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  1. (1 other version)Educational justice and socio-economic segregation in schools.Harry Brighouse - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):575–590.
    Sociologists exploring educational injustice often focus on socio-economic segregation as a central measure of injustice. The comprehensive ideal, furthermore, has the idea of socio-economic integration built into it. The current paper argues that socio-economic segregation is valuable only insofar as it serves other, more fundamental values. This matters because sometimes policy-makers will find themselves facing trade-offs between increasing integration and promoting the other, more fundamental values that underpin the value of integration.
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  • Buddhist practice and educational endeavour: in search of a secular spirituality for state-funded education in England.Terry Hyland - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (3):241-252.
    A case is made here for a secular interpretation of spirituality to place against more orthodox religious versions which are currently gaining ground in English education as part of the government policy designed to encourage schools to apply for ‘academy’ status independent of local authority control. Given the rise of faith-based ‘free’ schools, it is important to provide a secular alternative as a foundation for morality and spirituality in the interests of maintaining state-funded institutions characterised by rationality and autonomy rather (...)
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  • The Potential of Education for Creating Mutual Trust: Schools as sites for deliberation.Tomas Englund - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (3):236-248.
    Is it possible to look at schools as spaces for encounters? Could schools contribute to a deliberative mode of communication in a manner better suited to our own time and to areas where different cultures meet? Inspired primarily by classical (Dewey) and modern (Habermas) pragmatists, I turn to Seyla Benhabib, posing the question whether she supports the proposition that schools can be sites for deliberative communication. I argue that a school that engages in deliberative communication, with its stress on mutual (...)
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  • (1 other version)Religious worldviews and the common school: The French dilemma.Kevin Williams - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):675–692.
    This article explores, in the French context, an aspect of what Terence McLaughlin (1991) has described in an unpublished paper as the ‘dilemma of substantiality’ faced by any school system endeavouring to promote neutrality. In France, in order that the public or common school be genuinely open to all students, not only is the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols forbidden but so too is any direct teaching of religion. The cultural consequences resulting from this prohibition have led to the mandating (...)
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  • (1 other version)From Adam swift to Adam Smith: How the ‘invisible hand’ overcomes middle class hypocrisy.James Tooley - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):727–741.
    This paper challenges Richard Pring's suggestion that parents using private education may be undermining the desire for social justice and equality, using recent arguments of Adam Swift as a springboard. Swift's position on the banning of private schools, which uses a Rawlsian ‘veil of ignorance’ argument, is explored, and it is suggested that, if equality of opportunity is a major aim, it does not go far enough by permitting parental partiality. If the only alternative is a Platonic state, then this (...)
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  • (1 other version)‘Lookism’, Common Schools, Respect and Democracy.Andrew Davis - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):811–827.
    The Common School should promote a sense of the distinctive worth of all human beings. How is the respect thus owed to every individual to be properly understood? This familiar question is explored by discussing ‘lookism’, a form of discrimination on the grounds of appearance. The treatment is located within a wider analysis of stereotyping. Ultimately stereotyping overlooks persons as sources of actions with moral significance and as potential owners of moral virtues. The Common School could profitably approach traditionally emotive (...)
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  • (1 other version)Common schools and multicultural education.Meira Levinson - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):625–642.
    Common schooling and multicultural education intuitively seem to be mutually reinforcing and possibly even mutually necessary: each is motivated by and/or serves the aims of promoting social justice and equality, common civic membership, and mutual respect and understanding, among other goals. An examination of the practical relationship between the two, however, reveals that neither one is a necessary or sufficient condition for achieving the other; in fact, each may in fairly common circumstances make the other harder to achieve. In other (...)
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  • (1 other version)In place of a conclusion: The common school and the melting pot.J. Mark Halstead - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):829–842.
    Drawing substantially on the arguments put forward by the contributors to this Special Issue, this final article examines the two main purposes of the common school in contemporary western societies: to develop a set of shared values and a unified sense of citizenship, on the one hand, and to iron out disadvantage and equalise opportunities, on the other. Four main justifications for the common school are discussed—its symbolic value, its compatibility with liberal values, its inclusiveness and its provision of practical (...)
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  • (1 other version)In search of the comprehensive ideal: By way of and introduction.Graham Haydon - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):523–538.
    This introductory article first gives a brief overview of the articles in the remainder of this special issue. It then considers what we can learn about the comprehensive ideal, and what questions still remain about it, from the treatment it receives in these articles. After an initial discussion of the nature of the common school, two dimensions are identified in which interpretations of the comprehensive ideal often differ: how fully the content of such schooling is filled in, and what its (...)
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  • In search of a citizenship education model for a democratic multireligious Indonesia: case studies of two public senior high schools in Jakarta.Didin Syafruddin - unknown
    Concerned with interreligious conflict in Indonesia, this study seeks to describe and evaluate the current citizenship education that has been designed and implemented for a democratic multireligious Indonesia. The context for the study, outlined in Chapters 1 and 2, is contemporary Indonesian society. Three features of this society are highlighted as especially significant. First, it is characterized by a wide diversity of religious groups. Second, it is governed by the state which acknowledges religious diversity with an official stance of interreligious (...)
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