Results for 'Helmuth Plessner'

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  1. Helmuth Plessner's Schellingian Reconciliation of Idealism and Realism About the Psyche.Márton Dornbach - 2024 - Human Studies 2024 (N/A):1-34.
    While Schelling’s anticipation of Freudian psychoanalysis is well established, it has thus far gone unnoticed that Schelling’s ideas also proved fruitful in the context of a distinctively philosophical theory of the psyche developed by a younger contemporary of Freud. During the 1920s Helmuth Plessner, a key figure of philosophical anthropology, outlined a complex conception of the psyche as an individualized, inner region of reality. Although Plessner did not present his philosophical psychology in a systematic form, its building (...)
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  2. Hartmanniana.Matteo Gargani - 2020 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 75 (4):741-751.
    The article firstly outlines the essential contents of Nicolai Hartmann's "Possibility and Actuality" (1938), on the occasion of its recent Italian translation ("Possibilità e realtà", Milano-Udine 2018). Secondly, it discusses the main contents of "Nicolai Hartmanns Neue Ontologie und die Philosophische Anthropologie" (Berlin-Boston 2019), the outcome of a conference devoted to Hartmann's philosophy, regarded in the context of twentieth-century philosophical anthropology (Max Scheler, Helmuth Plessner). -/- .
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  3. Pluralität der Erfahrung als anthropologische Bestimmung.Gregor Schiemann - 2012 - In Matthias Wunsch, Von Hegel zur philosophischen Anthropologie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Als Vertreter der historischen Anthropologie hat Christoph Wulf die philosophische Anthropologie von Max Scheler, Helmuth Plessner und Arnold Gehlen kritisiert: Mit ihrem Interesse an einer einheitlichen Bestimmung des Menschen entgehe ihr die Pluralität von menschlichen Kulturen. Meiner Auffassung nach stellt diese Kritik für die philosophische Lehre vom Menschen eine Herausforderung dar (1.). Um ihr zu begegnen, möchte ich prüfen, ob Ernst Cassirers Kulturphilosophie die Vielfalt menschlicher Erfahrungsweisen angemessener berücksichtigt. Dass dies nicht in hinreichendem Umfang der Fall ist, lässt (...)
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  4. Re-educating the Body.Jonas Holst - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (9):963-972.
    The purpose of the paper is to investigate into the philosophical concept of human embodiment in relation to physical education. As human beings we do not only have a body that we can control, but we ”are” our body and live embodied in the world, as the German thinker, Helmuth Plessner, puts it in one of his many contributions to the philosophical anthropology of the 20th century. Elaborating on this concept of human embodiment the paper explores a form (...)
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  5. Augmented Ontologies or How to Philosophize with a Digital Hammer.Stefano Gualeni - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (2):177-199.
    Could a person ever transcend what it is like to be in the world as a human being? Could we ever know what it is like to be other creatures? Questions about the overcoming of a human perspective are not uncommon in the history of philosophy. In the last century, those very interrogatives were notably raised by American philosopher Thomas Nagel in the context of philosophy of mind. In his 1974 essay What is it Like to Be a Bat?, Nagel (...)
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    Negative Anthropologie: Begriffe, Spielarten, Gegenstände.Hannes Bajohr - 2021 - In Hannes Bajohr & Sebastian Edinger, Negative Anthropologie: Ideengeschichte und Systematik einer unausgeschöpften Denkfigur. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 7-42.
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  7. Exzentrische Tiere und die Selbstüberwindung des Naturalismus: Dilthey, Plessner, Grene.Eric S. Nelson - 2018 - In Rainer Adolphi, Andrzej Gniazdowski & Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Philosophische Anthropologie zwischen Soziologie und Geschichtsphilosophie. Nordhausen: Bautz-Verlag. pp. 369-387.
    In diesem Aufsatz, werde ich die Frage des Naturalismus in Plessners Philosophie des organischen Lebens und seiner amerikanischen Rezeption, in besonders die philosophischen-biologischen Schriften von Marjorie Grene, untersuchen. Die amerikanische Philosophin Grene war die Hauptvertreterin Plessners im Englischen Sprachraum in 20sten Jahrhundert, die Plessners anthropologischen Argumentation in ihren Schriften zur Philosophie der Biologie aufgenommen und verwendet hat. Grene kritisierte in ihren frühen Schriften Heidegger, Sartre, und die Existenzphilosophie, die das menschliche Dasein von der Natur radikal absondert und die negative Affekte (...)
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  8. Babylonische Befindlichkeiten – Hans-Helmuth Bruns’ »Babel in Deutschland«. [REVIEW]Alexander Max Bauer - 2021 - In Alexander Max Bauer & Nils Baratella, Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 2019/2020. Oldenburg, Deutschland: BIS-Verlag. pp. 283-290.
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  9. ks. Jarosław JAGIEŁŁO, Niedokończony spór o antropologię filozoficzną (Heidegger–Plessner). [REVIEW]Rec Maciej Urbanek - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):379-385.
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  10. Sprache und sprachlicher Ausdruck.Marie-Cécile Bertau - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2016 (2):99-115.
    In this article, main tenets of Bühler’s theory of language are compared with Plessner’s view on the position of language. Language crystallizes into an in- termediary position highlighting its crucial importance for both philosophy of culture and philosophical anthropology. On the assumption that a sensuously and commonly experienced reality is the basis for speaking and understanding subjects, Plessner and Bühler conceive of language as the crucial medium of »ec- centric beings«. Eccentric positionality and language prove to be co-constitutive.
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  11. Prospettive fenomenologiche sul suono. Tracce di un dialogo inconcluso.Elia Gonnella - 2024 - Segni E Comprensione (107):304-318.
    From the very beginning, phenomenology met with sound inquiry. Not only the relationship between Husserl and Stumpf, whose investigations influenced numerous philosophers and twenty-century trends, but a whole musicological thread (Mersmann, Eimert, Güldenstein, Bekker) referred to phenomenology during the twenties and following decades (Besseler, Leibowitz, Schaeffer, Rognoni). From another side, explicit aesthetic reflections are traceable in the Göttingen Circle but also in W. Conrad, Schütz, Plessner, and Anders-Stern. Even Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, up to Smith, Ihde, Dufrenne, Clifton, Ferrara, and Piana, (...)
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  12. La Totalità incompiuta. Antropologia filosofica e ontologia della persona.Guido Cusinato - 2008 - Milano: FrancoAngeli.
    "Siamo come lucciole che hanno disimparato a illuminare e che prima si sono messe a girare attorno alla lanterna magica dell'ideale ascetico e ora attorno alle insegne pubblicitarie al neon. Lucciole che hanno scordato d’avere una potenzialità di orientatività preziosa nel proprio sistema affettivo" (G. Cusinato, La totalità incompiuta, Milano 2008, 314). Che cos'è una persona? Come si costituisce concretamente l'identità personale? Che rapporto c'è fra identità personale e identità psichica? C'è coincidenza fra persona e homo sapiens? La persona è (...)
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  13. Fondamenti sonori del logos. Distribuzioni di senso all'interno dell'impero visuale.Elia Gonnella - 2020 - Illuminazioni. Rivista di Lingua, Letteratura E Comunicazione 54:48-74.
    The relationship between knowledge and vision seems really consolidated. It started in ancient Greece and we can found its basis in Plato. The history of logos as reason and as western foundation of culture gives us enormous examples in terms of metaphors and approaches in the knowledge-vision relationship. «I see it» is like «I know it». However if we look at the basis of logos we find the deep meaning of gathering, composition, bond and bind (lèghein), so as to we (...)
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  14. Blumenberg "versus" Heidegger: la metaforología como destino del análisis existencial.César González-Cantón - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (83):725-746.
    ENGLISH Blumenbergs Metaphorology is offered as an hermeneutical alternative to heideggerian existential hermeneutic. It implies that philosophical anthropology –as we find her in Gehlen, Plessner and others– achieves onthological standing, and it’s developed as a history of great metaphers, that seems to support the history of ideas.
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  15. Schelling come precursore dell’antropologia filosofica del Novecento.Guido Cusinato - 2010 - Etica E Politica 12 (2):61-81.
    Searching for the origins of 20th century Philosophical Anthropology, it is quite common to follow the suggestions of A. Gehlen who points to Herder as such an origin. In this study, however, I propose a rather different, until now scarcely considered hypothesis: the origin of Philosophical Anthropology can be brought back to Schelling’s reflections concerning Kant’s Critique of Judgement and the problem of self-organization of nature. Starting from his critical observations on Kant, Schelling works out the concept of a succession (...)
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  16. L'etica del Novecento. Dopo Nietzsche.Sergio Cremaschi - 2005 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    TWENTIETH-CENTURY ETHICS. AFTER NIETZSCHE -/- Preface This book tells the story of twentieth-century ethics or, in more detail, it reconstructs the history of a discussion on the foundations of ethics which had a start with Nietzsche and Sidgwick, the leading proponents of late-nineteenth-century moral scepticism. During the first half of the century, the prevailing trends tended to exclude the possibility of normative ethics. On the Continent, the trend was to transform ethics into a philosophy of existence whose self-appointed task was (...)
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  17. ФІЛОСОФСЬКА АНТРОПОЛОГІЯ ЯК НАПРЯМ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОЇ ФІЛОСОФІЇ ХХ СТОЛІТТЯ (АНТРОПОЛОГІЧНІ ПРОЕКТИ МАКСА ШЕЛЕРА ТА ГЕЛЬМУТА ПЛЕСНЕРА) (7th edition).Інна Савинська - 2010 - Київський Національний Університет Імені Тараса Шевченка. Гуманітарні Студії 7:90-99.
    У статті розглядаються передумови формування філософської антропології як самостійної дисципліни та аналізуються антропологічні проєкти Макса Шелера та Гельмута Плеснера. -/- This article examines the preconditions of forming of philosophical anthropology as an independent discipline and analyses the anthropological projects of Max Scheler and Helmut Plessner. Keywords: philosophical anthropology; eccentric; anthropological principles; personality.
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  18. Comedy and the Dual Position of the Player.Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2022 - In Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone, Tomasz Majkowski & Jaroslav Švelch, Video Games and Comedy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 35-52.
    This chapter discusses the comic potential that originates in the way players of digital games take on the dual position of being at once a played self that is internal to the gameworld and a playing self that perceives this world from the outside. I first describe the comic attitude as it is defined within philosophy: as an attitude of distanced and dispassionate reflection towards an incongruity. I then show how the dual position of players during gameplay not only is (...)
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  19. Essay in Formal Biology.Nikolay Milkov - 2019 - In Newton Da Costa & Shyam Wuppuluri, Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein's Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 473-86.
    The task of this essay is to put biological individuals in formal terms. This approach is not directly interested in matters of time (for example, in evolution), but rather in the formal shape of biological objects. So it is different from, but not opposed to, natural science. In his later years, Wittgenstein made similar investigations in psychology and mathematics. Unfortunately, he found no time to make extensive remarks on philosophy of biology. This is what we are going to advance here.
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