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  1. The Moral Vocabulary Approach.Hasko von Kriegstein - 2023 - Teaching Philosophy 46 (3):367-377.
    At or near the beginning of many textbooks and syllabi in applied or professional ethics is a unit on philosophical moral theories (such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics). However, teaching such theories is of questionable value in this context. This article introduces the moral vocabulary approach. Instead of burdening students with complex ethical theories, they are introduced to the logic of elementary moral concepts. This avoids many of the drawbacks of teaching ethical theories, while preserving the benefit of equipping (...)
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  • What is Moral Application? Towards a Philosophical Theory of Applied Ethics.Fabio Fossa - 2017 - Applied Ethics. The Past, Present and Future of Applied Ethics.
    The aim of this paper is to offer some philosophical remarks concerning the concept of moral application in applied ethics. In doing so, I argue in favour of a philosophical approach towards applied ethics as a unitary form of moral experience. In fact every form of applied ethics, no matter how specific, moves from a problem of application and tries to fill a gap between moral theory and practice. This essential unity of applied ethics as a moral phenomenon is of (...)
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  • Teaching moral theories is an option: reply to Rob Lawlor.D. Benatar - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6):395-396.
    In his response to my earlier criticism, Rob Lawlor argues that the benefits I suggest can be derived from teaching moral theories in applied ethics courses can be obtained in other ways. In my reply, I note that because I never claimed the benefits could be obtained only from teaching moral theories, Dr Lawlor’s response fails to refute my earlier argument that some attention to moral theories is an option in applied ethics courses.
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  • Moral theories may have some role in teaching applied ethics.D. Benatar - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (11):671-672.
    In a recent paper, Rob Lawlor argues that moral theories should not be taught in courses on applied ethics. The author contends that Dr Lawlor’s arguments overlook at least two important roles that some attention to ethical theories may play in practical ethics courses. The conclusion is not that moral theory must be taught, but rather that there is more to be said for it than Dr Lawlor’s arguments reveal.
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  • A Rubik’s Cube-Inspired Pedagogical Tool for Teaching and Learning Engineering Ethics.Yuqi Peng - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (6):1-22.
    To facilitate engineering students’ understanding of engineering ethics and support instructors in developing course content, this study introduces an innovative educational tool drawing inspiration from the Rubik’s Cube metaphor. This Engineering Ethics Knowledge Rubik’s Cube (EEKRC) integrates six key aspects—ethical theories, codes of ethics, ethical issues, engineering disciplines, stakeholders, and life cycle—identified through an analysis of engineering ethics textbooks and courses across the United States, Singapore, and China. This analysis underpins the selection of the six aspects, reflecting the shared and (...)
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  • Do We Need Ethical Theory to Achieve Quality Critical Engagement in Clinical Ethics?Ainsley J. Newson & Rosalind McDougall - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (9):43-45.
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  • A Survey of Student Opinions on Ethical Design Standards in Taiwan.Yingying Lee, Manlai You & Ming-Ying Yang - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):505-530.
    Design ethics has been offered as a course in undergraduate design programs in Taiwan for over a decade, but research on teaching design ethics and the results of teaching these courses is scant. We conducted two tests to examine the effect of an ethics course, and the differences among the effects of design department, gender, and study year on student opinions regarding ethical design standards at the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. The participants comprised 934 undergraduates (...)
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  • Undergraduate healthcare ethics education, moral resilience, and the role of ethical theories.Settimio Monteverde - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (4):385-401.
    Background: This article combines foundational and empirical aspects of healthcare education and develops a framework for teaching ethical theories inspired by pragmatist learning theory and recent work on the concept of moral resilience. It describes an exemplary implementation and presents data from student evaluation. Objectives: After a pilot implementation in a regular ethics module, the feasibility and acceptance of the novel framework by students were evaluated. Research design: In addition to the regular online module evaluation, specific questions referring to the (...)
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  • How to teach moral theories in applied ethics.B. Saunders - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (10):635-638.
    Recent discussion has focused on whether or not to teach moral theories, and, if yes, to what extent. In this piece the author argues that the criticisms of teaching moral theories raised by Rob Lawlor should lead us to reconsider not whether but how to teach moral theories. It seems that most of the problems Lawlor identifies derive from an uncritical, theory-led approach to teaching. It is suggested that we might instead start by discussing practical cases or the desiderata of (...)
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  • Against moral theories: reply to Benatar.R. Lawlor - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (11):826-828.
    D Benatar argues that in the author’s recent article Moral theories in teaching applied ethics, the author overlooked important roles that could be played by moral theories in such teaching. In this reply, the cases that Benatar suggests are considered and for each an alternative approach is suggested that will avoid the costs discussed in the original paper and will also be a more effective response to that particular issue.
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  • Rational intuitions: How reason underlies deontological moral judgments.Arjan S. Heir - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Joshua Greene’s dual process account contends that deontological moral judgments are the result of intuitions that are automatic, emotional and arational. Deontological intuitions cannot be trusted, Greene argues, because they are arationally acquired and deployed. However, the empirical evidence taken to support this view is methodologically flawed and does not support the utilitarianism-rational and deontology-emotional links that dual process theorists postulate. Instead, the available evidence supports a social domain account of moral development, in which the acquisition of moral intuitions is (...)
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  • Where the ethical action also is: a response to Hardman and Hutchinson.Nathan Emmerich - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):884-886.
    InWhere the ethical action is, Hardman and Hutchinson make some interesting and compelling points about the way in which ‘the ethical’—various values and various kinds of values—are embedded in everyday life, including the everyday life one finds in clinical interactions, understood as scientific or scientifically informed activities. However, even when one considers ‘the ethical’ from within the horizon of understanding adopted in their essay, they neglect several important features of healthcare and medical education. In this rejoinder, I argue that a (...)
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  • The changing landscape of care: does ethics education have a new role to play in health practice?Julie Wintrup - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):22.
    In the UK, higher education and health care providers share responsibility for educating the workforce. The challenges facing health practice also face health education and as educators we are implicated, by the way we design curricula and through students’ experiences and their stories.
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  • Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics: a case for an effective model for international bioethics education.Jan Piasecki, Kevin Dirksen & Hamilton Inbadas - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):3-10.
    Designing bioethics curriculum for international postgraduate students is a challenging task. There are at least two main questions, which have to be resolved in advance: (1) what is a purpose of a particular teaching program and (2) how to respectfully arrange a classroom for students coming from different cultural and professional backgrounds. In our paper we analyze the case of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics program and provide recommendations for international bioethics education. In our opinion teaching bioethics to postgraduate (...)
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  • Profesjonalna etyka lekarska: Uzasadnienie jej odrębności oraz miejsca w edukacji etycznej studentów medycyny i lekarzy.Kazimierz Szewczyk - 2020 - Diametros:1-38.
    W artykule w trojaki sposób dowodzę odrębności profesjonalnej etyki lekarskiej, mianowicie: 1. ukazując różnice pozycji normatywnej obowiązków w etyce profesjonalnej i ogólnej, 2. uzasadniając przynależność lekarskiej etyki profesjonalnej do modelu zapożyczenia jako typu etyki aplikacyjnej, 3. podając racje za profesjonalizmem historycznym jako etyką właściwą dla stanu lekarskiego. Odrębność profesjonalnej etyki lekarskiej stanowi ważny argument za jej umieszczeniem w planie edukacji etycznej studentów medycyny i lekarzy. W końcowej części pracy rekonstruuję rzeczywiste i postulowane relacje między etyką profesjonalną a profesjonalizmem, bioetyką akademicką (...)
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  • Reframing Bioethics Education for Non-Professionals.Nathan Emmerich - 2014 - The New Bioethics 20 (2):186-198.
    It is increasingly common for universities to provide cross-curricular education in bioethics as part of contemporary attempts to produce 'global citizens.' In this article I examine three perspectives drawn from research into pedagogy that has been conducted from the perspective of cognitive anthropology and consider its relevance to bioethics education. I focus on: two metaphors of learning, participation and acquisition, identified by Sfard; the psychological notion of moral development; and the distinction between socialization and enculturation. Two of these perspectives have (...)
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