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  1. Facts and Possibilities: A Model‐Based Theory of Sentential Reasoning.Sangeet S. Khemlani, Ruth M. J. Byrne & Philip N. Johnson-Laird - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):1887-1924.
    This article presents a fundamental advance in the theory of mental models as an explanation of reasoning about facts, possibilities, and probabilities. It postulates that the meanings of compound assertions, such as conditionals (if) and disjunctions (or), unlike those in logic, refer to conjunctions of epistemic possibilities that hold in default of information to the contrary. Various factors such as general knowledge can modulate these interpretations. New information can always override sentential inferences; that is, reasoning in daily life is defeasible (...)
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  • Possibilities as the foundation of reasoning.P. N. Johnson-Laird & Marco Ragni - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):103950.
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  • Conditionals, Context, and the Suppression Effect.Fabrizio Cariani & Lance J. Rips - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (3):540-589.
    Modus ponens is the argument from premises of the form If A, then B and A to the conclusion B. Nearly all participants agree that the modus ponens conclusion logically follows when the argument appears in this Basic form. However, adding a further premise can lower participants’ rate of agreement—an effect called suppression. We propose a theory of suppression that draws on contemporary ideas about conditional sentences in linguistics and philosophy. Semantically, the theory assumes that people interpret an indicative conditional (...)
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  • A Priori True and False Conditionals.Ana Cristina Quelhas, Célia Rasga & Philip N. Johnson-Laird - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S5):1003-1030.
    The theory of mental models postulates that meaning and knowledge can modulate the interpretation of conditionals. The theory's computer implementation implied that certain conditionals should be true or false without the need for evidence. Three experiments corroborated this prediction. In Experiment 1, nearly 500 participants evaluated 24 conditionals as true or false, and they justified their judgments by completing sentences of the form, It is impossible that A and ___ appropriately. In Experiment 2, participants evaluated 16 conditionals and provided their (...)
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  • The Truth of Conditional Assertions.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2502-2533.
    Given a basic conditional of the form, If A then C, individuals usually list three cases as possible: A and C, not‐A and not‐C, not‐A and C. This result corroborates the theory of mental models. By contrast, individuals often judge that the conditional is true only in the case of A and C, and that cases of not‐A are irrelevant to its truth or falsity. This result corroborates other theories of conditionals. To resolve the discrepancy, we devised two new tasks: (...)
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  • The acquisition of Boolean concepts.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & Philip N. Johnson-Laird - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (3):128-133.
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  • Chrysippus’ Indemonstrables and the Semantic Mental Models.Miguel López-Astorga - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:302-325.
    Resumen Atendiendo a la lógica estándar, solo uno de los cinco indemostrables propuestos por Crisipo de Solos es realmente indemostrable. Sus otros cuatro esquemas son demostrables en tal lógica. La pregunta, por tanto, es: si cuatro de ellos no son verdaderamente indemostrables, por qué Crisipo consideró que sí lo eran. López-Astorga mostró que si ignoramos el cálculo proposicional estándar y asumimos que una teoría cognitiva contemporánea, la teoría de la lógica mental, describe correctamente el razonamiento humano, se puede entender por (...)
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  • Models of Possibilities Instead of Logic as the Basis of Human Reasoning.P. N. Johnson-Laird, Ruth M. J. Byrne & Sangeet S. Khemlani - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (3):1-22.
    The theory of mental models and its computer implementations have led to crucial experiments showing that no standard logic—the sentential calculus and all logics that include it—can underlie human reasoning. The theory replaces the logical concept of validity (the conclusion is true in all cases in which the premises are true) with necessity (conclusions describe no more than possibilities to which the premises refer). Many inferences are both necessary and valid. But experiments show that individuals make necessary inferences that are (...)
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  • Formal inferences and their relationships to knowledge acquisition: mental models and semantic links.Miguel López Astorga & Leyla Danae Torres-Bravo - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (2).
    The mental model theory is an approach with clear psychological, linguistic, and cognitive consequences. This paper delves into some of the epistemological conclusions that can be drawn from it. In particular, it addresses the process why knowledge acquisition can modify the inferences people tend to make. That process is described by means of an example based on a well-known logical schema related to the conditional: Modus Tollendo Tollens.
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  • La posibilidad de las cláusulas en el condicional y la disyunción.Miguel López-Astorga - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 57:e20113043.
    La teoría de los modelos mentales ofrece una explicación de cómo los seres humanos infieren conclusiones. Tal explicación no es coherente con la lógica clásica. Admite inferencias que son incorrectas en dicha lógica. Dos de esas inferencias son consideradas aquí. Una de ellas permite derivar que las cláusulas de un condicional son posibles si ese condicional es verdadero. La otra autoriza a deducir que las cláusulas de una disyunción son posibles si esa disyunción es verdadera. Recurriendo al modo que en (...)
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  • Evolved Mechanisms Versus Underlying Conditional Relations.Miguel López Astorga - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40 (1):241-253.
    The social contracts theory claims that, in social exchange circumstances, human reasoning is not necessarily led by logic, but by certain evolved mental mechanisms that are useful for catching offenders. An emblematic experiment carried out with the intention to prove this thesis is the first experiment described by Fiddick, Cosmides, and Tooby in their paper of 2000. Lopez Astorga has questioned that experiment claiming that its results depend on an underlying conditional logical form not taken into account by Fiddick, Cosmides, (...)
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  • Gorgias’ Argument does not Include Actual Conditionals.Miguel López - Astorga - 2018 - Problemos 93.
    It can be thought that Gorgias’ argument on the non-existence consists of three sentences, the first one being an asseveration and the other two being conditionals. However, this paper is intended to show that there is no conditional in the argument, and that the second and third sentences only appear to be so. To do that, a methodology drawn from the framework of the mental models theory is used, which seems to lead to the true logical forms of these last (...)
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  • Are the Aristotelian conversion rules easy for human thought?Miguel López-Astorga - 2017 - SATS 18 (2):115-124.
    Drawing on the theory of ‘mental models’, I have previously shown that the valid syllogisms in the Aristotelian logical system, including all of its figures and moods, are very easy for the human mind. Indeed, they can even be used to predict inferences that people can make with quantified sentences. In this paper, I further argue that, if mental models theory is correct, then also the Aristotelian conversion rules are not hard for the human mind. My account here again focuses (...)
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  • Links Between Mythology and Philosophy: Homer’s Iliad and Current Criteria of Rationality.Miguel López Astorga - 2019 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 23 (1):69-78.
    It is usually said that there is a clear difference between pre-philosophical texts such as Homer’s Iliad and what is provided in the fragments corresponding to first philosophers such as Thales of Miletus. This paper tries to show that this is not undoubtedly so, and it does that by means of the analysis of a fragment of the Iliad in which Hypnos is speaking. In this way, the main argument is that, while the fragment can be interpreted both in a (...)
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  • Mental Logic and the Denials of Conjunctions and Disjunctions.Miguel López-Astorga - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (1):119-138.
    ABSTRACT: The mental models theory predicts that, while conjunctions are easier than disjunctions for individuals, when denied, conjunctions are harder than disjunctions. Khemlani, Orenes, and Johnson-Laird proved that this prediction is correct in their work of 2014. In this paper, I analyze their results in order to check whether or not they really affect the mental logic theory. My conclusion is that, although Khemlani et al.'s study provides important findings, such findings do not necessarily lead to questioning or to rejecting (...)
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  • The Problems of the Mental Logic with the Double Negation: The Necessity of a Semantic Approach.Miguel López-Astorga - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 46 (1):143-153.
    The double negation has always been considered by the logical systems from ancient times to the present. In fact, that is an issue that the current syntactic theories studying human reasoning, for example, the mental logic theory, address today. However, in this paper, I claim that, in the case of some languages such as Spanish, the double negation causes problems for the cognitive theories mainly based on formal schemata and supporting the idea of a universal syntax of thought in the (...)
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  • The Stoic Theory of Sign and the Semantic Modulation of Models.Miguel López-Astorga - 2022 - SATS 23 (2):191-201.
    The theory of mental models is a current cognitive approach trying to describe the way people make inferences. According to this theory, people reason from possibilities or models linked to sentences. Sometimes, such possibilities or models are transformed by the action of a semantic modulation. The point this paper is intended to make is that Stoic logic also has the machinery to explain semantic processes such as that of modulation. This is shown by means of the criterion Chrysippus of Soli (...)
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  • Los condicionales de utilidad y la teoría de los modelos mentales.Miguel López Astorga - 2017 - Otrosiglo 1 (1):90-108.
    Recientemente, se ha propuesto que la lógica no es el único factor que incide en el razonamiento condicional y que el valor y la utilidad son otros dos elementos importantes en este sentido. Al respecto, Bonnefon y Sloman añadieron en 2013 que la estructura de los condicionales es, del mismo modo, relevante en la actividad inferencial con condicionales de utilidad y trataron de demostrarlo por medio de varios experimentos. Sus resultados parecieron mostrar que, efectivamente, sus tesis eran correctas. No obstante, (...)
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  • The First Rule of Stoic Logic and its Relationship with the Indemonstrables.Miguel López Astorga - 2015 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 50:9-23.
    Además de los indemostrables, la lógica estoica incluye varias reglas de reducción. En este trabajo, analizo la primera de ellas con el fin de comprobar si fue derivada formalmente a partir de los indemostrables o los estoicos pudieron plantearla a partir del uso de sus capacidades naturales de razonamiento. De esta manera, trato de mostrar que tenemos razones para apoyar ambas posibilidades y, basándome en un enfoque semántico como el de la teoría de los modelos mentales, de ofrecer argumentos al (...)
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  • The Theory of the Formal Discipline and the Possible Interpretation of Conditionals: Material Versus Defective Conditionals.Miguel López Astorga - 2014 - Abstracta 8 (1):31-39.
    Attridge and Inglis try to check whether or not the ‘Theory of Formal Discipline’ is correct. This theory states that learning mathematics improves logical reasoning, and Attridge and Inglis review it by means of an experiment. Their conclusion is that, indeed, learning mathematics improves conditional inferences causing that conditionals are interpreted as defective. In this paper, I analyze Attridge and Inglis´s experiment and hold that it has a methodological problem and that hence does not really prove that learning mathematics lead (...)
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  • Against Philo’s interpretation of conditional. The case of Aristotle´s thesis.Miguel López-Astorga - 2016 - Agora 35 (2).
    There is an Aristotelian thesis that can be considered controversial. That is the thesis related to a denied conditional with only one propositional variable and in which, in addition, one of its clauses is also denied. While the thesis is not a tautology, people tend to accept it as true. Pfeifer’s approach can account for this fact. However, I try to show that this problem can also be explained from other alternative frameworks, in particular, from that of the mental models (...)
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