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  1. What Social Research Can Learn from Archaeology: Comparison as Juxtaposition and Conduction.Troels Krarup - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    Methodological inspiration from the discipline of archaeology can spur new developments of logic of inquiry in social research beyond contemporary debates among empiricist, rationalist, and pragmatist positions with their corresponding modes of inference: induction, deduction, and abduction. Archaeological methodology pursues comparison not in terms of similarities and differences among cases but through the juxtaposition of heterogeneous yet coexisting finds. On this basis, it pursues inferences by what I call ‘conduction’ about the relationship among finds, understood as their conditions of coexistence. (...)
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  • Postdemokratie als Problematisierungskonzept.Katrin Wille - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (3):396-411.
    Comparing Rancière’s and Crouch’s respective concepts of post-democracy and the way they problematise the state of contemporary (Western) societies, this article opts for a third way to state the problem, associated with the idea of democracy as a form of life. Common to all three approaches is the critique of an ‘engineering attitude’ that conceives problems as disturbances that have merely to be fixed. All three also warn against the dominant influence of economics in politics and the increase of right-wing (...)
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