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Lost wanderers in the forest of knowledge: Some thoughts on the discovery-justification distinction.Don Howard - 2006 - In Jutta Schickore & Friedrich Steinle, Revisiting Discovery and Justification: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on the Context Distinction. Springer. pp. 3--22.details
Pragmatics in Carnap and Morris and the Bipartite Metatheory Conception.Thomas Uebel - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (3):523-546.details
Logical Empiricism, Feminism, and Neurath's Auxiliary Motive.Kathleen Okruhlik - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (1):48-72.details
A brief guide to the work of Carl Gustav Hempel.Richard Jeffrey - 1995 - Erkenntnis 42 (1):3 - 7.details
Approaching the truth via belief change in propositional languages.Gustavo Cevolani & Francesco Calandra - 2009 - In M. Suàrez, M. Dorato & M. Rèdei, EPSA Epistemology and Methodology of Science: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Springer. pp. 47--62.details
Switching gestalts on gestalt psychology: On the relation between science and philosophy.Jordi Cat - 2007 - Perspectives on Science 15 (2):131-177.details
The Vienna Circle in the Nordic Countries: networks and transformations of logical empiricism.Juha Manninen & Friedrich Stadler (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Springer Science + Business Media.details
Whewell’s Fundamental Antithesis: A Lineage of Influence.Ragnar van der Merwe - forthcoming - South African Journal of Philosophy.details
Carnap and Neurath in exile: Can their disputes be resolved?Thomas E. Uebel - 2001 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (2):211 – 220.details
Brentano's conception of philosophy as rigorous science.Wolfgang Huemer - 2018 - Brentano Studien 16 (1):53-72.details
Toward a pragmatist philosophy of the humanities.Sami Pihlström - 2022 - Albany: SUNY Press.details
Carnap’s Transformation of Epistemology and the Development of His Metaphilosophy.Thomas Uebel - 2018 - The Monist 101 (4):367-387.details
The concept of truth in carnap'slogical syntax of language.Thomas Oberdan - 1992 - Synthese 93 (1-2):239 - 260.details
How (not) to write the history of pragmatist philosophy of science?Sami Pihlström - 2008 - Perspectives on Science 16 (1):26-69.details
Popper and Agassi at Odds.Ian Jarvie - 2022 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 52 (6):329-340.details
Theory-Containment in Controversies: Neurath and Müller on Newton, Goethe, and Underdetermination.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (4):533-549.details
Emergence and Reduction in Science. A Case Study.Alexandru Manafu - unknowndetails
Wittgenstein versus Carnap on physicalism: a reassessment.David Stern - unknowndetails
Tarski's physicalism.Richard L. Kirkham - 1993 - Erkenntnis 38 (3):289-302.details
Coherence, anti-realism and the vienna circle.James O. Young - 1991 - Synthese 86 (3):467 - 482.details
Rational reconstruction as elucidation? Carnap in the early protocol sentence debate.Thomas E. Uebel - 1992 - Synthese 93 (1-2):107 - 140.details
Relocating the Conflict Between Science and Religion at the Foundations of the History of Science.James C. Ungureanu - 2018 - Zygon 53 (4):1106-1130.details
“A Kind of Metaphysician”: Arne Naess from Logical Empiricism to Ecophilosophy.Thomas Uebel - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (1):78-109.details
Coherence and correspondence in the network dynamics of belief suites.Patrick Grim, Andrew Modell, Nicholas Breslin, Jasmine Mcnenny, Irina Mondescu, Kyle Finnegan, Robert Olsen, Chanyu An & Alexander Fedder - 2017 - Episteme 14 (2):233-253.details
La sostanza della verità.Paolo Leonardi - 2013 - In Roberta Lanfredini & Alberto Peruzzi, A Plea for Balance in Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Paolo Parrini. Pisa: Edizioni ETS.details
James and Carnap on philosophical systems and the role of temperaments.Shawn Simpson - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (1):134-144.details
Om Næss, Skjervheim og den store striden i norsk filosofi.Olav Gjelsvik - 2016 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 51 (2):55-66.details
An ethnomethodological clarification of Husserl's concepts of “regressive inquiry” and “galilean physics” by means of discovering praxioms.Dušan I. Bjelić - 1995 - Human Studies 18 (2-3):189-225.details
Compte-rendu: Otto Neurath and the Unity of Science.David Ludwig - 2015 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 2 (1):14-16.details
A Role for Science in Public Policy? The Obstacles, Illustrated by the Case of Breast Cancer Screening Policy.Manuela Fernández Pinto & Janet A. Kourany - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (5):917-943.details
The Symbiotic Phenomenon in the Evolutive Context.Francisco Carrapiço - 2012 - In Torres Juan, Pombo Olga, Symons John & Rahman Shahid, Special sciences and the Unity of Science. Springer. pp. 113--119.details
Quine and the analytic tradition.Dirk Koppelberg - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (2):367-372.details
A Physicalist Reconstruction of a Theory: The Case of the Freudian Theory of Hysteria.César Lorenzano - 2012 - In Torres Juan, Pombo Olga, Symons John & Rahman Shahid, Special sciences and the Unity of Science. Springer. pp. 233--257.details
Against a third dogma of logical empiricism: Otto Neurath and "unpredictability in principle".George A. Reisch - 2001 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (2):199 – 209.details
Editorial introduction.Damian Veal - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (1):1 – 31.details
Networks in contemporary philosophy of science: tracking the history of a theme between metaphor and structure.Valter Alnis Bezerra - unknowndetails
Refinando el marco epistemológico de las simulaciones de sistemas sociales.Leandro Ariel Giri - 2016 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 7:59-76.details
An Introduction to Logical Positivism: the Viennese Formulation of the Verifiability Principle.Alberto Oya - 2020 - Amazon Books.details
Interpreting Neurath’s Protocols. Reply to Nottelmann.Thomas Uebel - 2007 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 38 (2):383-391.details
Otto Neurath's idealist inheritance.Thomas E. Uebel - 1995 - Synthese 103 (1):87 - 121.details
La teoría freudiana de la histeria. Una reconstrucción nominalista.César Lorenzano - 2015 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 6:1--20.details
Lebenswelt structures of galilean physics: The case of Galileo's pendulum. [REVIEW]Dušan I. Bjelic - 1996 - Human Studies 19 (4):409 - 432.details