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Freedom as Marronage

University of Chicago Press (2015)

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  1. Toward a theory of alienation: futurelessness in financial capitalism.Tad Skotnicki & Kelly Nielsen - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (6):837-865.
    There is an extensive body of literature detailing the forces behind and experiences of alienation in a modern capitalist world. However, social scientific interest in alienation had become parochial and balkanized by the 1970s. To reconstruct a unifying theory of alienation that addresses general features of capitalism, such as compulsory growth and commodification, and particular phases like financialized capitalism, we begin with the notion of futurelessness. Futurelessness refers to a deficient relationship to the future in which people’s senses of possibility (...)
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  • Slave Religiosity in the Roman Middle Republic.Dan-el Padilla Peralta - 2017 - Classical Antiquity 36 (2):317-369.
    This article proposes a new interpretation of slave religious experience in mid-republican Rome. Select passages from Plautine comedy and Cato the Elder's De agri cultura are paired with material culture as well as comparative evidence—mostly from studies of Black Atlantic slave religions—to reconstruct select aspects of a specific and distinctive slave “religiosity” in the era of large-scale enslavements. I work towards this reconstruction first by considering the subordination of slaves as religious agents before turning to slaves’ practice of certain forms (...)
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  • “We Will Not Bow”: The Late King’s Black Faith.Isak Tranvik - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (6):889-912.
    This essay turns to the late thought of Martin Luther King Jr. to bring matters of faith back into debates about dissent in liberal democracies. Drawing on unpublished speeches as well as scholarship in Black theology, religious studies, and political theory, I contend that the post-1965 King is not as interested in moral or pragmatic principles as many democratic theorists think. The late King’s movement, I argue, is animated by what Black liberation theologian James Cone calls “black faith.” Manifesting Jesus’s (...)
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  • Teorizando una filosofía del cimarronaje.Pedro Lebrón Ortiz - 2020 - Tabula Rasa 35:122-156.
    En este artículo elaboro una concepción filosófica del cimarronaje para ponerlo en conversación, a grosso modo, con el pensamiento decolonial. Esto consiste en la discusión del concepto cimarronería sociogénica, que se define como la huida de las fuerzas opresoras de la modernidad europea a través de una praxis política decolonial, y la cimarronería analéctica, que defino como la huida de la modernidad europea misma. Planteo que la relación entre estos dos fenómenos constituye lo que he llamado la doble crítica cimarrona (...)
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  • W.E.B. Du Bois.Elvira Basevich - 2023 - In Simon Choat & Manjeet Ramgotra (eds.), Reconsidering Political Thinkers. New York:
    This chapter introduces W.E.B. Du Bois’s original political thought and his strategies for political advocacy. It is limited to explaining the pressure he puts on the liberal social contract tradition, which prioritizes the public values of freedom and equality for establishing fair and inclusive terms of political membership. However, unlike most liberal theorists, Du Bois’s political thought concentrates on the politics of race, colonialism, gender, and labor, among other themes, in order to redefine how political theorists and activists should build (...)
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  • Bodies in Politics.Lawrie Balfour, Falguni A. Sheth, Heath Fogg Davis, Shatema Threadcraft & Jemima Repo - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (1):80-118.
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  • Fear of a Black planet: Climate apocalypse, Anthropocene futures and Black social thought.Filipe Carreira da Silva & Joe P. L. Davidson - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (4):521-538.
    In recent years, images of climate catastrophe have become commonplace. However, Black visions of the confluence of the Anthropocene and the apocalypse have been largely ignored. As we argue in this article, Black social thought offers crucial resources for drawing out the implicit exclusions of dominant representations of climate breakdown and developing an alternative account of the planet’s future. By reading a range of critical race theorists, from Frederick Douglass and W. E. B. Du Bois to Octavia Butler and Ta-Nehisi (...)
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  • The politics of repair.Ali Aslam - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (1):3-23.
    This article turns to the theoretical and practical aspects of recent abolitionist praxis to illuminate an expanded notion of politics that is attentive to lived experience and concerns for self-preservation, on the one hand, and to state- and citizen-oriented forms of political action, on the other. The incorporation of healing justice practices and self-care within movement spaces, the mutual-aid of homecoming rituals for those bailed out of jail, the development of transformative justice processes, link what Stefano Harney and Fred Moten (...)
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  • Oppression and racial slavery: Abolitionist challenges to neo-republicanism.Adam Dahl - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):272-295.
    The neo-republican conception of freedom as non-domination has emerged as a powerful framework for conceptualizing the dynamic relationship between power, democracy, and constitutionalism in modernity. Despite this, I argue that adaptations of republican freedom to the problem of slavery displace attention to race and foreclose more productive ways of addressing how racial slavery constitutes a distinct form of oppression. To illuminate the limitations of neo-republicanism, I turn to the political thought of abolitionists David Walker and Ottobah Cugoano. Both utilize comparative (...)
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  • A political companion to Frederick Douglass.Nolan Bennett - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):121-125.
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  • Juxtaposition, Hemispheric Thought, and the Bounds of Political Theory: Juliet Hooker’s Theorizing Race in the Americas.Neil Roberts, Anne Norton, James Martel, Keisha Lindsay, Inés Valdez & Juliet Hooker - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (4):604-639.
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  • Beyond Parliament: Gandhian Democracy and Postcolonial Founding.Tejas Parasher - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (6):837-860.
    Through a study of Gandhian political writings in mid-twentieth-century India, this article explores the neglected question of how the issue of representative democracy shaped anticolonial thought. The rise of a Gandhian perspective on electoral representation was made possible by the account of modern democracy given in Gandhi’s "Hind Swaraj" (1909). From the 1930s, four key Indian thinkers influenced by Gandhi expanded on "Hind Swaraj" to argue that capitalist economics were a threat to democratic equality and produced the kinds of unaccountability (...)
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  • De la Coronacrisis a la Primavera de Ébano: Cultivando y Creolizando Ubuntu en la Dialéctica de Eros y Thanatos.Agustín Lao Montes - 2022 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (5):e21089.
    El contexto de la crisis sanitaria por la Covid-19 ha exigido una profunda reflexión sobre el presente que vivimos. Una de las propuestas es asumir este momento como una “coronacrisis”, entendida como una categoría para significar cómo la pandemia exacerba la crisis multifacética de la civilización capitalista occidental en su era neoliberal; lo que ha puesto al desnudo la dialéctica de la muerte y la vida, posicionada en el centro de la lucha contra la negritud. Las consecuencias de la pandemia (...)
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  • PAR is a way of life: Participatory action research as core re-training for fugitive research praxis.Patricia Krueger-Henney & Jessica Ruglis - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (9):961-972.
    In this article, we present participatory action research as a radical act of humanity: a direct response to real dehumanization of vulnerable communities. We argue, as an enactment of critic...
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  • Resistant exit.Jennet Kirkpatrick - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2):135-157.
    Several recent works in political theory argue that exit, rather than being a coward’s choice, is a potent mode of resistance that is particularly well suited to the current political era. These works reclaim exit, seeing it as a method of political opposition. While innovative and illuminating, these accounts are limited because they tend to treat all exits as resistance, regardless of context or content, and they are inclined to over-saturate exit with oppositional political meaning. I argue that resistant exit (...)
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  • Creolizing political theory in conversation.Lewis R. Gordon, Anne Norton, Sharon Stanley, Fred Lee, Thomas Meagher & Jane Anna Gordon - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (3):363-392.
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