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In Michael Weingarten (ed.), Eine »Andere« Hermeneutik: Georg Misch Zum 70. Geburtstag - Festschrift Aus Dem Jahr 1948. Transcript Verlag. pp. 198-212 (2005)

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  1. Building Plans as Natural Symbols.Rafael De Clercq - 2014 - Architecture Philosophy 1 (1):61-78.
    Carroll William Westfall has claimed that building types can serve as natural symbols of (the purposes served by) activities such as venerating, celebrating, trading, and dwelling. The aim of this paper is to interpret Westfall’s claim in a way that makes it non-trivial and yet worthy of further investigation. In particular, an attempt is made to explain the connection between building types and what they symbolize without appealing to convention. The question is also answered whether a non-conventional connection is compatible (...)
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  • Everyday Life Theories of Emotions in Conflicts From Bali, the Spanish Basque Country, and the German Ruhr Area.Robin Kurilla - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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