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  1. Proof Analysis in Modal Logic.Sara Negri - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (5-6):507-544.
    A general method for generating contraction- and cut-free sequent calculi for a large family of normal modal logics is presented. The method covers all modal logics characterized by Kripke frames determined by universal or geometric properties and it can be extended to treat also Gödel-Löb provability logic. The calculi provide direct decision methods through terminating proof search. Syntactic proofs of modal undefinability results are obtained in the form of conservativity theorems.
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  • Proof analysis in intermediate logics.Roy Dyckhoff & Sara Negri - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (1):71-92.
    Using labelled formulae, a cut-free sequent calculus for intuitionistic propositional logic is presented, together with an easy cut-admissibility proof; both extend to cover, in a uniform fashion, all intermediate logics characterised by frames satisfying conditions expressible by one or more geometric implications. Each of these logics is embedded by the Gödel–McKinsey–Tarski translation into an extension of S4. Faithfulness of the embedding is proved in a simple and general way by constructive proof-theoretic methods, without appeal to semantics other than in the (...)
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  • The Jacobson Radical of a Propositional Theory.Giulio Fellin, Peter Schuster & Daniel Wessel - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):163-181.
    Alongside the analogy between maximal ideals and complete theories, the Jacobson radical carries over from ideals of commutative rings to theories of propositional calculi. This prompts a variant of Lindenbaum’s Lemma that relates classical validity and intuitionistic provability, and the syntactical counterpart of which is Glivenko’s Theorem. The Jacobson radical in fact turns out to coincide with the classical deductive closure. As a by-product we obtain a possible interpretation in logic of the axioms-as-rules conservation criterion for a multi-conclusion Scott-style entailment (...)
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  • The intensional side of algebraic-topological representation theorems.Sara Negri - 2017 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 5):1121-1143.
    Stone representation theorems are a central ingredient in the metatheory of philosophical logics and are used to establish modal embedding results in a general but indirect and non-constructive way. Their use in logical embeddings will be reviewed and it will be shown how they can be circumvented in favour of direct and constructive arguments through the methods of analytic proof theory, and how the intensional part of the representation results can be recovered from the syntactic proof of those embeddings. Analytic (...)
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  • Decision methods for linearly ordered Heyting algebras.Sara Negri & Roy Dyckhoff - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (4):411-422.
    The decision problem for positively quantified formulae in the theory of linearly ordered Heyting algebras is known, as a special case of work of Kreisel, to be solvable; a simple solution is here presented, inspired by related ideas in Gödel-Dummett logic.
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  • Sequent Calculi for $${\mathsf {SCI}}$$ SCI.Szymon Chlebowski - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):541-563.
    In this paper we are applying certain strategy described by Negri and Von Plato :418–435, 1998), allowing construction of sequent calculi for axiomatic theories, to Suszko’s Sentential calculus with identity. We describe two calculi obtained in this way, prove that the cut rule, as well as the other structural rules, are admissible in one of them, and we also present an example which suggests that the cut rule is not admissible in the other.
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  • Conservation as Translation.Giulio Fellin & Peter Schuster - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-33.
    Glivenko’s theorem says that classical provability of a propositional formula entails intuitionistic provability of the double negation of that formula. This stood right at the beginning of the success story of negative translations, indeed mainly designed for converting classically derivable formulae into intuitionistically derivable ones. We now generalise this approach: simultaneously from double negation to an arbitrary nucleus; from provability in a calculus to an inductively generated abstract consequence relation; and from propositional logic to any set of objects whatsoever. In (...)
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  • An intuitionistic logic for preference relations.Paolo Maffezioli & Alberto Naibo - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (4):434-450.
    We investigate in intuitionistic first-order logic various principles of preference relations alternative to the standard ones based on the transitivity and completeness of weak preference. In particular, we suggest two ways in which completeness can be formulated while remaining faithful to the spirit of constructive reasoning, and we prove that the cotransitivity of the strict preference relation is a valid intuitionistic alternative to the transitivity of weak preference. Along the way, we also show that the acyclicity axiom is not finitely (...)
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  • Eliminating disjunctions by disjunction elimination.Davide Rinaldi, Peter Schuster & Daniel Wessel - 2017 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):181-200.
    Completeness and other forms of Zorn’s Lemma are sometimes invoked for semantic proofs of conservation in relatively elementary mathematical contexts in which the corresponding syntactical conservation would suffice. We now show how a fairly general syntactical conservation theorem that covers plenty of the semantic approaches follows from an utmost versatile criterion for conservation given by Scott in 1974.To this end we work with multi-conclusion entailment relations as extending single-conclusion entailment relations. In a nutshell, the additional axioms with disjunctions in positive (...)
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