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  1. Atenea versus Afrodita: las mujeres y la ciudadanía.Sin Autor - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:153-174.
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  • The Shield of Heracles and the legend of Cycnus.R. Janko - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):38-.
    Much has been written on the genesis of the pseudo-hesiodic Shield of Heracles — so much, that true progress is difficult to discern among the welter of theories. But some has been made, although the conclusions that have been reached must be regarded as likely hypotheses rather than proven facts. In this article I propose to proceed from some of these conclusions, ensuring that they are as firmly grounded as possible, to an assessment of how this poem's version of the (...)
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  • Topographical indications for the site of the hippodrome of Delphi.Panos Valavanis - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:623-644.
    Locating the position of the Delphic hippodrome is a long‑standing question in the archaeology of the site. The suggestions made so far by early modern travellers and contemporary researchers have not yielded results, and thus it is considered to be lost in the alluvial soils of the Chrisso olive groves. In general, our inability to spot ancient Greek hippodromes is due to their lack of monumental structures, as they were situated in any suitable, naturally landscaped space. The site of Gonia, (...)
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  • The Ambivalent Legacy of the Crisaeans: Athens’ Interstate Relations (and the Phocian Factor) in 4th-Century Public Discourse.Elena Franchi - 2020 - Klio 102 (2):509-535.
    Summary The First Sacred War was hotly debated in the 4th century. The crimes committed by the Crisaeans in this war were later equated to those committed by the Phocians during the Third Sacred War, or those committed by the Locrians of Amphissa during the Fourth Sacred War. This paper shows how the parallels drawn between the First and Third Sacred Wars (SW1–SW3) and between the First and Fourth Sacred Wars (SW1–SW4) were respectively shaped and used as an argument in (...)
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  • Étude sur la chronologie des archontats de Damasias à Athènes et de la première guerre sacrée à Delphes.Christophe Flament - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:117-139.
    Les sources proposent deux dates concurrentes pour l’archontat de Damasias : 582/1 et 580/79. Cette étude tente premièrement d’établir que ces propositions sont toutes deux correctes. En effet, le nom de Damasias devait figurer sur la liste des archontes pour les trois années durant lesquelles il exerça cette charge, et non uniquement pour la première. La seconde partie de l’étude propose une interprétation nouvelle des intervalles de temps qui, dans le chapitre XIII de la Constitution d’Athènes, scandent la période séparant (...)
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