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Ethical conflicts and the process of reflection in undergraduate nursing students in Brazil.F. R. S. Ramos, L. C. D. F. Brehmer, M. A. Vargas, A. P. Trombetta, L. R. Silveira & L. Drago - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (4):428-439.details
Emergence of a Discipline? Growth in U.S. Postsecondary Bioethics Degrees.Lisa M. Lee & Frances A. McCarty - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (2):19-21.details
Homo religiosus: The Soul of Bioethics.William E. Stempsey - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (2):238-253.details
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Strategic Ambiguity: The Pragmatic Utopianism of Daniel Callahan’s “Bioethics as a Discipline”.Mathias Schütz - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):167-173.details
Bioethics in the Malay‐Muslim Community in Malaysia: A Study on the Formulation of Fatwa on Genetically Modified Food by the National Fatwa Council.Noor Munirah Isa, Azizan Baharuddin, Saadan Man & Lee Wei Chang - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):143-151.details
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Toward Planetary Health Ethics? Refiguring Bios in Bioethics.Warwick Anderson - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (4):695-702.details
Is 3D-Pinter Dangerous? Bioethics as an Instrument of the Humanitarian Expertise of Modern Technologies.Farida Nezhmetdinova - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 4 (3).details
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Content development footprints for the establishment of a National Bioethics Committee: lessons from Nigeria.Chitu Womehoma Princewill, Ayodele Samuel Jegede, Adefolarin Malomo, Francis Chukwuemeka Ezeonu, Abdulwahab Ademola Lawal, Omokhoa Adeleye & Christie Oby Onyia - 2021 - Global Bioethics 32 (1):85-99.details
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