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  1. Methodologies and communities in comparative philosophy.Stephen C. Angle - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):423-439.
    There is considerable disagreement and even confusion over what forms of border‐crossing philosophizing are most appropriate to our times. Are comparative, cross‐cultural, intercultural, blended, and fusion philosophy all the same thing? Some critics find what they call “comparative philosophy” to be moribund or problematically colonialist; others assert that projects like “fusion philosophy” are intellectually irresponsible and colonialist in their own way. Can we nonetheless identify a distinctive project of comparative philosophy and say why it is important? Based on a broad (...)
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  • The Problem of Authorship and the Project of Chinese Philosophy: Zhuang Zhou and the Zhuangzi between Sinology and Philosophy in the Western Academy.Tao Jiang - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (1):35-55.
    This essay looks into a particular aspect of Sinological challenge to the modern project of Chinese philosophy within the Western academy through the lens of authorship, using the Zhuangzi 莊子 as a case study. It explores philosophical implications for texts whose authorship is in doubt and develops a new heuristic model of authorship and textuality, so that a more robust intellectual space for the philosophical discourse on Chinese classics can be carved out from the dominant historicist Sinological discourse. It argues (...)
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  • There is No Need for Zhongguo Zhexue to be Philosophy.Min OuYang - 2012 - Asian Philosophy 22 (3):199-223.
    In this paper, I shall argue that philosophy proper is a Western cultural practice and cannot refer to traditional Chinese thinking unless in an analogical or metaphorical sense. Likewise, the Chinese idiom ‘Zhongguo zhexue’ has evolved its independent cultural meaning and has no need to be considered as philosophy in the Western academic sense. For the purpose of elucidating the culturally autonomous status of Zhongguo zhexue, as well as the possible counterparts of Western philosophy in other cultures, I contend that (...)
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  • If You Show Me Yours: Reading all “Difference” as “Colonial Difference” in Comparative Philosophy.Leah Kalmanson - 2015 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 7 (2):201-213.
    Postcolonial studies and decolonial theory make visible the nature and extent of Eurocentrism through a critique of constructed categories as basic as “history” and “culture.” Walter Mignolo asserts a strong claim that the concept of “culture” is itself a colonial construction, and hence all cultural difference bears the mark of coloniality. This thesis presents a challenge to the field of comparative philosophy: What does “cross-cultural” philosophy even mean if all so-called cultural difference is indeed colonial difference? Could comparativists, in the (...)
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  • What is Estonian Philosophy?Margit Sutrop - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 8 (2):4-64.
    What is Estonian Philosophy? What is Estonian Philosophy?
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  • From Metaphysical Representations to Aesthetic Life: Toward the Encounter with the Other in the Perspective of Daoism.Massimiliano Lacertosa - 2023 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Reevaluates Western and Chinese philosophical traditions to question the boundaries of entrenched conceptual frameworks.
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  • Symposium: Why Historicize the Canon?Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee, Amy K. Donahue, David Kim, Nelson Maldonado-Torres & Kris Sealey - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):121-176.
    In her anchor-piece on historicizing the canon, Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee appeals to professional philosophers to develop several tools that can be implemented in historicizing the canon. Amy Donahue, David H. Kim, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, and Kris Sealey tessellate different aspects of this call. Donahue augments Rosenlee’s argument by braiding together Dharmakīrti’s “anyāpoha” theory and Charles Mills’ ruminations about “white ignorance”; Kim explores some of the nuances of Rosenlee’s account for a post-Eurocentric philosophy; Maldonado-Torres ruminates about the larger social context in which (...)
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  • Rethinking the History of Philosophy.Marietta Stepanyants - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (2-3):138-150.
    Basing herself on Indian and Chinese traditions, the author provides arguments in favour of revising the customary understanding of philosophy per se. The nonexistence of uniformity in the methods of cognition cannot be taken as evidence for the phenomenon of ‘philosophy’ missing outside the Western world. In the East, one can witness fidelity to the broad interpretation of ‘philosophy’, etymologically much nearer to this concept, presuming, along with rationality, the authority of other sources of knowledge. Philosophy came into the world (...)
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  • The Principle of Affirmation: An ontological and epistemological ground of interculturality.S. Djunatan - unknown
    I would like to begin my thesis with a general overview of a book on African sage philosophy (1990) written by the prominent African philosopher Henry Odera Oruka (1944-1995), My reading of this book on philosophic sagacity needs to be equipped by two underlying backgrounds of philosophic sagacity. The first background is a perspective of the intercultural philosophy. The second one explains of philosophic sagacity in the African setting.
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  • Concepts of Philosophy.Raji C. Steineck (ed.) - 2018 - Boston; Leiden: Brill.
    The contributions to Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic World reflect upon the problems implied in the received notions of philosophy in the respective scholarly literatures. They ask whether, and for what reasons, a text should be categorized as a philosophical text (or excluded from the canon of philosophy), and what this means for the concept of philosophy. The focus on texts and textual corpora is central because it makes authors expose their claims and arguments in direct relation (...)
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  • Preseči razlikovanje med »govorico in glasom«: ponovno premisliti izgradnjo kitajske filozofije v dobi bie-modernosti.Guo Yaxiong - 2018 - Filozofski Vestnik 39 (3).
    Aristotel v Politiki razlikuje med govorico in glasom. Glas pomeni racionalno, pravično, koristno in razumljivo,medtem ko je glas živali nesmiselno zavijanje, ki pomeni nepravičnost, nekoristnost in nerazumnost. To razlikovanje je močno vplivalo na zahodno filozofijo. Ta esej trdi, da je razlikovanje »govor/glas« nerazumen in samouničevalen diskurz; resnično mednarodna filozofija ali nova knjižna republika bi morala zavreči to razlikovanje in namesto tega zagovarjati eksplozijo nacionalne filozofije, plodna kitajska nacionalna filozofija bi morala poskusiti reševati svoje lastne probleme s pomočjo kritičnega mišljenja ne (...)
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