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  1. Whose literacy? Discursive constructions of life and objectivity.Lynn Fendler & Steven F. Tuckey - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (5):589–606.
    Drawing from literature in the social studies of science, this paper historicizes two pivotal concepts in science literacy: the definition of life and the assumption of objectivity. In this paper we suggest that an understanding of the historical, discursive production of scientific knowledge affects the meaning of scientific literacy in at least three ways. First, a discursive study of scientific knowledge has the epistemological consequence of avoiding the selective perception that occurs when facts are abstracted from the historical conditions of (...)
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  • Argumentar En Dos Disciplinas Universitarias: Una Aproximación Toulminiana a La Argumentación Académica En Letras y Biología.María Elena Molina & Constanza Padilla - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (1):62-79.
    Toulmin (2001) sostiene que la invención de las disciplinas,un cambio iniciado en el siglo XVII, involucró factores tantointelectuales como institucionales. Intelectualmente, el uso dela geometría cartesiana como modelo de conocimiento proveyólos fundamentos; institucionalmente, la división del trabajo enprofesiones y disciplinas hizo el resto. Sin embargo, este cambiose produjo lentamente y sólo alcanzó su apogeo durante el sigloXX, con la conformación de lo que Snow (2012) reconoce comolas dos culturas: las Humanidades y las Ciencias Naturales.Focalizando esta distinción, proponemos reflexionar sobre laargumentación (...)
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  • Examining Elementary Students’ Development of Oral and Written Argumentation Practices Through Argument-Based Inquiry.Ying-Chih Chen, Brian Hand & Soonhye Park - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (3-4):277-320.
    Argumentation, and the production of scientific arguments are critical elements of inquiry that are necessary for helping students become scientifically literate through engaging them in constructing and critiquing ideas. This case study employed a mixed methods research design to examine the development in 5th grade students’ practices of oral and written argumentation from one unit to another over 16 weeks utilizing the science writing heuristic approach. Data sources included five rounds of whole-class discussion focused on group presentations of arguments that (...)
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  • Why Everyday Experience? Interpreting Primary Students’ Science Discourse from the Perspective of John Dewey.Jiyeon Na & Jinwoong Song - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (5):1031-1049.
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  • Discovering Socio-cultural Aspects of Science Through Artworks.Burcu Gülay Güney & Hayati Şeker - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (7-9):867-887.
    Scientific literacy is one of the primary purposes of science education which briefly focuses on using and interpreting scientific explanations, understanding science within its culture. However, science curricula emphasize science with its cognitive aspects and underestimate affective and aesthetic aspects of science. Science education needs to cover beauty of science for students to cross borders between their own culture and culture of science and to achieve the aim of scientific literacy. Relating aesthetic aspects of science with content of science and (...)
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