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  1. The Fiction of Economic Coercion: Political Marxism and the Separation of Theory and History.Sébastien Rioux - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (4):92-128.
    The theory of social-property relations, or political Marxism, has argued that in contradistinction with pre-capitalist forms of exploitation, capitalism is characterised by the separation of the economic and the political, which makes surplus appropriation under this system uniquely driven by economic coercion. In spite of political Marxism’s various strengths, this article argues that the paradigm puts forward an ahistorical and sanitised conception of capitalism typical of bourgeois economics, which is an outcome of its formal-abstractionist approach to the concept of the (...)
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  • Political Marxism and the Rules of Reproduction of Capitalism: A Historicist Critique.Samuel Knafo & Benno Teschke - 2020 - Historical Materialism 29 (3):54-83.
    Marxism has often been associated with two different legacies. The first rests on a strong exposition and critique of the logic of capitalism, grounded in a systematic analysis of the laws of motion of capitalism as a system. The second legacy refers to a strong historicist perspective grounded in a conception of social relations that emphasises the centrality of power and social conflict to the analysis of history. This article challenges the prominence of structural accounts of capitalism by showing how (...)
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  • Production vs. Realisation in Marx's Theory of Value: A Reply to Kincaid.Ben Fine & Alfredo Saad-Filho - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (4):167-180.
    In a review of our work, Kincaid suggests that we are 'productivist', reducing interpretation of Marx and capitalism to production at the expense of the relatively independent role that can be played by the value-form in general and by the money-form in particular. In response, we argue that he distorts interpretation of our work through this prism of production versus exchange, unduly emphasises the independence of exchange to the point of underconsumptionism, and simplistically collapses the mediation between production and exchange (...)
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  • The Culture of Abstraction.Alberto Toscano - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (4):57-75.
    Focusing especially on Science and the Modern World, this article explores Whitehead's understanding of the social contexts and repercussions of mathematical and scientific abstraction. It investigates his remarks on the need to offset pernicious practices of abstraction in the context of a renewed concern with the link between conceptuality and materiality in social theory. Whitehead's inquiry into the problematic legacy of Galileo and scientific materialism is then contrasted with a different diagnosis of the abstractive maladies of modern society, the one (...)
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  • Transitions to Capitalism.Nicole Leach - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (2):111-137.
    This paper assesses the work of Robert Brenner alongside the insights developed within social-reproduction feminism to reassess discussions on the origins of capitalism. The focus on the internal relation between social production and social reproduction allows social-reproduction feminism to theorise the construction of gendered capitalist social relations that previous accounts of the transition to capitalism have thus far been unable to provide. It argues that a revised political Marxism has the potential to set up a non-teleological and historically specific account (...)
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  • On ‘The Problem with Brenner’: The Paradox of Agency and the Heresy of Reification.Michael Andrew Žmolek - 2021 - Historical Materialism 29 (3):125-152.
    Knafo and Teschke’s surprisingly polemical critique of Brenner’s work is derived from earlier work which applies the same critique arising out of the agency/structure debate in International Relations theory. Casting Brenner’s work as increasingly structuralist over time and therefore increasingly prone to reify social relations, thereby suppressing or downplaying the role of agency, Knafo and Teschke ask their readers to take such claims at face value, offering no close textual reading of Brenner’s work. Focusing almost entirely on method rather than (...)
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  • Politischer Marxismus contra Postmarxismus: Kritik postmarxistischer Ideologie und Begriff sozialistischer Emanzipation bei Ellen M. Wood.Hendrik Wallat - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 5 (2):282-302.
    Zusammenfassung Ellen M. Wood hat mit ihrer Studie „Retreat from Class. A ‚new true socialism“ bereits 1986 eine überzeugende Kritik des Postmarxismus vorgelegt. Der Artikel zeichnet deren zentrale Punkte nach und zeigt, dass diese auf einer innovativen Interpretation des historischen Materialismus beruhen, die als ‚politischer Marxismus‘ bezeichnet wird. Gleichwohl bleibt zu fragen, ob Woods Kritik nicht zugleich Annahmen des klassischen Marxismus reproduziert, die historisch wie systematisch zweifelhaft sind.
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