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Omitting uncountable types and the strength of [0,1]-valued logics.Xavier Caicedo & José N. Iovino - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (6):1169-1200.details
A proof of completeness for continuous first-order logic.Itaï Ben Yaacov & Arthur Paul Pedersen - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):168-190.details
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On Vagueness, Truth Values and Fuzzy Logics.Petr Hájek - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (3):367-382.details
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Lattice-theoretic models of conjectures, hypotheses and consequences.Mingsheng Ying & Huaiqing Wang - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 139 (2):253-267.details
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Structural Completeness in Many-Valued Logics with Rational Constants.Joan Gispert, Zuzana Haniková, Tommaso Moraschini & Michał Stronkowski - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (3):261-299.details
A logic of graded attributes.Radim Belohlavek & Vilem Vychodil - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (7-8):785-802.details
Fuzzy Logic Programming and Fuzzy Control.Giangiacomo Gerla - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (2):231-254.details
A predicate extension of real valued logic.Stefano Baratella - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (5):585-605.details
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