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Reflections on the Just

University of Chicago Press (2007)

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  1. Respect for Human Vulnerability: The Emergence of a New Principle in Bioethics.Henk ten Have - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (3):395-408.
    Vulnerability has become a popular though controversial topic in bioethics, notably since 2000. As a result, a common body of knowledge has emerged distinguishing between different types of vulnerability, criticizing the categorization of populations as vulnerable, and questioning the practical implications. It is argued that two perspectives on vulnerability, i.e., the philosophical and political, pose challenges to contemporary bioethics discourse: they re-examine the significance of human agency, the primacy of the individual person, and the negativity of vulnerability. As a phenomenon (...)
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  • Ambedkar, Radical Interdependence and Dignity: A Study of Women Mall Janitors in India.Ramaswami Mahalingam & Patturaja Selvaraj - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):813-828.
    In this paper, using Ambedkar’s pioneering vision for engaged Buddhism, we developed the notion of radical interdependence, which consists of four interrelated processes: dialogical recognition; negating invisibilities; dignity as an embodied praxis; ordinary cosmopolitanism. Our research primarily focused on women janitors’ lives in a Mumbai Mall using this conception. Our participants experienced four different kinds of dignity injuries. They used various strategies to preserve personal, intersubjective, and processual dignities. We also found horizontal and vertical ordinary cosmopolitanism strategies to bridge social (...)
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  • The values and ethical commitments of doctors engaging in macroallocation: a qualitative and evaluative analysis.Siun Gallagher, Miles Little & Claire Hooker - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):75.
    In most socialised health systems there are formal processes that manage resource scarcity and determine the allocation of funds to health services in accordance with their priority. In this analysis, part of a larger qualitative study examining the ethical issues entailed in doctors’ participation as technical experts in priority setting, we describe the values and ethical commitments of doctors who engage in priority setting and make an empirically derived contribution towards the identification of an ethical framework for doctors’ macroallocation work. (...)
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  • Virile Infertile Men, and Other Representations of In/Fertile Hegemonic Masculinity in Fiction Television Series.Marjolein Lotte de Boer - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (1):147-164.
    Fiction television series are one of the few cultural expressions in which men’s infertility experiences are represented. Through a content analysis of twenty fiction series, this article describes and analyzes such representations. By drawing on Connell’s concept of hegemonic masculinity and Ricoeur’s understanding of paradoxical power structuring, four character types of infertile men are identified: (1) the virile in/fertile man, (2) the secretly non-/vasectomized man, (3) the intellectual eunuch, (4) the enslaving post-apocalyptic man. While these various dramatis persona outline different (...)
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  • Ricoeur’s hermeneutic arc and the “narrative turn” in the ethics of care.Maria Teresa Russo - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (3):443-452.
    Abstract“Patient-centred care” is the recent response to the malaise produced in the field of health care from the point of view both of a technical mentality and the paternalistic model. The interest in the story-telling approach shown by both the humanities and the social sciences has favoured a “narrative turn” in medicine too, where the new ethics of therapeutic relationship consider the hermeneutic method a means by which to integrate evidence and subjectivity, scientific data and patient experience. The aim of (...)
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  • Ricoeur and the pre-political.Farhang Erfani & John F. Whitmire - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (4):501-521.
    We argue that Paul Ricoeur’s work on narrative and alienation provides a largely untapped, though potentially fruitful way of re-thinking the question of political agency within the context of globalization. We argue that the political agency of many around the world has been placed in an exceedingly fragile position due to the rapid pace of globalization, the movement of multi-national corporations from their previous national headquarters, etc. We use Ricoeur’s work to argue that the alienation of globalization is not something (...)
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  • Mapping civic experiences in Estonia.Anne Kaun - 2012 - Communications 37 (3):253-274.
    The article concerns civic experiences beyond or prior to civic action. Approaching questions of civic culture and democracy by way of the rather broad notion of civic experience, the author suggests that democratic values and processes involving citizens’ participation should be understood as deeply anchored in the lifeworld. The article establishes a view in which civic culture is understood from a holistic perspective as an experience. At the same time, the author is interested in the ways in which media are (...)
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  • The Application of Paul Ricoeur’s Theory in Interpretation of Legal Texts and Legally Relevant Human Action.Marcin Pieniążek - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):627-646.
    The article presents possible applications of Paul Ricoeur’s theory in interpretation of legal texts and legally relevant human action. One should notice that Paul Ricoeur developed a comprehensive interpretation theory of two seemingly distant phenomena: literary texts and human action. When interrelating these issues, it becomes possible, on the basis of Ricoeur’s work, to construct a unified theory of the interpretation of legal texts and of legally relevant human action. What is provided by this theory for jurisprudence is the possibility (...)
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  • Philosophical anthropology against objectification. Reconsidering Ricoeur’s Fallible Man.Petruschka Schaafsma - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (2):152-168.
    In this article I reconsider Ricoeur’s early philosophical anthropology in Fallible Man by probing its force in a current discussion on anthropology in the ethics of care. This discussion shows similarities with the intentions behind Ricoeur’s project. They are both dissatisfied with existing philosophical conceptions of human beings, in particular with their objectifying and fixing character. However, the ethics of care is a practice oriented approach while Ricoeur’s is an abstract philosophical one. In this article I will examine whether Ricoeur’s (...)
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  • The idea of dignity: Its modern significance. [REVIEW]Barbara A. Misztal - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (1):101-121.
    The aim of this article is to bring to social theorists’ attention the growing visibility of the notion of dignity within human rights legislation, bioethics and public discourse generally, as well as to evaluate this term’s potential to enhance our capacities to respond to old and new challenges. The article starts with a short presentation of the career of the concept and discussion of the various impasses and conceptual tensions connected with the notion of human dignity. It is followed by (...)
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  • From the "Science of Disease" to the "Understanding of Those Who Suffer": The Cultivation of an Interpretive Understanding of "Behaviour Problems" in Children.Christopher Matthew Gilham - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).
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  • Beyond Empathy: Teaching Alterity.Paul Burcher - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (2):18-21.
    L’empathie clinique est de plus en plus reconnue comme un élément important du professionnalisme et des soins adéquats aux patients. Il est généralement compris comme identifiant les points communs entre le patient et l’intervenant, et répondant à cette expérience partagée, accompagnée de soins et d’attentions appropriés. Cependant, de nombreuses rencontres cliniques ont lieu entre des étrangers ayant peu d’expérience partagée, ce qui semble constituer un défi à la fois pour l’empathie et le sentiment de responsabilité envers le patient. Les médecins (...)
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  • Gabriel Marcel and the question of human dignity.Marián Palenčár - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (2):116-130.
    This article explores the concept of human dignity in the work of French philosopher Gabriel Marcel. It demonstrates how this lesser-known aspect of his philosophical thinking is organic to his work and draws attention to the current relevance of the way he resolves the question of human dignity for philosophy and ethics. The first part of the article looks at the basic ideas behind Marcel’s understanding of man as a being on the road, as unfinished, temporal, in the process of (...)
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