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  1. Unconscious Perception Reconsidered.Ian Phillips - 2018 - Analytic Philosophy 59 (4):471-514.
    Most contemporary theorists regard the traditional thesis that perception is essentially conscious as just another armchair edict to be abandoned in the wake of empirical discovery. Here I reconsider this dramatic departure from tradition. My aim is not to recapture our prelapsarian confidence that perception is inevitably conscious (though much I say might be recruited to that cause). Instead, I want to problematize the now ubiquitous belief in unconscious perception. The paper divides into two parts. Part One is more purely (...)
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  • Subliminal priming of actions influences sense of control over effects of action.Dorit Wenke, Stephen M. Fleming & Patrick Haggard - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):26-38.
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  • Sense of control depends on fluency of action selection, not motor performance.Valerian Chambon & Patrick Haggard - 2012 - Cognition 125 (3):441-451.
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  • (1 other version)Unconscious processing under interocular suppression: getting the right measure.Timo Stein & Philipp Sterzer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Unconscious vision and executive control: How unconscious processing and conscious action control interact.Ulrich Ansorge, Wilfried Kunde & Markus Kiefer - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:268-287.
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  • Metacognitive sensitivity of subjective reports of decisional confidence and visual experience.Manuel Rausch, Hermann J. Müller & Michael Zehetleitner - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:192-205.
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  • (1 other version)Comparing unconscious processing during continuous flash suppression and meta-contrast masking just under the limen of consciousness.Ziv Peremen & Dominique Lamy - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Lost in dissociation: The main paradigms in unconscious cognition.Luis M. Augusto - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:293-310.
    Contemporary studies in unconscious cognition are essentially founded on dissociation, i.e., on how it dissociates with respect to conscious mental processes and representations. This is claimed to be in so many and diverse ways that one is often lost in dissociation. In order to reduce this state of confusion we here carry out two major tasks: based on the central distinction between cognitive processes and representations, we identify and isolate the main dissociation paradigms; we then critically analyze their key tenets (...)
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  • Correlation analysis to investigate unconscious mental processes: A critical appraisal and mini-tutorial.Simone Malejka, Miguel A. Vadillo, Zoltán Dienes & David R. Shanks - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104667.
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  • Do conscious perception and unconscious processing rely on independent mechanisms? A meta-contrast study.Ziv Peremen & Dominique Lamy - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 24:22-32.
    There is currently no consensus regarding what measures are most valid to demonstrate perceptual processing without awareness. Likewise, whether conscious perception and unconscious processing rely on independent mechanisms or lie on a continuum remains a matter of debate. Here, we addressed these issues by comparing the time courses of subjective reports, objective discrimination performance and response priming during meta-contrast masking, under similar attentional demands. We found these to be strikingly similar, suggesting that conscious perception and unconscious processing cannot be dissociated (...)
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  • Explaining what?Elizabeth Irvine - unknown
    The Hard Problem is surrounded by a vast literature, to which it is increasingly hard to contribute to in any meaningful way. Accordingly, the strategy here is not to offer any new metaphysical or ‘in principle’ arguments in favour of the success of materialism, but to assume a Type Q(uinian) approach and look to contemporary consciousness science to see how the concept of consciousness fares there, and what kind of explanations we can hope to offer of it. It is suggested (...)
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  • How (not) to demonstrate unconscious priming: Overcoming issues with post-hoc data selection, low power, and frequentist statistics.Timo Stein, Simon van Gaal & Johannes J. Fahrenfort - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 119 (C):103669.
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  • Dissociation between temporal attention and Consciousness: Unconscious temporal cue induces temporal expectation effect.Xiaowei Ding, Huichao Ji, Wenhao Yu, Luzi Xu, Youting Lin & Yanliang Sun - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 119 (C):103670.
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  • Unconscious task set priming with phonological and semantic tasks.Sébastien Weibel, Anne Giersch, Stanislas Dehaene & Caroline Huron - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):517-527.
    Whether unconscious stimuli can modulate the preparation of a cognitive task is still controversial. Using a backward masking paradigm, we investigated whether the modulation could be observed even if the prime was made unconscious in 100% of the trials. In two behavioral experiments, subjects were instructed to initiate a phonological or semantic task on an upcoming word, following an explicit instruction and an unconscious prime. When the SOA between prime and instruction was sufficiently long , primes congruent with the task (...)
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  • The Fata Morgana of Unconscious Perception.Marjan Persuh - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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  • Masked emotional priming: A double dissociation between direct and indirect effects reveals non-conscious processing of emotional information beyond valence.Dirk Wentura, Michaela Rohr & Juliane Degner - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:203-214.
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  • Masked stimuli modulate endogenous shifts of spatial attention.Simon Palmer & Uwe Mattler - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):486-503.
    Unconscious stimuli can influence participants’ motor behavior but also more complex mental processes. Recent research has gradually extended the limits of effects of unconscious stimuli. One field of research where such limits have been proposed is spatial cueing, where exogenous automatic shifts of attention have been distinguished from endogenous controlled processes which govern voluntary shifts of attention. Previous evidence suggests unconscious effects on mechanisms of exogenous shifts of attention. Here, we applied a cue-priming paradigm to a spatial cueing task with (...)
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  • Context-dependent brightness priming occurs without visual awareness.Marjan Persuh & Tony Ro - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):177-185.
    Our visual systems account for stimulus context in brightness perception, but whether such adjustments occur for stimuli that we are unaware of has not been established. We therefore assessed whether stimulus context influences brightness processing by measuring unconscious priming with metacontrast masking. When a middle-gray disk was presented on a darker background, such that it could be consciously perceived as brighter via simultaneous brightness contrast , reaction times were significantly faster to a bright annulus than to a dark annulus. We (...)
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  • Conscious contributions to subliminal priming.Piotr Jaśkowski - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):72-83.
    Choice reaction times to visual stimuli may be influenced by preceding subliminal stimuli . Some authors reported a straight priming effect i.e., responses were faster when primes and targets called for the same response than when they called for different responses. Others found the reversed pattern of results. Eimer and Schlaghecken [Eimer, M. & Schlaghecken, F. . Links between conscious awareness and response inhibition: evidence from masked priming. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 9, 514–520.] showed recently that straight priming occurs whenever (...)
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  • Nice wor if you can get the wor: Subliminal semantic and form priming in fragment completion.Kristina Schütz, Ilka Schendzielarz, Pienie Zwitserlood & Dirk Vorberg - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):520-532.
    Two experiments investigated subliminal semantic and form priming in a word-completion task. Visual gap-words with a dominant and a subordinate solution were preceded by form-related or by semantically related words, which were briefly presented and sandwich-masked. Priming of the subordinate solution was assessed in Experiment 1, relative to a neutral condition. Both solutions were primed in Experiment 2. In the absence of conscious prime recognition, both semantic and form primes reliably increased the probability with which the primed solution was given. (...)
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  • Learning under anesthesia: Checking the light in the fridge? Commentary on deeprose and Andrade (2006).Thomas Schmidt - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (1):24-27.
    Research on learning under anesthesia has focused on showing that learning is possible in the absence of awareness. However, a simple dissociation between learning and awareness is conclusive only under strong additional assumptions, and the actual state of consciousness of an anesthetized person is difficult to determine. Instead of trying to establish complete unconsciousness, one might employ gradual anesthesia to experimentally vary the level of consciousness in a controlled fashion, checking whether cognitive processes exist that can change in opposite direction (...)
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  • Priming of natural scene categorization during continuous flash suppression.Leonie Baumann & Christian Valuch - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 104 (C):103387.
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  • Evidence for visual temporal order processing below the threshold for conscious perception.Morgane Chassignolle, Anne Giersch & Jennifer T. Coull - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104528.
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  • Reading a standing wave: Figure-ground-alternation masking of primes in evaluative priming.Christina Bermeitinger, Michael Kuhlmann & Dirk Wentura - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1109-1121.
    We propose a new masking technique for masking word stimuli. Drawing on the phenomena of metacontrast and paracontrast, we alternately presented two prime displays of the same word with the background color in one display matching the font color in the other display and vice versa. The sequence of twenty alterations was sandwich-masked by structure masks. Using this masking technique, we conducted evaluative priming experiments with positive and negative target and prime words. Significant priming effects were found – for primes (...)
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  • Sensitivity of different measures of the visibility of masked primes: Influences of prime–response and prime–target relations.Shah Khalid, Peter König & Ulrich Ansorge - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1473-1488.
    Visual masking of primes lowers prime visibility but spares processing of primes as reflected in prime–target congruence and prime–response compatibility effects. However, the question is how to appropriately measure prime visibility. Here, we tested the influence of three procedural variables on prime visibility measures: prime–target similarity, prime–response similarity, and the variability of prime–response mappings. Our results show that a low prime–target similarity is a favorable condition for a prime visibility measure because it increases the sensitivity of this measure in comparison (...)
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  • On the source and scope of priming effects of masked stimuli on endogenous shifts of spatial attention.Simon Palmer & Uwe Mattler - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):528-544.
    Unconscious stimuli can influence participants’ motor behavior as well as more complex mental processes. Previous cue-priming experiments demonstrated that masked cues can modulate endogenous shifts of spatial attention as measured by choice reaction time tasks. Here, we applied a signal detection task with masked luminance targets to determine the source and the scope of effects of masked stimuli. Target-detection performance was modulated by prime-cue congruency, indicating that prime-cue congruency modulates signal enhancement at early levels of target processing. These effects, however, (...)
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  • Prior conscious experience enhances conscious perception but does not affect response priming☆.Dominique Lamy, Tomer Carmel & Ziv Peremen - 2017 - Cognition 160 (C):62-81.
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