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  1. The Idea of God in Feminist Philosophy.Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):57 - 68.
    The marginal position of women within the Western tradition provides a critical vantage point for feminist redevelopment of the notion of God. Feminists tend to replace the classical categories of substance philosophies traditionally used for God with relational categories often drawn from organic philosophies. They also project the dynamic character of language itself into the discussion of God. This essay focuses on these issues as they are developed by Mary Daly and Rebecca Chopp.
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  • In and of the world? Christian theological anthropology and environmental ethics.Anna Peterson - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (3):237-261.
    Mainstream currents within Christianity havelong insisted that humans, among all creatures, areneither fully identified with their physical bodiesnor fully at home on earth. This essay outlines theparticular characteristics of Christian notions ofhuman nature and the implications of this separationfor environmental ethics. It then examines recentefforts to correct some damaging aspects oftraditional Christian understandings of humanity''splace in nature, especially the notions of physicalembodiment and human embeddedment in earth. Theprimary goal of the essay is not to offer acomprehensive evaluation of Christian thinking (...)
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  • Finding Our Feminist Ways in Natural Philosophy and Religious Thought.Eugenie Gatens-Robinson - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):207 - 228.
    The essay explores the connection between ecological wisdom and feminist spirituality. It takes a careful look at the difficulties that feminist thinkers have had in establishing such wisdom through a tradition of ethics focused on intrinsic value, a tradition of scientific thinking in which the knower is distanced from nature, and Western religious thinking in which both the feminine and nature are taken as profane. The suggestion is made that the resources of American Naturalism may provide a truly spiritual means (...)
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  • The universal versus the particular in ecofeminist ethics.Grace Y. Kao - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (4):616-637.
    While not a monolithic movement, ecofeminists are united in their conviction that there are important connections between the exploitation of both women and nature. They are internally divided, however, on the propriety of applying their theoretical claims and activist strategies across social contexts. This paper explores three debates within ecofeminism that largely turn on this universalist versus particularist tension: whether ecofeminist theorizing can adequately account for cultural variation; whether its common usage of essentialist rhetoric is productive or troubling; and whether (...)
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  • Religion and film in American culture: the birth of a nation.Krzysztof Jozajtis - unknown
    This research addresses an emerging scholarship examining relations between media, religion, and culture in contemporary society. Whilst it acknowledges the value of this growing body of work, the study is based on a recognition that an overwhelming concern with the contemporary scene has resulted in a neglect of the history responsible for the conditions of the present. Given the prominence of America as both a source and an object of this scholarship, moreover, the particular national context in which the institutions (...)
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  • Women in the Ancient Athenian Context: From an Ecofeminist Perspective.Ioanna Sahinidou - 2019 - Feminist Theology 27 (2):141-148.
    I discern in Greek myths of the goddess Athena traces of the idea of domination of mind over senses, and that men were seen as superior to women because of their naturally ruling mind. The Athenian, Platonic, androcentric, hierarchical worldview saw women as physically inferior to men. Behind courageous, wise Athena, lies Plato’s dualistic philosophy of reason, and the ideology of control. We must make a distinction between a dualistic philosophy and a holistic approach to reality. Ancient goddess Hestia’s inextinguishable (...)
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  • Introduction: Prolegomenon to Future Feminist Philosophies of Religions.Nancy Frankenberry - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):1-14.
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  • Matter, Freedom and the Future: Reframing Feminist Theologies through an Ecological Materialist Lens1.Anne Elvey - 2015 - Feminist Theology 23 (2):186-204.
    An ecological focus is not simply an additional perspective to add to a multidimensional approach to feminist theologies. Ecological thinking requires a fundamental shift of perspective, so that the focus of feminism, traditionally a human focus, is rethought within the frame of the materiality that constitutes not only humans but Earth and cosmos. As a way of situating feminist theological discourses and experiences ecologically, this article focuses on a shared materiality as a basis for reframing human being, dwelling, agency and (...)
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  • Imagination, Art, and Feminist Theology.Elizabeth Ursic - 2017 - Feminist Theology 25 (3):310-326.
    This article explores the importance of imagination and art when developing and working with theology, particularly feminist theology. It begins with a short review of selected periods in Christian history that either supported or warned against the use of imagination and art in classical theological development. Feminist theology has had a different history because since its inception, imagination has been central to the formation and exploration of the field. Imagination and art have continued to develop and promote feminist theological worship, (...)
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  • How is the Body of Christ a Meaningful Symbol for the Contemporary Christian Community?SueAnn Johnson - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (2):210-228.
    This essay attempts to answer the question of how the Body of Christ is a meaningful symbol for the contemporary Christian community from a feminist perspective. Following Graham Ward's account of the displaced body of Jesus Christ, the author argues that the Body of Christ is a distinctly Christian symbol that empowers the contemporary community of Christian believers with a radical new identity, one that is multi-gendered and includes a vast continuum of human and divine embodied experience.
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  • The Spirituality of, and at, Greenham Common Peace Camp.Christina Welch - 2010 - Feminist Theology 18 (2):230-248.
    This paper explores the spirituality of, and experienced at, Greenham Common Peace Camp, Berkshire, Southern England. Although mentioned in much of the discourse on the nuclear protest site Greenham, spirituality is, at best, marginalized in favour of socio-politics. However, there is evidence to suggest that spirituality played a significant role for many of the Greenham women, informing their protests through poetry, song and prose, as well as visually— with eco-feminist thealogy a potent theme. Through examining existing discourse and by interviewing (...)
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  • Beyond culture?: Nature/culture dualism and the Christian otherworldly.Anne F. Elvey - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (2):63-84.
    : As Val Plumwood argues, the Christian otherworldly is ecologically problematic. In relation to time, space, being and agency, this article considers the tendency to dualism in Christian appeals to the otherworldly. In the context of Plumwood's critique of nature-skepticism, I ask whether we should also critique an otherworldly skepticism. I then set out five possibilities for understanding the Christian otherworldly in relation to nature and culture. I argue that the otherworldly can be understood not only as a problematic cultural (...)
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  • Response to the Compatibility of Evolution and Design.Bethany N. Sollereder - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):1083-1094.
    The first half of this article offers two possibilities of how the argument Kojonen makes might be vulnerable to other new developments in evolutionary science and psychology—potential broadsides that might threaten to sink the salvaged ship of design once again. Work on the development of life suggests that life is a simplification of surrounding environmental information, and therefore life does not generate new information. Second, the psychology of pareidolia suggests we find design as a bias of our information processing, rather (...)
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  • The Roots of the Ecological Crisis and the Way Out:1 Creation Out of ‘no thing’ God Being ‘no thing’.Ioanna Sahinidou - 2016 - Feminist Theology 24 (3):291-298.
    Plato defined the primal dualism of reality: its division into the invisible eternal realm of thought and the unshaped matrix of the visible temporal realm of corporeality. The hierarchy of mind over body is reflected in the hierarchy of male over female, of human over animals, and in the class hierarchy of rulers over workers. Plato adds the alienation from body and earth, as the lowest level of cosmic hierarchy. The interrelatedness and interdependence of all cosmic beings uncover the dualism: (...)
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  • Cosmology and theology: The reemergence of patriarchy.James F. Moore - 1995 - Zygon 30 (4):613-634.
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  • Science-and-religion and the search for meaning.Philip Hefner - 1996 - Zygon 31 (2):307-321.
    A survey and interpretation is offered of the broad range of contemporary thinking that concerns itself with the relationships between religion and science. The survey consists of a spectrum of six types of thought: (1) The modern option: translating religious wisdom into scientific concepts; (2) the postmodern/new‐age option: constructing new science‐based myths; (3) the critical post‐Enlightenment option: expressing the truth at the obscure margin of science; (4) the postmodern constructivist option: fashioning a new metaphysics for scientific knowledge; (5) the constructivist (...)
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  • Space, place and ecology: Doing ecofeminist urban theology in Gauteng.Annalet Van Schalkwyk - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-13.
    The basic motivation for this article is to explore the critical, yet hopeful vision which urban theologians - and specifically ecofeminist urban theologians - have for justice, reconciliation and abundance of life in urban Gauteng. This requires that urban spatiality, with its conflicting sides in a rampantly capitalist Gauteng, needs to be understood. It also requires an understanding of how urbanity and ecology may - yet so often do not - overlap. According to ecofeminist theologian Anne Primavesi, space and place (...)
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  • Sonic Metaphors: Music, Sound, and Ecofeminist Theology.Elizabeth Ursic - 2021 - Feminist Theology 29 (3):247-263.
    This article explores the relationship between music and ecofeminist theology and investigates how music and sound can advance the development of ecofeminist thought. On a physical level, the act of breathing connects humankind with the earth’s atmosphere and the element of air produces music and sound. On a theological level, traditional church teachings about the power and danger of music have reflected similar warnings about women and nature. Ecofeminist theologian Sally McFague made a persuasive case for metaphorical theology that supported (...)
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  • Logos of a Living Earth: Toward a New Marriage of Science and Myth for Our Planetary Future.Matthew D. Segall - 2012 - World Futures 68 (2):93 - 103.
    The social and ecological crises of the twenty-first century represent a failure of the techno-industrial way of living and knowing. It has become apparent that we need both a new mythos and a new science. In this essay, I draw attention to the important epistemological and cosmological implications of enactivism, a still emerging paradigm within the life sciences. Guided by the insights of the enactive paradigm, I offer a new story of human origins and destiny in an attempt to contribute (...)
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  • Hybridity, Postcolonialism and Asian American Women1.Grace Ji-Sun Kim - 2016 - Feminist Theology 24 (3):260-274.
    Postcolonialism has made an impact in today’s world as it affects one’s understanding of self, the other and community. Colonialism has had devastating consequences on many people around the globe. It has created a sense of alienation, dislocation, exile and subordination for many women. Due to colonialism, globalization and migration, many women are living in other places than their birth places. Asian American women are not exempt from the affects of colonialism and they are experiencing the affect of being the (...)
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  • Women and Nature in the Book of Job: An African Eco-Feminist Reading.Jonathan Kangwa - 2020 - Feminist Theology 29 (1):75-90.
    The realities of the current ecological crisis require us to develop a biblical hermeneutics that is life giving to both women and non-human nature. This paper does so by offering an African ecofeminist reading of the book of Job. The paper argues that traditional, patriarchal interpretations of the book of Job have contributed to the subjugation of women and the natural world. The paper analyses the book of Job, focusing on ways in which patriarchy and the theology of retribution have (...)
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