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Passive frame theory: A new synthesis.Ezequiel Morsella, Godwin Christine, Jantz Tiffany, Krieger Stephen & Gazzaley Adam - forthcoming - Behavioral and Brain Sciences.details
Homing in on consciousness in the nervous system: An action-based synthesis.Ezequiel Morsella, Christine A. Godwin, Tiffany K. Jantz, Stephen C. Krieger & Adam Gazzaley - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:1-70.details
Smelling Phenomenal.Benjamin D. Young - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:71431.details
Time, Unity, and Conscious Experience.Michal Klincewicz - 2013 - Dissertation, Cuny Graduate Centerdetails
Representationalism and Olfactory Valence.Błażej Skrzypulec - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-20.details
Tracking representationalism and olfaction.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2022 - Mind and Language 38 (2):446-463.details
Consciousness regained? Philosophical arguments for and against reductive physicalism.Thomas Sturm - 2012 - Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 14 (1):55-63.details
Passive frame theory: A new synthesis.Ezequiel Morsella, Christine A. Godwin, Tiffany K. Jantz, Stephen C. Krieger & Adam Gazzaley - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e199.details
Object Concepts in the Chemical Senses.Richard J. Stevenson - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (7):1360-1383.details
Olfactory illusions: Where are they?Richard J. Stevenson - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1887-1898.details
Olfactory imagery: is exactly what it smells like.Benjamin D. Young - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 177 (11):3303-3327.details
Conscious olfaction: Content, function, and localization.Bjorn Merker - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.details
Evidence that phenomenal olfactory content exceeds what can later be accessed.Richard J. Stevenson & Mehmet Mahmut - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:210-219.details
Failure to Obtain Reinstatement of an Olfactory Representation.Mehmet K. Mahmut & Richard J. Stevenson - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1940-1949.details
Invariance of perception: The boundary between illusion and ambiguity in olfaction.Gesualdo M. Zucco & Remo Job - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):589-592.details
The mere exposure effect depends on an odor’s initial pleasantness.Sylvain Delplanque, Géraldine Coppin, Laurène Bloesch, Isabelle Cayeux & David Sander - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.details
Limits to knowing in olfaction.Richard J. Stevenson - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):593-594.details