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  1. Pluralists about Pluralism? Versions of Explanatory Pluralism in Psychiatry.Jeroen Van Bouwel - 2014 - In Thomas Uebel (ed.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 105-119.
    In this contribution, I comment on Raffaella Campaner’s defense of explanatory pluralism in psychiatry (in this volume). In her paper, Campaner focuses primarily on explanatory pluralism in contrast to explanatory reductionism. Furthermore, she distinguishes between pluralists who consider pluralism to be a temporary state on the one hand and pluralists who consider it to be a persisting state on the other hand. I suggest that it would be helpful to distinguish more than those two versions of pluralism – different understandings (...)
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  • Can Public Figures Have Private Lives?Frederick Schauer - 2000 - Social Philosophy and Policy 17 (2):293.
    A rash of very public scandals, of which the behavior of President Clinton and the activities of the late Princess Diana are merely the most famous examples, has raised the question of the appropriateness of the disclosure, or the newsworthiness, of the so-called “private” lives of so-called “public” figures or “public” officials. That is the question I address in this essay.
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  • On law and legal reasoning.Fernando Atria Lemaître - 2001 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
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  • Geach and Ascriptivism: Beside the Point.Luís Duarte D'Almeida - 2016 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 4 (6).
    This paper discusses the first incarnation of what came to be known as the “Frege-Geach” point. The point was made by Peter Geach in his 1960 essay “Ascriptivism”, and developed in “Assertion”, a 1965 piece. Geach’s articles launch a wholesale attack on theories of non-descriptive performances advanced by “some Oxford philosophers” whom he accuses of ignoring “the distinction between calling a thing ‘P’ and predicating ‘P’ of a thing”. One view that Geach specifically targets is H. L. A. Hart’s claim (...)
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  • Moral Harm and Moral Responsibility: A Defence of Ascriptivism.Pietro Denaro - 2012 - Ratio Juris 25 (2):149-179.
    This paper investigates the relations between the concepts of moral harm and moral responsibility, arguing for a circularity between the two. On this basis the conceptual soundness of descriptivism, on which consequentialist and non-consequentialist arguments are often grounded, is questioned. In the last section a certain version of ascriptivism is defended: The circularity is relevant in order to understand how a restricted version of ascriptivism may in fact be well founded.
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  • Sneddon on Action and Responsibility.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 2008 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):69-88.
    The paper is a critical discussion of Sneddon’s recent proposal to revive ascriptivism in philosophy of action. Despite his declarations, Sneddon fails in his central task of giving an account of the distinction between actions and mre happenings. His failure is due to three major problems. First, the account is based on a misconceived methodology of “type” necessary and “token” sufficient conditions. Second, the “type” necessary condition he proposed is so weak that the connection that obtains between action and responsibility (...)
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  • Les directives anticipées pour la fin de vie : actes de langage et ascription.Claire Etchegaray - 2022 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2:257-272.
    En quoi les directives anticipées sont-elles normatives? En quoi ces écrits censés exprimer la volonté d’une personne à t1, devraient-ils être respectés par les soignants à t2? Pour répondre, nous analysons les directives anticipées pour la fin de vie comme un acte de langage. Nous proposons d’y voir une ascription, au sens où H. L. A Hart a forgé le concept d’ ascription de responsabilité et de droits. Il se pourrait qu’une telle analyse aide à sortir de l’ornière du dilemme (...)
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  • The primacy of the virtuous.J. L. A. Garcia - 1990 - Philosophia 20 (1-2):69-91.
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  • (1 other version)Modals vs. Morals. Blackburn on Conceptual Supervenience. Dohrn - 2012 - GAP 8 Proceedings.
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  • La responsabilité de l'agent dans la philosophie analytique de l'action: une interprétation.François Blais - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (4):643-.
    Le concept de responsabilité vient généralement et spontanément à l'esprit de la plupart d'entre nous quand il est question d'action humaine. Il est surprenant pour cette raison que dans l'histoire de la philosophie de l'action, particulièrement l'histoire récente, la responsabilité ait été tenue autant à l'écart des discussions. En effet, après avoir joué chez les philosophes de la première génération suivant Wittgenstein, comme Hart, Melden, Chisholm et Rayfield, un rôle important, le concept de responsabilité a été, semble-t-il, progressivement évacué des (...)
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  • Philosophie analytique de l'action et fondement normatif des sciences de l'homme.J. Nicolas Kaufmann - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (1):3-35.
    La philosophie analytique de l'action se réclame du langage ordinaire de l'action comme une des sources de ses data philosophiques. Elle se propose d'en examiner le fonctionnement, d'en extraire les concepts clés, de caractériser les formes de propositions dans lesquelles s'expriment nos actions et notre façon spontanée de les comprendre, d'examiner l'articulation propre aux stratégies d'action et au discours qui les justifie, et de faire des « proposals » pour la construction d'une théorie de l'action. En somme, il s'agit d'ériger (...)
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  • Description, Ascription, and Action in the Criminal Law.Luís Duarte D'almeida - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (2):170-195.
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  • Analytic philosophy and jurisprudence.Jerome Hall - 1966 - Ethics 77 (1):14-28.
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  • The formation of analytic tradition in the contemporary philosophy of law.A. Didikin - 2010 - Schole 4 (1).
    The paper attempts to analyze the historical aspects of the formation of analytic tradition in the 20th century philosophy of law. We consider the ongoing discussions about the concept of law and their influence on the so called “linguistic turn” in modern legal thought as well as the problems of the conceptual grounds and the methodology in legal theory. The author suggests a new approach to the historical analysis of the external and internal factors that influence the development of the (...)
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