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  1. Examination of practices of ignorance conducive to democracy based on Rancièrian thought and Rortian pragmatism.Lev Marder - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (8):797-814.
    Theorists, who broadly subscribe to Claude Lefort’s characterization of democracy as the dissolution of the markers of certainty, disagree over the proper enactment of democracy. In this article, I consider the possibility of narrowing the gap by attending to the ignorance advocated by each of the two approaches – the disruptive radical route Jacques Rancière describes and the reformist approach of Richard Rorty. I highlight the attributes and shortcomings of the positive link between practices of ignorance and democracy in the (...)
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  • The Pragmatic Century: Conversations with Richard J. Bernstein.Sheila Greeve Davaney & Warren G. Frisina (eds.) - 2006 - State University of New York Press.
    Critically engages the work of American philosopher Richard J. Bernstein.
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  • Rorty’s Post-Foundational Liberalism: Progress or the Status Quo?Matthew Jones - manuscript
    Richard Rorty’s liberal utopia offers an interesting model for those who wish to explore the emancipatory potential of a post-foundational account of politics, specifically liberalism. What Rorty proposes is a form of liberalism that is divorced from its Kantian metaphysical foundations. This paper will focus on the gulf that appears between Rorty’s liberal utopia in theory, the political form that it must ultimately manifest itself in, and the consequences this has for debates on pluralism, diversity, and identity, within liberal political (...)
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  • Feyerabend, Rorty, Mouffe and Keane: On realising democracy.Thomas Clarke - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (3):81-118.
    This article examines a peculiarity dating from Classical times, namely, that democracy may be achieved, in practice, independently of and prior to its articulation as theory. This peculiarity has implications for the way in which the history of democratic theory is understood, and also for the place of the democratic theorist in society. Paul Feyerabend, Richard Rorty, Chantal Mouffe and John Keane are theorists of democracy, but they all depart, first, from the commitment to the universal truth‐claims that underpin other (...)
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  • Tragedy and Citizenship: Conflict, Reconciliation, and Democracy from Haemon to Hegel.Derek W. M. Barker - 2008 - SUNY Press.
    Tragedy and Citizenship provides a wide-ranging exploration of attitudes toward tragedy and their implications for politics. Derek W. M. Barker reads the history of political thought as a contest between the tragic view of politics that accepts conflict and uncertainty, and an optimistic perspective that sees conflict as self-dissolving. Drawing on Aristotle's political thought, alongside a novel reading of the Antigone that centers on Haemon, its most neglected character, Barker provides contemporary democratic theory with a theory of tragedy. He sees (...)
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  • Anti-Platonism of Rorty’s thought.Marek Kwiek - unknown
    From the perspective of subsequent books and texts by Richard Rorty it can be clearly seen that to have a look at his anti-Platonism and anti-essentialism, it is not enough to read either only Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, or only Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, Consequences of Pragmatism and both volumes of Philosophical Papers. For me it turns out that the impression given by various readings of Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature in Reading Rorty - the first serious (...)
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  • Intellectuals in Postmodernity?Marek Kwiek - unknown
    There are several points of interest, several catchwords that evoke the whole complicated heart of the matter: Martin Heidegger in 1933 and later, Paul de Man in the years of 1940-42 and later, Robert Faurisson and the whole group of histo- rians-"revisionists" of the Holocaust in France and in the USA in two recent decades. I would say the following: the material for the discussions that are of interest to me today are the most traumatic events of the twentieth century (...)
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  • Politics and epistemology: Rorty, MacIntyre, and the ends of philosophy.Paul A. Roth - 1989 - History of the Human Sciences 2 (2):171-191.
    In this paper, I examine how a manifest disagreement between Richard Rorty and Alasdair MacIntyre concerning the history of philosophy is but one of a series of deep and interrelated disagreements concerning, in addition, the history of science, the good life for human beings, and, ultimately, the character of and prospects for humankind as well. I shall argue that at the heart of this series of disagreements rests a dispute with regard to the nature of rationality. And this disagreement concerning (...)
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  • Is the New Monetary Consensus Still Alive? A Critical Economic and Philosophical Appraisal.Marc Pilkington - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (2):7-49.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons une analyse critique du nouveau consensus monétaire (NMC) d’un point de vue méthodologique, afin d’évaluer sa pertinence. Bien que les mantras du consensus ne soient pas contestables en tant que tels, nous soutenons l’idée que les fondements méthodologiques du NMC expliquent son échec paradigmatique à prévoir la crise financière de 2008, et à constituer une source d’inspiration fiable pour les politiques post-crise 2008. Nous mettons particulièrement l’accent sur la nature problématique des modèles pré-crise 2008. Nous (...)
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  • Philosophical Excursus I. Seriousness, play, and fame.Marek Kwiek - unknown
    Reading numerous readings of Jacques Derrida made by Richard Rorty during the period of the last twenty years or so, one can get the impression that Rorty admires French deconstructionist without reservations, presenting him as an example of a new way of practising philosophy - a way which is private, idiosyncratic and publicly uncommitted, which is original, but publicly useless, which, finally, leads to individual autonomy. A way leading to self-creation, getting out of the influence and power of one’s precursors (...)
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  • On Markar Melkonian's Richard Rorty's Politics: Liberalism at the End of the American Century.Milton Fisk - 2002 - Historical Materialism 10 (2):229-246.
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  • Richard Rorty's liberalism.Ronald Beiner - 1993 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 7 (1):15-31.
    Richard Rorty, with his tendency to shock, to provoke, and to seize on Continental fashions, might be thought an unlikely liberal. Nevertheless, Rorty illustrates very well some of the characteristic weaknesses of contemporary liberalism. To the extent that he draws upon postmodern and deconstructionist sources, he highlights, and radicalizes, the liberal urge to break out of frozen identities and to destabilize static roles and fixed stations in life. His distinctive version of pragmatism yields a way of drawing liberal boundaries between (...)
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  • Pragmatism as Atheoreticism: Richard Rorty.Kai Nielsen - 2005 - Contemporary Pragmatism 2 (1):1-33.
    This essay offers an account of Rorty's version of pragmatism after the so-called linguistic turn, including his attack on epistemology and metaphysics, his metaphilosophy, his theory of morality, and his political philosophy. Woven into this account of Rorty are some of the most important criticisms made of Rorty, and considerations about how Rorty has responded or could have responded.
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  • Ethnocentrism, social contract liberalism and positivistic-conservatism: Rorty's three theses on politics.Justin Cruickshank - 2000 - Res Publica 6 (1):1-23.
    In this article I argue that Rorty has three separatearguments for liberalism. The pragmatic-ethnocentric argument for liberalism,as a system which works for `us liberals'', is rejectedfor entailing relativism. The social contract argument results in an extreme formof individualism. This renders politics redundantbecause there is no need for the (liberal) state toprotect poetic individuals, who are capable ofdefending themselves. Even if the less able areharmed, the state could not prevent this, givenRorty''s arguments about discursive enrichment withina language game. Finally, the positivistic-conservative (...)
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  • On Cheryl Misak’s Modest Pragmatism.Michael Bacon - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (2):95-105.
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  • The situated critic or the loyal critic? Rorty and Walzer on social criticism.Jonathan Allen - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (6):25-46.
    This article addresses the question whether the model of social criticism as 'connected' or 'loyal' which is advanced by Richard Rorty and Michael Walzer offers an adequate picture of social criticism. Two claims are made. First, it is suggested that loyalty is an internally conflicted concept, with three components: a recognition of situatedness in a particular relationship; an affirmation of that relationship by the loyal agent; a set of values or local principles. Where the third component is prominent, loyalty is (...)
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  • Jonquils and wild orchids: James and Rorty on politics and aesthetic experience.Christopher J. Voparil - 2009 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 23 (2):pp. 100-110.
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  • Elegant variations: Remarks on Rorty's' Liberal utopia'.Stuart Rennie & R. Rorty - 1998 - South African Journal of Philosophy 17 (4):313-345.
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  • Searching for Modern Culture's Beautiful Harmony: Schlegel and Hegel on Irony.Elizabeth Millán - 2010 - Hegel Bulletin 31 (2):61-82.
    Goethe and Friedrich Schiller stand together immortalised in Ernst Rietschel's statue at the centre of Weimar. In their lifetime, Goethe and Schiller shaped the culture of German-speaking lands, not only through their poetry, plays, and novels, but also in their role as editors of journals that helped to set the intellectual tone of the period. Schiller's journalDie Horen and Goethe'sPropyläen, although short-lived, were important literary vehicles of the period and provided a forum that brought scientists, historians, philosophers, and poets into (...)
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  • (1 other version)Friedrich Schlegel and the Emergence of Romantic Philosophy.Elizabeth Millan - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    The origins of early German Romanticism and the philosophical contributions of the movement’s most important philosopher.
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  • Rorty, literary narrative and political philosophy.Barbara McGuinness - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (4):29-44.
    This article seeks to examine Rorty's contention that literary narrative, not political philosophy, is best able to address the problems of the West. It argues that although Rorty's conception of the novel as a valu able and informative medium is credible, he does not establish it as a valid alternative to political philosophy. Moreover Rorty retains the sort of reasoning that is characteristic of political philosophy, despite his assertions to the contrary.
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  • Rorty and pragmatic social criticism.Michael Bacon - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (7):863-880.
    For pragmatists, the inability to stand outside of the contingencies of human practice does not impede social criticism. However, several pragmatists have argued that Richard Rorty’s position unnecessarily and undesirably circumscribes the scope of social criticism, allowing for nothing more than an appeal to current practices, with no way to challenge or revise them. This article argues against this understanding, showing that on Rorty’s account, social criticism is an interpretive activity in which critics draw on elements within current practices, focusing (...)
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  • Why bother? Defending Derrida and the significance of writing.Robyn Ferrell - 1993 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (2):121 – 131.
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  • Enlightenment Liberalism and the Challenge of Pluralism.Matthew Jones - 2012 - Dissertation, Canterbury Christ Church University
    Issues relating to diversity and pluralism continue to permeate both social and political discourse. Of particular contemporary importance and relevance are those issues raised when the demands associated with forms of pluralism clash with those of the liberal state. These forms of pluralism can be divided into two subcategories: thin and thick pluralism. Thin pluralism refers to forms of pluralism that can be accommodated by the existing liberal framework, whereas thick pluralism challenges this liberal framework. -/- This thesis is an (...)
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  • Anti-foundationalism and social ontology : towards a realist sociology.Justin Cruickshank - unknown
    My concern in this thesis is with the transcendental question concerning the condition of possibility for social science. I argue that for social scientific knowledge to obtain one must: have a conception of knowledge formation as theoretically mediated and fallible; and, social scientific knowledge claims must be about an object of study which conceptualises social structure as an enablement as well as an external constraint upon agency. This means: arguing for an anti-foundational epistemology, which avoids becoming truth-relativism, by being complemented (...)
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  • Rorty and literature, or about the priority of the "wisdom of the novel" to the "wisdom of philosophy".Marek Kwiek - unknown
    Richard Rorty’s approach to fiction results from its consistently - to use here his own opposition - "solidarity-related" account; the "other side", literary self-creation, remains programmatically and intentionally undiscussed with much seriousness. One can just get the impression that literature, and the novel in particular, has been burdened with heaviness of responsibility... Does in Rorty’s reflections the novel appear as a source of multifarious metaphors, of the whole worlds born out of the writer’s imagination? Is there in it another dimension (...)
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