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  1. Re-representing consciousness: Dissociations between experience and meta-consciousness.Jonathan W. Schooler - 2002 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (8):339-344.
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  • Rethinking Thinking About Thinking: Against a Pedagogical Imperative to Cultivate Metacognitive Skills.Lauren R. Alpert - 2021 - Dissertation, City College of New York (Cuny)
    In summaries of “best practices” for pedagogy, one typically encounters enthusiastic advocacy for metacognition. Some researchers assert that the body of evidence supplied by decades of education studies indicates a clear pedagogical imperative: that if one wants their students to learn well, one must implement teaching practices that cultivate students’ metacognitive skills. -/- In this dissertation, I counter that education research does not impose such a mandate upon instructors. We lack sufficient and reliable evidence from studies that use the appropriate (...)
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  • Expanding the Facilitator's Toolbox: Vygotskian Mediation in Philosophy for Children.Jacob Castleberry & Kevin Clark - 2020 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 40 (2):44-56.
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  • Metacognitive Awareness Scale, Domain Specific (MCAS-DS): Assessing Metacognitive Awareness During Raven’s Progressive Matrices.John H. H. Song, Sasha Loyal & Benjamin Lond - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Metacognition, the cognition about cognition, is closely linked to intelligence and therefore understanding the metacognitive processes underlying intelligence test performance, specifically on Raven’s Progressive Matrices, could help advance the knowledge about intelligence. The measurement of metacognition, is often done using domain-general offline questionnaires or domain-specific online think-aloud protocols. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between metacognitive awareness and intelligence via the design and use of a novel Meta-Cognitive Awareness Scale – Domain Specific that encourages reflection of task strategy processes. (...)
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  • The Theoretical and Scientific Problems of Damasio’s Conceptual Model of Consciousness.Luiz Augusto Rosa - 2018 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):83-100.
    Here I assess Damasio’s conceptual model of consciousness based mainly on the concepts of emotion, feeling, and consciousness by analyzing its conceptual implications and its theoretical and scientific problems. One of the conceptual implications of the direct interaction between the concept of “feeling” and the concept of “consciousness” is the concept of consciousness as “feeling a feeling”, which is also recognized by Damasio. The concept “feeling a feeling” directly implies the concept of consciousness as “an emotional perception of an emotional (...)
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  • Effects of Working Memory Capacity on Metacognitive Monitoring: A Study of Group Differences Using a Listening Span Test.Mie Komori - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Remembering as doing.Ulric Neisser - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):203-204.
    Koriat & Goldsmith are right in their claim that the “ecological” and “traditional” approaches to memory rely on different metaphors. But the underlying ecological metaphor is notcorrespondence(which in any case is not a metaphorical notion): it isaction. Remembering is a kind of doing; like most other forms of action it is purposive, personal, and particular.
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  • Amnesia and metamemory demonstrate the importance of both metaphors.Bennett L. Schwartz - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):207-207.
    The correspondence metaphor is useful in developing functional models of memory. However, the storehouse metaphor is still useful in developing structural and process models of memory. Traditional research techniques explore the structure of memory; everyday techniques explore the function of memory. We illustrate this point with two examples: amnesia and metamemory. In each phenomenon, both metaphors are useful.
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  • Contexts and functions of retrieval.Eugene Winograd - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):209-210.
    Koriat & Goldsmith provide an excellent analysis of the flexibility of retrieval processes and how they are situationally dependent. I agree with their emphasis on functional considerations and argue that the traditional laboratory experiment motivates the subject to be accurate. However, I disagree with their strong claim that the quantity–accuracy distinction implies an essential discontinuity between traditional and naturalistic approaches to the study of memory.
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  • Driving and dish-washing: Failure of the correspondence metaphor for memory.Keith S. Karn & Gregory J. Zelinsky - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):198-198.
    Koriat & Goldsmith restrict their definition of memory to “being about some past event,” which causes them to ignore the most common use of memory: everyday visual-motor tasks. New techniques make it possible to study memory in the context of these natural tasks with which memory is so tightly coupled. Memory can be more fully understood in the context of these actions.
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  • "Consciousness". Selected Bibliography 1970 - 2004.Thomas Metzinger - unknown
    This is a bibliography of books and articles on consciousness in philosophy, cognitive science, and neuroscience over the last 30 years. There are three main sections, devoted to monographs, edited collections of papers, and articles. The first two of these sections are each divided into three subsections containing books in each of the main areas of research. The third section is divided into 12 subsections, with 10 subject headings for philosophical articles along with two additional subsections for articles in cognitive (...)
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  • Dual-process reflective equilibrium: rethinking the interplay between intuition and reflection in moral reasoning.Dario Cecchini - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 24 (3):295-311.
    Dual-process theories of the mind emphasize how reasoning is an interplay between intuitive and reflective thinking. This paper aims to understand how the two types of processing interact in the moral domain. According to a ‘default-interventionist’ model of moral reasoning intuition and reflection are conflicting cognitions: intuitive thinking would elicit heuristic and deontological responses, whereas reflection would favour utilitarian judgements. However, the evidence for the default interventionist view is inconclusive and challenged by a growing amount of counterevidence in recent years. (...)
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  • Memory, metamemory, and conditional statistics.Robert A. Bjork & Thomas D. Wickens - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):193-194.
    Koriat & Goldsmith's distinction between encoding processes and metamnemonic decision processes is theoretically and practically important, as is their methodology for separating the two. However, their accuracy measure is a conditional statistic, subject to the unfathomable selection effects that have hindered analogous measures in the past. We also find their arguments concerning basic and applied research mostly beside the point.
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  • The alternative to the storehouse metaphor.Aaron Ben-Ze'ev - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):192-193.
    Koriat and Goldsmith clearly show the need for an alternative to the storehouse metaphor; however, the alternative metaphor they choose – the correspondence metaphor – is problematic. A more suitable one is the capacity metaphor.
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  • On correspondence, accuracy, and truth.Ian Maynard Begg - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):191-192.
    Koriat & Goldsmith raise important questions about memory, but there is need for caution: first, if we define accuracy by output measures, there is a danger that a perfectly accurate memory can be nearly useless. Second, when we focus on correspondence, there is a danger that syntactic correspondence will be mistaken for historical truth.
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  • The relation between reproductive and reconstructive processing of memory content.Harry P. Bahrick - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):191-191.
    Quantitative losses of memory content imply replicative processing; correspondence losses imply reconstructive processing. Research should focus on the relationship between these processes by obtaining accuracy- and quantity-based indicators of memory within the same framework. This approach will also yield information about the effects of task and individual-difference variables on loss and distortion, as well as the time course of each process.
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  • Metamemory knowledge and beliefs in patients with schizophrenia and how these relate to objective cognitive abilities.Elisabeth Bacon, Nathalie Huet & Jean-Marie Danion - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1315-1326.
    Subjective reports and theories about memory may have an influence on other beliefs and behaviours. Patients with schizophrenia suffer a wide range of deficits affecting their awareness of daily life, including memory. With the Metamemory Inventory in Adulthood we ascertained patients’ memory knowledge and thoughts about their own cognitive capacities and about several aspects of cognitive functioning: personal capacities, knowledge of processes, use of strategies, perceived change with ageing, anxiety, motivation and mastery. The participants’ ratings were correlated with their intellectual, (...)
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  • On the validity of remember–know judgments: Evidence from think aloud protocols.David P. McCabe, Lisa Geraci, Jeffrey K. Boman, Amanda E. Sensenig & Matthew G. Rhodes - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1625-1633.
    The use of remember–know judgments to assess subjective experience associated with memory retrieval, or as measures of recollection and familiarity processes, has been controversial. In the current study we had participants think aloud during study and provide verbal reports at test for remember–know and confidence judgments. Results indicated that the vast majority of remember judgments for studied items were associated with recollection from study , but this correspondence was less likely for high-confidence judgments . Instead, high-confidence judgments were more likely (...)
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  • Functional memory requires a quite different value metaphor.Norman H. Anderson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):190-191.
    The function of memory is to allow past experience to subserve present goal-oriented thought and action. The defining characteristic of goal-oriented approach/avoidance is value. Value lies beyond the reproductive conception of memory that is basic to both metaphors discussed in Koriat & Goldsmith's target article. Functional memory requires a quite different metaphor, for which a grounded theory is available.
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  • Everyday memory and activity.Richard Alterman - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):189-190.
    The target article interprets current psychological research on everyday memory in terms of a correspondence metaphor. This metaphor is based on a reduction of everyday memory to autobiographical and eyewitness memory. This commentary focuses on everyday memory as it functions in activity. Viewed from this perspective, the joining of everyday memory to a correspondence metaphor is problematic. A more natural way to frame the processes of everyday memory is in terms of context, practice, and pragmatics.
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  • Correspondence conception of memory: A good match is hard to find.Daniel Algom - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):188-189.
    The distinction that Koriat & Goldsmith have drawn between laboratory and naturalistic research is largely valid, but the metaphor they have chosen to characterize the latter may not be optimal. The “correspondence” approach is vulnerable on conceptual grounds and is not applicable to significant portions of empirical research.
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  • Hypothesis testing in experimental and naturalistic memory research.Daniel B. Wright - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):210-211.
    Koriat & Goldsmith's distinction between the correspondence and storehouse metaphors is valuable for both memory theory and methodology. It is questionable, however, whether this distinction underlies the heated debate about so called “everyday memory” research. The distinction between experimental and naturalistic methodologies better characterizes this debate. I compare these distinctions and discuss how the methodological distinction, between experimental and naturalistic designs, could give rise to different theoretical approaches.
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  • Direct remembering and the correspondence metaphor.K. Geoffrey White - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):208-209.
    The correspondence view is consistent with a theory of direct remembering that assumes continuity between perception and memory. Two implications of direct remembering for correspondence are suggested. It is assumed that forgetting is exponential, and that remembering at one time is independent of factors influencing remembering at another. Elaboration of the correspondence view in the same terms as perception offers a novel approach to the study of memory.
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  • The Search as Learning Spaceship: Toward a Comprehensive Model of Psychological and Technological Facets of Search as Learning.Johannes von Hoyer, Anett Hoppe, Yvonne Kammerer, Christian Otto, Georg Pardi, Markus Rokicki, Ran Yu, Stefan Dietze, Ralph Ewerth & Peter Holtz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Using a Web search engine is one of today’s most frequent activities. Exploratory search activities which are carried out in order to gain knowledge are conceptualized and denoted as Search as Learning. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework model which incorporates the perspective of both psychology and computer science to describe the search as learning process by reviewing recent literature. The main entities of the model are the learner who is surrounded by a specific learning context, the interface (...)
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  • The Mediating Role of Conceptions of Learning in the Relationship Between Metacognitive Skills/Strategies and Academic Outcomes Among Middle-School Students.Giulia Vettori, Claudio Vezzani, Lucia Bigozzi & Giuliana Pinto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:309540.
    The present study investigated the mediating role of conceptions of learning in the relationship between metacognition and academic outcomes among middle school students. The self-report ‘Learning Conceptions Questionnaire’ (LCQ) and ‘Metacognitive questionnaire on the method of study’ (QMS) were administered to 136 middle school students and their academic outcomes were collected. Correlation analyses revealed that within metacognition only self-assessment was positively correlated with academic outcomes. Mediation analysis indicated that a conception of learning as internal attribution of success and failure was (...)
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  • Students' explanations of their knowledge of learning processes.Joke H. van Velzen - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (1):83-95.
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  • The unconscious feeling of knowing: A commentary on koriat's paper.Michaela K. Spehn & Lynne M. Reder - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):187-192.
    In Koriat's paper ''The Feeling of Knowing: Some Metatheoretical Implications for Consciousness and Control,'' he asserts that the feeling of knowing straddles the implicit and explicit, and that these conscious feelings enter into a conscious control process that is necessary for controlled behavior. This assertion allows him to make many speculations on the nature of consciousness itself. We agree that feelings of knowing are produced through a monitoring of one's knowledge, and that this monitoring can affect the control of behavior (...)
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  • Classical antecedents for modern metaphors for memory.Jocelyn Penny Small - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):208-208.
    Classical antiquity provides not just the storehouse metaphor, which postdates Plato, but also parts of the correspondence metaphor. In the fifth century B.C., Thucydides (1.22) considered the role of gist and accuracy in writing history, and Aristotle (Poetics1451b, 1460b 8–11) offered an explanation. Finally, the Greek for truth (alêtheia) means “that which is not forgotten.”.
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  • Differences in the detail: Metacognition is better for seen than sensed changes to visual scenes.Kendall D. Salzman, Kachina Allen & Ken McAnally - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 112 (C):103533.
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  • Metacognition and higher-order thoughts.David M. Rosenthal - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):231-242.
    Because there is a fair amount of overlap in the points by Balog and Rey, I will organize this response topically, referring specifically to each commentator as rele- vant. And, because much of the discussion focuses on my higher-order-thought hypothesis independent of questions about metacognition, I will begin by addressing a cluster of issues that have to do with the status, motivation, and exact formulation of that hypothesis.
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  • Consciousness, content, and metacognitive judgments.David M. Rosenthal - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):203-214.
    Because metacognition consists in our having mental access to our cognitive states and mental states are conscious only when we are conscious of them in some suitable way, metacognition and consciousness shed important theoretical light on one another. Thus, our having metacognitive access to information carried by states that are not conscious helps con?rm the hypothesis that a mental state.
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  • (1 other version)Mental Model Development in Multimedia Learning: Interrelated Effects of Emotions and Self-Monitoring.Valentin Riemer & Claudia Schrader - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Handedness and the fringe of consciousness: Strong handers ruminate while mixed handers self-reflect.Christopher Lee Niebauer - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):730-745.
    Previous research found that mixed handers were more likely than strong handers to update their beliefs . It was assumed that this was due to greater degrees of communication between the two cerebral hemispheres in mixed handers. Niebauer and Garvey made connections between this model of updating beliefs and metacognitive processing. The current work proposes that variations in interhemispheric interaction contribute to differences in consciousness, specifically when consciousness is used in rumination versus the metacognitive task of self-reflection. Using the Rumination–Reflection (...)
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  • Two-stage dynamic signal detection: A theory of choice, decision time, and confidence.Timothy J. Pleskac & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):864-901.
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  • Operationaling “correspondence”.David C. Palmer - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):206-207.
    The research guided by the correspondence metaphor is lauded for its emphasis on functional analysis, but the term “correspondence” itself needs clarification. Of the two terms in the relationship, only one is well defined. It is suggested that behavior at acquisition needs to be analyzed and that molecular principles from the learning laboratory might be useful in doing so.
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  • Effects of age on metacognitive efficiency.Emma C. Palmer, Anthony S. David & Stephen M. Fleming - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 28:151-160.
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  • Beyond the correspondence metaphor: When accuracy cannot be assessed.Ian R. Newby & Michael Ross - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):205-206.
    Koriat & Goldsmith propose that the correspondence metaphor captures the essence of everyday memory research. We suggest that correspondence is often not at issue because objective assessments of everyday events are frequently lacking. In these cases, other questions arise, such as how individuals evaluate the validity of memories and the significance they attach to those evaluations.
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  • Metacognition, metaphors, and the measurement of human memory.Thomas O. Nelson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):204-205.
    Investigations of metacognition – and also the application of the storehouse and correspondence metaphors – seem as appropriate for laboratory research as for naturalistic research. In terms of measurement, the only quantitative difference between the “input-bound percent correct” and “output-bound percent correct” is the inclusion versus exclusion (respectively) of omission errors in the denominator of the percentages.
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  • False dichotomies and dead metaphors.Timothy P. McNamara - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):203-203.
    Koriat & Goldsmith's thesis is provocative but has three problems: First, quantity and accuracy are not simply related, they are complementary. Second, the storehouse metaphor is not the driving force behind contemporary theories of memory and may not be viable. Third, the taxonomy is incomplete, leaving unclassified several extremely influential methods and measures, such as priming and response latency.
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  • The phenomenal object of memory and control processes.Giuliana Mazzoni - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):202-203.
    This commentary deals with criteria for assigning truth values to memory contents. A parallel with perception shows how truth values can be assigned by considering subjects' beliefs about the truth state of the memory content. This topic is also relevant to the study of processes of control over retrieval.
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  • Accuracy and quantity are poor measures of recall and recognition.Andrew R. Mayes, Rob van Eijk & Patricia L. Gooding - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):201-202.
    The value of accuracy and quantity as memory measures is assessed. It is argued that (1) accuracy does not measure correspondence (monitoring) because it ignores omissions and correct rejections, (2) quantity is confounded with monitoring in recall, and (3) in recognition, if targets and foils are unequal, both measures, even together, still ignore correct rejections.
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  • Divided attention at encoding: Effect on feeling-of-knowing.Mathilde Sacher, Laurence Taconnat, Céline Souchay & Michel Isingrini - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):754-761.
    This research investigated the effect of divided attention at encoding on feeling-of-knowing . Participants had to learn a 60 word-pair list under two experimental conditions, one with full attention and one with divided attention . After that, they were administered episodic FOK tasks with a cued-recall phase, a FOK phase and a recognition phase. Our results showed that DA at encoding altered not only memory performance, but also FOK judgments and FOK accuracy. These findings throw some light on the central (...)
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  • Effects of the benzodiazepine lorazepam on monitoring and control processes in semantic memory.M. Massin-Krauss, E. Bacon & Danion J.-M. - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):123-137.
    Lorazepam has been repeatedly shown to induce memory impairments. The effects of this benzodiazepine on the processes involved in the strategic regulation of memory accuracy have not as yet been explored. An experimental procedure that delineates the role of monitoring and control processes was used. Fifteen lorazepam and 15 placebo subjects were examined using a semantic memory task that combined both a forced- and a free-report option and a no-incentive and an incentive condition. Memory accuracy was lower in the lorazepam (...)
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  • Effects of the benzodiazepine lorazepam on monitoring and control processes in semantic memory.Marilyne Massin-Krauss, Elisabeth Bacon & Jean-Marie Danion - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):123-137.
    Lorazepam has been repeatedly shown to induce memory impairments. The effects of this benzodiazepine on the processes involved in the strategic regulation of memory accuracy have not as yet been explored. An experimental procedure that delineates the role of monitoring and control processes was used. Fifteen lorazepam and 15 placebo subjects were examined using a semantic memory task that combined both a forced- and a free-report option and a no-incentive and an incentive condition. Memory accuracy was lower in the lorazepam (...)
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  • Correspondence to the past: The essence of the archaeology metaphor.Steen F. Larsen - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):200-201.
    The correspondence view of memory is not a metaphor. However, correspondence is the essential feature of the archaeology metaphor, which harks back to Freud and Neisser. A modern version of this metaphor and some of its implications are briefly described. The archaeology metaphor integrates the idea of stored traces in a nonmechanistic framework.
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  • Awareness of time distortions and its relation with time judgment: A metacognitive approach.Mathilde Lamotte, Marie Izaute & Sylvie Droit-Volet - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):835-842.
    The perception of time cannot be reduced to a simple percept produced by an internal clock. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the role of the individual consciousness of time on temporal judgments. In the present study, the participants’ awareness of attention-related time distortions was assessed using a metacognitive questionnaire. The participants were also required to verbally judge a series of stimulus durations in a single or a dual task condition. The results revealed that time was (...)
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  • Let's forget the everyday/laboratory controversy.Lia Kvavilashvili & Judi Ellis - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):199-200.
    In contrast to its aims, Koriat & Goldsmith's article vividly demonstrates(1) the complementarity of ecological and traditional approaches and (2) the difficulty of characterising the growing diversity of memory research with a single set of distinctions. Moreover, the contrast between correspondence and storehouse metaphors is important enough to stand alone without reference to an everyday/laboratory controversy, which is neither acute nor necessary.
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  • The storehouse/correspondence partition in memory research: Promises and perils.Arie W. Kruglanski - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):198-199.
    The novel correspondence metaphor outlined by Koriat & Goldsmith offers important advantages for studying critical issues of memory-accuracy. It also fits well with the current emphasis on the reconstructive nature of memory and on the role of cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational factors in memory performance. These positive features notwithstanding, the storehouse/correspondence framework faces potential perils having to do with its implied linkage to the laboratory/real-life controversy and its proposal of studying correspondence issues in isolation from memory phenomena captured by the (...)
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  • The feeling of knowing: Some metatheoretical implications for consciousness and control.Asher Koriat - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):149-171.
    The study of the feeling of knowing may have implications for some of the metatheoretical issues concerning consciousness and control. Assuming a distinction between information-based and experience-based metacognitive judgments, it is argued that the sheer phenomenological experience of knowing (''noetic feeling'') occupies a unique role in mediating between implicit-automatic processes, on the one hand, and explicit-controlled processes, on the other. Rather than reflecting direct access to memory traces, noetic feelings are based on inferential heuristics that operate implicitly and unintentionally. Once (...)
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  • The correspondence metaphor of memory: Right, wrong, or useful?Asher Koriat & Morris Goldsmith - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):211-228.
    Our response to the commentators covers four general issues: (1) How useful is our proposed conceptualization of the real-life/laboratory controversy in terms of the contrast between the correspondence and storehouse metaphors? (2) What is the relationship between these two metaphors? (3) What are the unique implications of the correspondence metaphor for memory assessment and theory? (4) What are the nature and role of memory metaphors in memory research? We stress that the correspondence metaphor can be usefully exploited independent of the (...)
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