensamentos de Butler e Lévinas. Estas reflexões são a seguir tomadas (...)
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  • The Narratable Self: Adriana Cavarero with Sojourner Truth.Laurie E. Naranch - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (3):424-440.
    This essay engages the work of Italian feminist philosopher Adriana Cavarero and her concept of the narratable self. Her relational humanism, rooted in our exposure to others, offers an ontology of uniqueness whose critique of abstraction, masculinism, and identity politics still resonates today where the meaning of a unique “you” is negotiated in embodied exchanges that may offer care or wounds. Cavarero develops an altruistic ethics that cultivates this humanism. I argue that her work should be extended to better capture (...)
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  • The Production of the Muselmann and the Singularity of Auschwitz: A Critique of Adriana Cavarero's Account of the “Auschwitz Event”.Leonhard Riep - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (4):626-645.
    Feminist philosopher Adriana Cavarero claims in her bookHorrorism: Naming Contemporary Violencethat the core of the horror of Auschwitz is constituted by the figure of theMuselmann. I argue that Cavarero's lack of an accurate historical engagement with this figure in particular and with Auschwitz in general leads her to a speculative turn, thereby universalizing the phenomenon of theMuselmannby making ittheexample of Auschwitz, and moreover, the key factor to explain its singularity. I show that the phenomenon of theMuselmann, although a particular horrible (...)
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  • Violence, Vulnerability, Precariousness, and Their Contemporary Modifications.Morny Joy - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):19-30.
    This paper is a survey of a number of women scholars who, during the last 20 years, have made extremely valuable contributions to the meanings and interpretations of the terms ‘violence,’ ‘vulnerability,’ and ‘precariousness.’ Each scholar has proposed in-depth insights that demonstrate that the terms they have examined can be reconfigured in more constructive and less definitive ways. In their respective pertinent observations, they have challenged the existing negative theories that associate violence with weakness and vulnerability with anger. Even though (...)
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  • Unravelling the subject with Spinoza: Towards a morphological analysis of the scene of subjectivity.Caroline Williams - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (3):342-362.
    Whilst the concept of the subject has been called into question by many diverse approaches within contemporary political and social theory, there remains a focus upon agency, now attributable to reformulated subjectivities or assemblages. I query the persistence of this grammar of agency and ask whether politics can do without a ‘scene of the subject’. Spinoza’s philosophy, in particular, his conception of conatus, has inspired and offered some basis for rethinking agency. I examine two such prominent positions and argue that (...)
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  • Political Bodies: Writings on Adriana Cavarero's Political Thought.Paula Landerreche Cardillo & Rachel Silverbloom (eds.) - 2024 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Adriana Cavarero has been, and continues to be, one of the most innovative and influential voices in Italian political and feminist thought of the last forty years. Known widely for her challenges to the male-dominated canon of political philosophy (and philosophy more broadly construed), Cavarero has offered provocative accounts of what constitutes the political, with an emphasis on embodiment, singularity, and relationality. Political Bodies gathers some of today’s most prominent and well-established theorists, along with emerging scholars, to contribute their insights, (...)
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  • Appendices.[author unknown] - 2024 - In Paula Landerreche Cardillo & Rachel Silverbloom (eds.), Political Bodies: Writings on Adriana Cavarero's Political Thought. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. pp. 281-286.
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  • Sexual Violence as Ontological Violence.Fanny Söderbäck - 2024 - In Paula Landerreche Cardillo & Rachel Silverbloom (eds.), Political Bodies: Writings on Adriana Cavarero's Political Thought. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. pp. 211-235.
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  • (1 other version)Figuras de lo humano en Judith Butler La reivindicación de un espacio político entre la antropología y el antihumanismo.Emma Ingala Gómez - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):151-176.
    Si bien la crítica antihumanista de la categoría de lo humano tenía un objetivo eminentemente emancipador, ha desembocado en los últimos años en una paradoja vinculada a la defensa del carácter construido y, por tanto, descualificado de lo humano. Para responder a esta paradoja, varios filósofos ubicados en el espacio teórico del antihumanismo se han visto forzados a repensar, y en cierto modo a recuperar, lo humano. Judith Butler ofrece uno de los tratamientos más sofisticados de esta cuestión en la (...)
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