- Beyond writing: The development of literacy in the Ancient Near East.Karenleigh Overmann - 2016 - Cambridge Archaeological Journal 2 (26):285–303.details
Materiality and human cognition.Karenleigh Overmann & Thomas Wynn - 2019 - Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 2 (26):457–478.details
Why do numbers exist? A psychologist constructivist account.Markus Pantsar - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.details
Thinking Materially: Cognition as Extended and Enacted.Karenleigh A. Overmann - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (3-4):354-373.details
Constructing a concept of number.Karenleigh Overmann - 2018 - Journal of Numerical Cognition 2 (4):464–493.details
Concepts and how they get that way.Karenleigh A. Overmann - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (1):153-168.details
From Maximal Intersubjectivity to Objectivity: An Argument from the Development of Arithmetical Cognition.Markus Pantsar - 2022 - Topoi 42 (1):271-281.details
From the History of Science to the History of Knowledge - and Back.Jürgen Renn - 2015 - Centaurus 57 (1):37-53.details
On Tools Making Minds: an Archaeological Perspective on Human Cognitive Evolution.Karenleigh A. Overmann & Thomas Wynn - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (1-2):39-58.details
Kant, Marx, and the Money of Metaphysics.Joseph J. Tinguely - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 8:45-68.details
Updating the “abstract–concrete” distinction in Ancient Near Eastern numbers.Karenleigh Overmann - 2018 - Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 1:1–22.details
Early writing: A cognitive archaeological perspective on literacy and numeracy.Karenleigh Anne Overmann - 2022 - Visible Language 1 (56):8-44.details
Writing as an extended cognitive system.Karenleigh A. Overmann - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.details
A cognitive archaeology of writing: Concepts, models, goals.Karenleigh Anne Overmann - 2021 - In Philip Boyes, Philippa Steele & Natalia Elvira Astoreca, The social and cultural contexts of historic writing practices. Oxbow. pp. 55-72.details
From Quantum Gravity to Classical Phenomena.Michael Esfeld & Antonio Vassallo - 2013 - In Tilman Sauer & Adrian Wüthrich, New Vistas on Old Problems. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge.details
Artificial Language in Ancient Mesopotamia – A Dubious and a Less Dubious Case.Jens Høyrup - 2006 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 34 (1-2):57-88.details
Constraint, cognition, and written numeration.Stephen Chrisomalis - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (3):552-572.details
Geometric division problems, quadratic equations, and recursive geometric algorithms in Mesopotamian mathematics.Jöran Friberg - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (1):1-34.details
Normativity and Mathematics: A Wittgensteinian Approach to the Study of Number.J. Robert Loftis - 1999 - Dissertation, Northwestern Universitydetails
El saber del palacio y el templo: las escuelas de escribas en el Próximo Oriente antiguo y Egipto.Antonio Pérez Largacha - 2008 - Arbor 184 (731):403-411.details
Archaic lists, writing and mind.Rita Watson - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (3):484-504.details
Indistinguishable from magic: Computation is cognitive technology. [REVIEW]John Kadvany - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (1):119-143.details