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  1. بول ريكور وهيرمينوطيقا التّرجمة.Mohamed Zekkari - 2023 - Https://Www.Mominoun.Com/Pdf1/2023-11/654197A7356961232993523.Pdf. Translated by Mohamed Zekkari.
    تَتَنَاوَلُ هذه الدِّراسَةُ الوظيفة التي تؤدِّيها هيرمينوطيقا ريكور، بوصفها فَلْسَفَةً للترجمة وَفَلْسَفَةً بوصفها تَرْجَمَةً. تنطلقُ من إطلالةٍ، عامة، على نظريات ريكور في ضوء تاريخ فلسفة الترجمة، وتوضح الكيفية التي اقتفى بها خطى غادامر في فهم عملية التَّرجمة، بوصفها فنًّا للتفاوض والوساطة بين الذَّات والآخر. وتَسْتَكشف الباراديغم الهيرمينوطيقي للترجمة الذي طوره ريكور في أعماله اللاحقة من خلال مظاهر ثلاثة رئيسة: لسانية، وأنطولوجية، وأخلاقية. وتنتهي الدِّراسة بمناقشة الدَّور الحاسم الذي تَلعبه التَّرجمة في مسائلِ الضّيافة والتَّعددية والصَّفح. -/- تمثّل التَّرجمة سمةً جوهريّةً ومركزيّةً (...)
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  • (1 other version)Creation and renunciation in Ricoeur’s political ethics of compromise.Dries Deweer - 2020 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (6):813-832.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 6, Page 813-832, July 2022. Ricoeur interpreted the work of compromise as a creative process to imagine a new world by projecting ourselves into other people. The challenge of compromise is to learn to tell our own story differently within the contours of a broader collective narrative, in compliance with the paradigm of translation. As such, Ricoeur’s political ethics of compromise is at risk of highlighting the element of creation, which refers to the (...)
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  • Narrative and recognition in the flesh.Gonçalo Marcelo - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (8):777-792.
    In this interview, conducted by Gonçalo Marcelo, Richard Kearney recaps his intellectual trajectory, commenting on his early works on imagination and his own narrative style of doing philosophy in order then to make explicit the deep connection between the more recent developments of Carnal Hermeneutics, Reimagining the Sacred and the work done with others in the context of the Guestbook Project. Drawing on some lesser-known aspects of his work, he emphasizes the carnal dimension of recognition and discusses the pitfalls of (...)
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  • Paul Ricoeur and the hermeneutics of translation.Richard Kearney - 2007 - Research in Phenomenology 37 (2):147-159.
    This essay looks at how Ricoeur's hermeneutics functions as both philosophy of translation and philosophy as translation. It starts with a overview of Ricoeur's theories in the light of the history of the philosophy of translation and shows how he, following in the footsteps of Gadamer, understands the act of translation as an art of negotiating and mediating between Self and Other. It then goes on to explore the hermeneutic model of translation, advanced in Ricoeur's later work, in terms of (...)
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  • Heaven is Yesterday: On the Quest for a Grammar for Life Together in the Age of Nostalgia.Helgard Pretorius & Robert Vosloo - 2019 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 52 (3):247-264.
    In 1974, during the dark days of apartheid at a conference on "Church and Nationalism" in Mapumolo, South Africa, a heated discussion about the mere possibility of a transition toward a democratic South Africa led to one black participant saying to one of the white participants, "When you speak like that, it makes me lose all hope."Later, during his own contribution to the conference, the political philosopher Johan Degenaar repeatedly referred to this remark by the black participant to illustrate "that (...)
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  • A Virtue Ethics Critique of Silverstone's Media Hospitality.Sandra L. Borden - 2015 - Journal of Media Ethics 30 (3):168-185.
    Roger Silverstone proposed media hospitality as an important element of media ethics. I agree that media hospitality can make a valuable contribution to media ethics. However, I have doubts about grounding media hospitality in what has been referred to as the “deductive abstractions and absolutist language of much media ethics theorizing” founded on Enlightenment assumptions. Despite his own reservations about Enlightenment theorizing, I propose that Silverstone's account ultimately suffers from these problems of abstraction and absolutism, as seen most clearly from (...)
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  • The Neoliberal Assault on Australian Universities and the Future of Democracy: The Philosophical Failure of a Nation.Arran Gare - 2006 - Concrescence 6:20-40.
    The transformation of universities from public institutions to transnational business enterprises has met with less resistance in Australia than elsewhere. Yet this transformation undermines the founding principles of Australian democracy. This democracy emerged in opposition to the classical form of free market liberalism that the neo-liberals have revived. The logical unfolding of social liberalism in Australia underpinned the development of both the system of wage fixing and the idea of public education as conditions for democracy. The lack of resistance to (...)
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  • Notes on the Fundamental Unity of Humankind.Wim van Binsbergen - 2020 - Culture and Dialogue 8 (1):23-42.
    The argument claims the vital importance of the idea of the fundamental unity of humankind for any intercultural philosophy, and succinctly traces the trajectory of this idea – and its denials – in the Western and the African traditions of philosophical and empirical research. The conclusion considers the present-day challenges towards this idea’s implementation – timely as it is, yet apparently impotent in the face of mounting global violence.
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  • Linguistic Hospitality: The Task of Translation in Ricoeur and Levinas.Scott Davidson - 2012 - Analecta Hermeneutica 4.
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  • Paul Ricoeur and the re(con)figuration of the humanities in the twenty-first century.John Arthos - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (2):115-128.
    Ricoeur speaks to the unfolding ‘post-crisis’ period of the academic humanities through his dialectic between the hermeneutics of faith and suspicion, a construct that carries forward the critical impulse which academic bureaucracies want to repress in answer to their corporate masters, while at the same recognizing the value of reformist impulses that will generate strategic alignments and substantive benefits. This article identifies the tensions of the double hermeneutic, where it is successful and unsuccessful, and maps Ricoeur’s view of ethical responsibility (...)
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  • Traduire C'est Trahir—Peut-être: Ricoeur and Derrida on the (In)Fidelity of Translation.B. Keith Putt - 2015 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 6 (1):7-24.
    Paul Ricoeur and Jacques Derrida agree that translation is a tensive activity oscillating between the possible and the impossible with reference to the transposition of meaning among diverse systems of discourse. Both acknowledge that risk, alterity, and plurality accompany every attempt at paraphrasing language “in other words.” Consequently, their positions adhere to the traditional adage that “the translator is a traitor,” precisely because something is always lost in the semantic transfer. Yet, Derrida notes an important disagreement between their respective approaches (...)
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  • Between Ideology and Utopia: Honneth and Ricoeur on Symbolic Violence, Marginalization and Recognition.Marianne Moyaert - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (1):84-109.
    This article focuses on multiculturalism in the context of present-day societies and the need to incorporate minorities within a reframed social order. In his critical theory, Axel Honneth rightly draws attention to the idea of the moral grammar of struggles for recognition. Analyzing his theory in depth, the article shows that Honneth underestimates the violent power of ideological discourse in marginalizing and excluding society’s others, e.g. cultural minorities. It then puts forward an alternative approach based on Ricœur’s creative and original (...)
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  • Ricoeur's account of tradition and the gadamer–habermas debate.Robert Piercey - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (3):259-280.
    While it is clear that the Gadamer–Habermas debate has had a major influence on Paul Ricoeur, his commentators have had little to say about the nature of this influence. I try to remedy this silence by showing that Ricoeur''s account of tradition is a direct response to the Gadamer–Habermas debate. First, I briefly explain the debate''s importance and describe Ricoeur''s reaction to it. Next, I show how his discussion of tradition in Time and Narrative steers a middle course between Gadamerian (...)
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  • Imagining Sustainable Worlds: The Potential of Mythical Stories in Environmental Education.Essi Ikonen, Raili Keränen-Pantsu & Claudia Welz - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    Pedagogically speaking, how can we best transform a student’s understanding of the environment? To move students to action, and to inspire sustainable lifestyles, environmental educators would do well to consider personal pedagogical approaches, as opposed to merely presenting scientific facts about climate change and species extinction. In this paper, we present the power of myth as a compelling option. We expand on prevailing pedagogies of myth, such as Matthew Farrelly’s approach, and argue that mythical stories taken from Nordic folk traditions, (...)
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  • Ricoeur's Critical Theory.David M. Kaplan - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    The first book-length treatment of Paul Ricoeur's conception of philosophy as critical theory.
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  • La memoria impedida en Paul Ricoeur.Lythgoe Esteban - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (141):849-865.
    RESUMEN El objetivo del presente artículo será sostener que la memoria impedida, carente de una dimensión simbólica y ‘sustraída del tiempo', tratada en "La memoria, la historia, el olvido" plantea un límite originalmente no contemplado a la solución narrativa de la aporía del tiempo presentada en "Tiempo y narración". Sin embargo, observamos varios elementos que llevan a desdibujar la diferencia entre la memoria impedida y la manipulada. Nuestra hipótesis es que el recurso a la metapsicología freudiana, y específicamente, su concepto (...)
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  • Testimony, Memory and Solidarity across National Borders: Paul Ricoeur and Transnational Feminism.Elizabeth Purcell - 2017 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 8 (1):110-121.
    In many ways, globalization created the problem of representation for feminist solidarity across the borders of the nation state. This problem is one of presenting a cohesive identity for representation in the transnational public sphere. This paper proposes a solution to this problem of a cohesive identity for women’s representation by drawing on the work of Paul Ricœur. What these women seem to have in common are shared political aims, but they have no basis for those aims. This paper provides (...)
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  • Ricoeur y su contrapunto entre fenomenología y hermenéutica en la memoria.Esteban Lythgoe - 2018 - Escritos 26 (57):319-339.
    En el siguiente articulo tomaremos los lineamientos expositivos de La memoria, la historia, el olvido, para reconstruir el dialogo que Ricoeur establece entre Heidegger y Husserl. En estas paginas descubriremos que, pese a que esta obra se publico casi veinticinco anos mas tarde que “Fenomenologia y hermeneutica”, en ella se concretizan las premisas acerca del tipo de vinculo que debe haber entre la hermeneutica y la fenomenologia, en el sentido en que, por una parte, la fenomenologia es el presupuesto de (...)
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  • (1 other version)Creation and renunciation in Ricoeur’s political ethics of compromise.Dries Deweer - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (6):813-832.
    Ricoeur interpreted the work of compromise as a creative process to imagine a new world by projecting ourselves into other people. The challenge of compromise is to learn to tell our own story differently within the contours of a broader collective narrative, in compliance with the paradigm of translation. As such, Ricoeur’s political ethics of compromise is at risk of highlighting the element of creation, which refers to the social imagination of a shared vision of a better society, at the (...)
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