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  1. Bridging the Divide: The Role of Motivation and Self-Regulation in Explaining the Judgment-Action Gap Related to Academic Dishonesty.Jason M. Stephens - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Factors That Explain Academic Dishonesty Among University Students in Thailand.Darrin Thomas - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (2):140-154.
    Academic dishonesty is a problem that continues to plague universities. Few studies have examined how mind-set and individualism contribute to academic dishonesty. Using structural equation modeling, a model was developed to explain academic dishonesty, which included mind-set, individualistic learning environment, individualism, and motivation to study. A total of 207 university students in Thailand participated. The final model explained 30% of the variance in academic dishonesty. All variables in this study had a negative relationship with academic dishonesty, indicating that improvements in (...)
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  • Patterns and Predictors of Academic Dishonesty in Moldovan University Students.Bob Ives & Lenuta Giukin - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (1):71-88.
    A total of 1390 university students from five public Moldovan universities completed a survey reporting their experiences and beliefs with respect to 22 types of academic misconduct. An interpretable five-factor solution to the frequencies of these behaviors accounted for more than half of the total variance. The two most reliable predictors were 1) how often students witnessed other students engage in these behaviors, and 2) perceived acceptability of the behaviors. Demographic predictors of these behaviors (gender, academic specialty, year in school, (...)
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  • Machiavellian Ways to Academic Cheating: A Mediational and Interactional Model.Claudio Barbaranelli, Maria L. Farnese, Carlo Tramontano, Roberta Fida, Valerio Ghezzi, Marinella Paciello & Philip Long - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:370835.
    Academic cheating has become a pervasive practice from primary schools to university. This study aims at investigating this phenomenon through a nomological network which integrates different theoretical frameworks and models, such as trait and social-cognitive theories and models regarding the approaches to learning and contextual/normative environment. Results on a sample of more than 200 Italian university students show that the Amoral Manipulation facet of Machiavellianism, Academic Moral Disengagement, Deep Approach to Learning and Normative Academic Cheating are significantly associated with Individual (...)
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  • College Students’ Perceptions of and Responses to Academic Dishonesty: An Investigation of Type of Honor Code, Institution Size, and Student–Faculty Ratio.Holly E. Tatum, Beth M. Schwartz, Megan C. Hageman & Shelby L. Koretke - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (4):302-315.
    College students from small, medium, and large institutions with either a modified or no honor code were presented with cheating scenarios and asked to rate how dishonest they perceived the behavior to be and the likelihood that they would report it. No main effects were found for institution size or type of honor code. Student–faculty ratio was not correlated with responses to the cheating scenarios. Students from modified honor code schools perceived more severe punishments for cheating and understood the reporting (...)
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  • Exam cheating among Quebec’s preservice teachers: the influencing factors.Marie-Hélène Hébert, Eric Frenette & Sylvie Fontaine - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    This article presents the results of a research that aimed to examine the phenomenon of student cheating on exams in faculties of education in Quebec universities. A total of 573 preservice teachers completed an online survey in 2018. The questionnaire consisted of 28 questions with a Likert scale related to individual and contextual factors associated with the propensity to cheat on exams as well as two yes/no items on the arguments for cheating. Descriptive and hierarchical linear regression analyses highlighted the (...)
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  • Understanding Undergraduate Plagiarism in the Context of Students’ Academic Experience.Jorge Ávila de Lima, Áurea Sousa, Angélica Medeiros, Beatriz Misturada & Cátia Novo - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (2):147-168.
    Previous research has shown that student plagiarism is the product of interplay between individual and situational factors. The present study examined the relationship between these two sets of factors with a particular focus on variables linked to students’ academic context namely, their perception of peer behaviors, their experience of adversities in academic life, and their year of enrollment. So far, these situational features have received scant attention in studies of plagiarism conducted in most of Europe. A survey was carried out (...)
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  • Academic Dishonesty: An In-Depth Investigation of Assessing Measurable Constructs and a Call for Consistency in Scholarship. [REVIEW]Amie R. McKibban & Charles A. Burdsal - 2013 - Journal of Academic Ethics 11 (3):185-197.
    For over 70 years, research has tackled the issue of academic misconduct in the university setting. However, a review of the literature reveals that (a) consensus on the magnitude of such behavior has not been reached, and, (b) no one with expertise in quantitative methodology has attempted to classify the behaviors that describe cheaters until Ferrell and Daniel proposed the use of the Academic Misconduct Survey (AMS). Even they, following their 1995 study, made a call for the development of understandable (...)
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