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  1. Arabic and islamic philosophy of language and logic.Tony Street - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Influence of arabic and islamic philosophy on the latin west.Dag Nikolaus Hasse - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Post-avicennan logicians on the subject matter of logic: Some thirteenth- and fourteenth-century discussions.Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2012 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (1):69-90.
    In the thirteenth century, the influential logician Afḍal al-Dīn al-Khūnajī departed from the Avicennan view that the subject matter of logic is “second intentions”. For al-Khūnajī, the subject matter of logic is “the objects of conception and assent”. His departure elicited intense and sometimes abstruse discussions in the course of subsequent centuries. Prominent supporters of Khūnajī's view on the subject matter of logic included Kātibī, Ibn Wāṣil and Taftāzānī. Defenders of Avicenna's view included Ṭūsī, Samarqandī and Quṭb al-Dīn al-Rāzī. This (...)
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  • Anatomy of Being, Metaphysics of Death: The Case of Avicenna’s Logical Dissection.Kimbell Kornu - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (4):655-669.
    Elucidating a metaphysics of medicine is vital for framing a coherent medical ethics. In this paper, I examine the historical case of Avicenna, the eleventh century physician-philosopher. Avicenna radicalizes the dissective power of reason using a logicized Aristotelian metaphysics to clarify concepts at the metaphysical level, which I call his anatomy of being. One of the practical consequences of Avicenna’s metaphysics is a dehumanizing eschatology of death. I outline the main elements of Avicenna’s thought that constitute his anatomy of being. (...)
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  • Universal se encuentra en las cosas O en el intelecto?Héctor Hernando Salinas Leal - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 82:171-185.
    En su comentario a la Isagoge, Duns Escoto se pregunta dónde se halla el universal: ¿en las cosas o en el intelecto? Caracterizando al universal como universal lógico y accidente intencional de la esencia, en su respuesta se articulan la dimensión ontológica y la dimensión semántica del universal: con el intelecto que lo causa y con la cosa que denomina. Analizaremos estas dos relaciones y las implicaciones que se siguen en el orden de la predicación a partir del ejemplo propuesto (...)
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  • “A discipline or part of a discipline”: logic on the border of metaphysics and psychology in Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifāʾ.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (4):725-744.
    Avicenna’s ground-breaking view of logic as both a tool for other sciences and a science in its own right has already attracted scholars’ attention and has been studied in several different respects. The present paper aims to address a specific issue entailed by considering logic as a science in its own right: that is, assessing the relation in which logic as a science stands to the other sciences, and particularly to metaphysics and psychology. The inquiry will focus on a fundamental, (...)
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  • Torn Between the Contours of Logic: Exploring Logical Normativity in Islamic Philosophical Theology.Abbas Ahsan & Marzuqa Karima - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):(SI10)5-41.
    Western contemporary logic has been used to advance the field of Islamic philosophical theology, which historically utilised Aristotelian-Avicennian logic, on grounds of there being an inherent normativity in logic. This is in spite of the surrounding controversy on the status of logic in the Islamic theological tradition. The normative authority of logic means that it influences the content of what we ought to believe and how we ought to revise those beliefs. This paper seeks to demonstrate that, notwithstanding the incompatible (...)
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  • The Arabico-Islamic background of Al-Fārābī's logic.Sadik Türker - 2007 - History and Philosophy of Logic 28 (3):183-255.
    This paper examines al-Fārābī's logical thought within its Arabico-Islamic historical background and attempts to conceptualize what this background contributes to his logic. After a brief exposition of al-Fārābī's main problems and goals, I shall attempt to reformulate the formal structure of Arabic linguistics (AL) in terms of the ontological and formal characteristics that Arabic logic is built upon. Having discussed the competence of al-Fārābī in the history of AL, I will further propose three interrelated theses about al-Fārābī's logic, in terms (...)
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  • Rastrgan između obrisa logike.Abbas Ahsan & Marzuqa Karima - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):10-41.
    Zapadna suvremena logika korištena je za unapređenje islamske filozofske teologije, koja je povijesno koristila aristotelovsko-avicenovsku logiku, na temelju toga što se logika shvaćala kao inherentno normativna. To je usprkos kontroverzama o statusu logike u islamskoj teološkoj tradiciji. Normativni autoritet logike znači da ona utječe na sadržaj onoga u što bismo trebali vjerovati i na to kako bismo trebali revidirati ta uvjerenja. Ovaj rad nastoji pokazati da je, bez obzira na nekompatibilne razlike između dvaju sustava, temeljna značajka zapadne suvremene logike i (...)
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  • Al-Ghazāī on the Signification of Names.Taneli Kukkonen - 2010 - Vivarium 48 (1):55-74.
    Al-Ghazālī's most detailed explanation of how signification works occurs in his treatise on The Beautiful Names of God. Al-Ghazālī builds squarely on the commentary tradition on Aristotle's Peri hermeneias : words signify things by means of concepts and correspondingly, existence is laid out on three levels, linguistic, conceptual, and particular (i.e. extramental). This framework allows al-Ghazālī to put forward what is essentially an Aristotelian reading of what happens when a name successfully picks out a being: when a quiddity is named (...)
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  • Ibn Bājja, Abū Bakr ibn al-Sāʾiġ (Avempace).Marc Geoffroy - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 483--483.
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  • (1 other version)Landulph Caracciolo.Christopher Schabel - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 681--684.
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  • Necessary Existence and the Doctrine of Being in Avicenna's Metaphysics of the Healing: On the Function of the Fundamental Scientific First Principles of Metaphysics.Daniel De Haan - 2014 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    This thesis is concerned with answering the question, what is the central argument of Avicenna’s Metaphysics of the Healing that brings its opening ontological approach to the subject of first philosophy to its ultimate theological goal and conclusion? This dissertation contends that it is the function of the fundamental scientific first principles of metaphysics, and in particular the fundamental primary notion necessary, to provide the intelligible link that Avicenna employs to demonstrate the existence and true-nature of the divine necessary existence (...)
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  • Objeto y unidad de la lógica en Duns Escoto.Héctor Hernando Salinas Leal - 2023 - Pensamiento 78 (301):1771-1792.
    En este trabajo se estudia la determinación escotista del objeto de la lógica, en tanto ciencia intencional común. La reflexión se concentra en la tercera de las Cuestiones a la Isagoge de Porfirio, donde Escoto presenta y evalúa varios candidatos al rol de objeto de la lógica. Teniendo como parámetro de evaluación un conjunto de condiciones a cumplir por el objeto de una ciencia, Escoto concluye que el objeto de la lógica es el silogismo. Sobre ese resultado, el artículo defiende (...)
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  • Intencionalidad e intentio en Avicena.Julio César Vargas Bejarano - 2022 - Universitas Philosophica 39 (78):43-81.
    A pesar de los reparos de algunos especialistas, Avicena es un punto de referencia insoslayable en la historia de la intencionalidad. Este trabajo se propone determinar la manera en que el intelecto toma posición con respecto a la realidad de los objetos con los que se relaciona. Abordamos la relación intencional centrando nuestra atención en el nexo entre lógica y ontología y enfatizando el papel que juegan la conceptualización y la estimación en la determinación de lo que es real y (...)
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  • Thomas Aquinas on the Apprehension of Being: The Role of Judgement in Light of Thirteenth-Century Semantics.Rosa Vargas Della Casa - unknown
    Aquinas’ famous comments in his early Scriptum on the Sentences (In I Sent., d. 38, q. 1, a. 3) regarding the intellect’s apprehension of essence and esse have traditionally been interpreted as grounding Aquinas’ doctrine on the judgment of esse. For Aquinas, it appears, what the intellect apprehends in a simple concept is essence. Since esse, for him, is not an essence, it cannot, on the received view, be the object of conceptualization. Therefore, esse is grasped by the intellect only (...)
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  • Secondary intelligibles : an analytical and comparative study on first and second intentions in Islamic and Western philosophy.Mohammad Fanaei Nematsara - unknown
    This thesis deals with one of the essential problems in epistemology, that is, the foundation and variety of universal concepts. The classical controversy on universals is baseless if we do not consider different kinds of universal concepts. In this thesis, universal concepts are examined as classified into three groups: first intentions, logical second intentions and philosophical second intentions.
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