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  1. Koncept ne-rastu a sociálno-ekologická transformácia [The concept of de-growth and socio-ecological transformation].Richard Sťahel - 2024 - In Peter Daubner, Ekológia, politika a sloboda. Bratislava: Filozofický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, v. v. i.. pp. 15-30.
    The chapter addresses the problem of the socio-ecological transformation of industrialized societies determined by the ideology of growth. It points out that the knowledge of the impossibility of sustainable growth on a planet with finite resources has been available at least since the 1960s. However, economic policies, as well as organizational principles and imperatives of public and private institutions, have so far been formulated regarding the growth imperative. However, the concepts of the Anthropocene and Planetary boundaries formulated within the framework (...)
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  • K filozofii ekologickej civilizácie.Richard Sťahel - 2021 - Filozofia 75 (10):815 – 831.
    The article presents the concept of ecological civilization and examines some of its aspects and its philosophical background. It points to the problem of under-standing the concepts of culture and civilization, also in relation to the under-standing of civilization as a further stage in the development of society. The ecological civilization should overcome the contemporary industrial civilization and its devastating effects on society and the environment. In examining the philosophical background of the concept, it focuses on Daoism and its relevance (...)
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  • China’s approach to the environmental civilization.Richard Sťahel - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (2):164-173.
    This study examines the origins and main aspects of the Chinese concept of ecological civilization. Originally a philosophical concept, it was later developed into a political and constitutional principle and became the basis of several public policies of the Chinese government. The author also draws attention to several contradictions and weaknesses in the concept, which has been seen as a Chinese version of sustainable development and ultimately as a Chinese concept of global civilization.
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  • What is critical in the Anthropocene? A discussion of four conceptual problems from the environmental-political philosophy perspective.Daniel Buschmann - 2020 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 10 (3-4):190-202.
    The Anthropocene confronts environmental philosophy with one of the most urgent questions of the 21st century: How to maintain the earth’s condition in a way that allows current and future human generations to thrive? By asking such a question, ethical thought ceases to be solely a matter of individuality or morality. Instead, it raises a political issue: How can or should environmental philosophy relate to society in the Anthropocene? This article argues for a critical perspective that draws on contemporary historic (...)
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  • Ekológia, politika a sloboda.Peter Daubner (ed.) - 2024 - Bratislava: Filozofický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, v. v. i..
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