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A signal detection theoretic approach for estimating metacognitive sensitivity from confidence ratings.Brian Maniscalco & Hakwan Lau - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):422-430.details
What Forms Could Introspective Systems Take? A Research Programme.François Kammerer & Keith Frankish - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (9):13-48.details
What Makes Behavioral Measures of Consciousness Subjective and Direct?Jakub Jonkisz - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (4):683-700.details
Exploring the Computational Explanatory Gap.James Reggia, Di-Wei Huang & Garrett Katz - 2017 - Philosophies 2 (1):5.details
Is attention both necessary and sufficient for consciousness?Antonios Kaldas - 2019 - Dissertation, Macquarie Universitydetails
Self-evaluation of decision-making: A general Bayesian framework for metacognitive computation.Stephen Fleming & Nathaniel Daw - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (1):91-114.details
Different subjective awareness measures demonstrate the influence of visual identification on perceptual awareness ratings.Michał Wierzchoń, Borysław Paulewicz, Dariusz Asanowicz, Bert Timmermans & Axel Cleeremans - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:109-120.details
Repeating a strongly masked stimulus increases priming and awareness.Anne Atas, Astrid Vermeiren & Axel Cleeremans - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1422-1430.details
Differences in the detail: Metacognition is better for seen than sensed changes to visual scenes.Kendall D. Salzman, Kachina Allen & Ken McAnally - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 112 (C):103533.details
Metacognitive Psychophysics in Humans, Animals, and AI: A Research Agenda for Mapping Introspective Systems.Stephen M. Fleming - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (9):113-128.details
Optimizing subjective measures of consciousness.Morten Overgaard, Bert Timmermans, Kristian Sandberg & Axel Cleeremans - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):682-684.details
Metacognition across sensory modalities: Vision, warmth, and nociceptive pain.Brianna Beck, Valentina Peña-Vivas, Stephen Fleming & Patrick Haggard - 2019 - Cognition 186 (C):32-41.details
No-loss gambling shows the speed of the unconscious.Andy Mealor & Zoltan Dienes - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):228-237.details
The speed of metacognition: Taking time to get to know one’s structural knowledge.Andy D. Mealor & Zoltan Dienes - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):123-136.details
The Validity of d9 Measures.Astrid Vermeiren & Axel Cleeremans - unknowndetails
The time course of implicit and explicit concept learning.Eleni Ziori & Zoltán Dienes - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):204-216.details
Illusions of integration are subjectively impenetrable: Phenomenological experience of Lag 1 percepts during dual-target RSVP.Luca Simione, Elkan G. Akyürek, Valentina Vastola, Antonino Raffone & Howard Bowman - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 51:181-192.details
The relationship between strategic control and conscious structural knowledge in artificial grammar learning.Elisabeth Norman, Ryan B. Scott, Mark C. Price & Zoltan Dienes - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:229-236.details
When Affect Supports Cognitive Control – A Working Memory Perspective.Alina Kolańczyk - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (1):29-42.details