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  1. Toward pragmatist methodological relationalism: From philosophizing sociology to sociologizing philosophy.Osmo Kivinen & Tero Piiroinen - 2006 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (3):303-329.
    University of Turku, Finland In this article, relationalist approaches to social sciences are analyzed in terms of a conceptual distinction between "philosophizing sociology" and "sociologizing philosophy." These mark two different attitudes toward philosophical metaphysics and ontological commitments. The authors’ own pragmatist methodological relationalism of Deweyan origin is compared with ontologically committed realist approaches, as well as with Bourdieuan methodological relationalism. It is argued that pragmatist philosophy of social sciences is an appropriate tool for assisting social scientists in their methodological work, (...)
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  • The extent of cognitivism.V. P. J. Arponen - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (5):3-21.
    In this article, cognitivism is understood as the view that the engine of human (individual and collective) action is the intentional, dispositional, or other mental capacities of the brain or the mind. Cognitivism has been criticized for considering the essence of human action to reside in its alleged source in mental processes at the expense of the social surroundings of the action, criticism that has often been inspired by Ludwig Wittgenstein's later philosophy. This article explores the logical extent of the (...)
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  • On the extent of cognitivism.V. P. J. Arponen - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (5):27-30.
    In this article, cognitivism is understood as the view that the engine of human action is the intentional, dispositional, or other mental capacities of the brain or the mind. Cognitivism has been criticized for considering the essence of human action to reside in its alleged source in mental processes at the expense of the social surroundings of the action, criticism that has often been inspired by Ludwig Wittgenstein's later philosophy. This article explores the logical extent of the critique of cognitivism, (...)
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  • The Meaning of Meaning in Sociology. The Achievements and Shortcomings of Alfred Schutz's Phenomenological Sociology.Risto Heiskala - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (3):231-246.
    Phenomenological sociology was founded at the beginning of 1930s by Alfred Schutz. His mundane phenomenology sought to combine impulses drawn from Husserl's transcendental phenomenology and Weber's action theory. It was made famous at the turn of 1960s and 1970s by Garfinkel's ethnomethodology and Berger & Luckmann's social constructionism. This paper deals with the notable accomplishments of Schutz and his followers and then proceeds to a shared shortcoming, which is that the phenomenological approach is unable to understand meaning in any other (...)
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  • The difficulty of removing the prejudice: Causality, ontology and collective recognition.V. P. J. Arponen - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (4):407-424.
    Critically discussing the causal social ontologies presented by Dave Elder-Vass and John Searle, the article argues that these views implausibly identify the causal ontological source of human sociality in collectively known, recognized and accepted statuses, criteria, norms and the like. This is implausible, for it ignores human sociality as occurring in temporally and spatially dispersed on-going processes of human interaction of differently placed, often unequal, and thus epistemically differently equipped actors in division of labour. Human scientific concepts are best seen (...)
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  • Immanent Non-Algorithmic Rules: An Ontological Study of Social Rules.Ismael Al-Amoudi - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (3):289-313.
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  • Wittgenstein and the social context of an individual life.Theodore R. Schatzki - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (1):93-107.
    This article argues that two significant implications of Wittgenstein’s writings for social thought are (1) that people are constitutively social beings and (2) that the social context of an individual life is nexuses of practice. Part one concretizes these ideas by examining the constitution of action within practices. It begins by criticizing three arguments of Winch’s that suggest that action is inherently social. It then spells out two arguments for the practice constitution of action that are extractable from Wittgenstein’s remarks. (...)
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  • A Critique of an Epistemic Intellectual Culture: Cartesianism, Normativism and Modern Crises.V. P. J. Arponen - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (1):84-103.
    The so-called epistemological turn of the Descartes-Locke-Kant tradition is a hallmark of modern philosophy. The broad family of normativism constitutes one major response to the Cartesian heritage building upon some version of the idea that human knowledge, action and sociality build fundamentally upon some form of social agreement and standards. Representationalism and the Cartesian picture more generally have been challenged by normativists but this paper argues that, even where these challenges by normativism have been taken to heart, our intellectual culture (...)
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  • The Post-Positivist Dispute in Social Studies of Science and its Bearing on Social Theory.Nigel Pleasants - 1997 - Theory, Culture and Society 14 (3):143-156.
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  • The epistemological argument against socialism: A Wittgensteinian critique of Hayek and Giddens.Nigel Pleasants - 1997 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 40 (1):23 – 45.
    Hayek's and Mises's argument for the impossibility of socialist planning is once again popular. Their case against socialism is predicated on an account of the nature of knowledge and social interaction. Hayek refined Mises's original argument by developing a philosophical anthropology which depicts individuals as tacitly knowledgeable rule-followers embedded in a 'spontaneous order' of systems of rules. Giddens, whose social theory is informed by his reading of Wittgenstein, has recently added his sociological support to Hayek's 'epistemological argument' against socialism. With (...)
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  • Reclaiming Agency, Recovering Change? An Exploration of the Practice Theory of Theodore Schatzki.Raymond Caldwell - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (3):283-303.
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  • Was Blumer a cognitivist? Assessing an ethnomethodological critique.Martyn Hammersley - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (3):273-287.
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  • From personal reflection to social positioning: the development of a transformational model of professional education in midwifery.Diane Phillips, Rod Fawns & Barbara Hayes - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (4):239-249.
    A transformational model of professional identity formation, anchored and globalized in workplace conversations, is advanced. Whilst the need to theorize the aims and methods of clinical education has been served by the techno-rational platform of ‘reflective practice’, this platform does not provide an adequate psychological tool to explore the dynamics of social episodes in professional learning and this led us to positioning theory. Positioning theory is one such appropriate tool in which individuals metaphorically locate themselves within discursive action in everyday (...)
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  • Free to act otherwise? A Wittgensteinian deconstruction of the concept of agency in contemporary social and political theory.Nigel Pleasants - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (4):1-28.
    The concept of agency, defined counterfactually as the freedom to 'act otherwise', occupies a central place in much of contemporary social and political theory. In criticizing this concept of agency I deploy what I call an 'immanent critique', focusing upon Bhaskar's 'transcendental realism' and Rorty's anti-realist theory of linguistic contingency. Invoking Wittgenstein's argumentation from On Certainty, I go on to contend that agency and freedom cannot be 'known' in the way that social and political theorists assert. I proceed to criticize (...)
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  • Sociologizing metaphysics and mind: A pragmatist point of view on the methodology of the social sciences. [REVIEW]Osmo Kivinen & Tero Piiroinen - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (2):97 - 114.
    There are realist philosophers and social scientists who believe in the indispensability of social ontology. However, we argue that certain pragmatist outlines for inquiry open more fruitful roads to empirical research than such ontologizing perspectives. The pragmatist conceptual tools in a Darwinian vein—concepts like action, habit, coping and community—are in a particularly stark contrast with, for instance, the Searlean and Chomskian metaphysics of human being. In particular, we bring Searle's realist philosophy of society and mind under critical survey in this (...)
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