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Political Romanticism

MIT Press (1991)

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  1. Alasdair MacIntyre and the Christian genealogy of management critique.Paul du Gay - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (4):421-444.
    This paper attempts to account for the peculiarly ‘otherworldly’ character of much contemporary management critique. It does so rather circuitously by focusing upon elements of the work of a moral philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre. MacIntyre's comments about the ‘character’ of the ‘manager’ have commanded considerable support within critical organizational and management studies and have been regularly cited by critical intellectuals, keen to unmask an ethical and emotional vacuum at the heart of contemporary management practice. In what follows, I attempt to show (...)
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  • “Who shall be lord of the earth?” Nietzsche, Schmitt, and thinking “beyond the line”.Gary Shapiro - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (8):933-946.
    Carl Schmitt privately acknowledged that his late theory of Erd-Herrschaft converged with some of Nietzsche’s thought, yet remained silent on this in his book The Nomos of t...
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  • Lukács and Nietzsche: Revolution in a Tragic Key.Baraneh Emadian - 2016 - Parrhesia: Journal of Critical Philosophy 23:86-109.
    György Lukács’s Marxist phase is usually associated with his passage from neo-Kantianism to Hegelianism. Nonetheless, Nietzschean influences have been covertly present in Lukács’s philosophical development, particularly in his uncompromising distaste for the bourgeois society and the mediocrity of its quotidian values. A closer glance at Lukács’s corpus discloses that the influence of Nietzsche has been eclipsed by the Hegelian turn in his thought. Lukács hardly ever mentions the weight of Nietzsche on his early thinking, an influence that makes cameo appearances (...)
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  • Carl Schmitt—An occasional nationalist?Jan Müller - 1997 - History of European Ideas 23 (1):19-34.
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  • On guilt and post-truth escapism: Developing a theory.Ignas Kalpokas - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (10):1127-1147.
    This article provides a framework for understanding post-truth politics by employing the ideas of Nietzsche and Schmitt. It posits pre-moral and pre-economic guilt and debt, relating human non-self-sufficiency, at the heart of social and political existence and alleges that guilt and debt are the hey bonds that hold human groupings together. Following Schmitt, romantic attitudes to politics are seen as negating this underlying reality, opting instead for escapist fantasy of self-mastery and unlimited creative potential. The author claims that these promises (...)
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  • Law, Decision, Necessity: Shifting the Burden of Responsibility.Johanna Jacques - 2015 - In Matilda Arvidsson, Leila Brännström & Panu Minkkinen (eds.), The Contemporary Relevance of Carl Schmitt: Law, Politics, Theology. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 107-119.
    What does it mean to act politically? This paper contributes an answer to this question by looking at the role that necessity plays in the political theory of Carl Schmitt. It argues that necessity, whether in the form of existential danger or absolute values, does not affect the sovereign decision, which must be free from normative determinations if it is to be a decision in Schmitt’s sense at all. The paper then provides a reading of Schmitt in line with Weber’s (...)
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  • Mannheim's Utopia Today.Charles Turner - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (1):27-47.
    This article argues that Mannheim's work contains three distinct accounts of utopia. Two of these - utopia in its classical meaning as opposition to the given and utopia in its association with democratic planning - are well known. The third is found in Mannheim's reflections on the problem of ecstasy. In suggesting a utopia of individualist self-defnition and `pure relationship' it anticipates the recent writings of Beck, Bauman and Giddens.
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  • The Metaphysics of Environmental Concern -- a Critique of Ecotheological Antidualism.Bronislaw Szerszynski - 1993 - Studies in Christian Ethics 6 (2):67-78.
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  • Kierkegaard's absolute decision dialectic of ethical law in fear and trembling.Barry Stocker - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (1):27 – 35.
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  • Who Has the Right to Rule the Planet?Tom Darby - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (1):40-53.
    This article maintains that the process of globalization may be best understood as the spatial offspring of modern technology, just as “the end of history” is its temporal offspring. This conclusion is prefigured in the thought of four 20th-century thinkers who, despite their diverse personal and ideological background, came to almost identical conclusions about the role of technology in modernity. These thinkers, Kojève, Strauss, Schmitt, and Heidegger, may be considered as collaborators in deciphering the meaning of modern technology and its (...)
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  • La ironía crítica o los amantes de las ruinas: el esteta, el dandy y el fl'neur.Naim Garnica - 2016 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 52:151-172.
    El ensayo examina el carácter crítico de la ironía romántica de Friedrich Schlegel siguiendo las consideraciones y apropiaciones de Walter Benjamin, Harold Bloom y Paul de Man. También, el ensayo pretende mostrar el paralelismo de la actitud crítica de la ironía con tres figuras literarias románticas: el esteta, el dandy y el âneur. Estas criaturas, unidas por una fe profética en el arte, hacen de la ironía una profesión que se mueve entre la creación y la destrucción. La apropiación en (...)
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  • Symbolism and Social Phenomena: Toward the Integration of Past and Current Theoretical Approaches.Elżbieta Hałas - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (3):351-366.
    This article takes up, but in a different key, an argument of postmodernists that the over-rationalized conception of society tends to ignore important phenomena such as those belonging to the symbolic domain. It is suggested that the emerging programme of symbolic sociology may contribute toward a new synthetic and interdisciplinary thinking in social sciences. The concept of symbolism as a social phenomenon rather than as an autonomous linguistic or semiotic system is presented; and the argument is made that if social (...)
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  • Ideology critique and the political: Towards a Schmittian perspective on ideology.Matthias Lievens - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (4):381-396.
    The notion of ideology and its critique have taken a remarkable about-turn in recent decades. While in classical Marxism, ideology used to be understood in terms of a distorted representation of real social divisions, recent authors such as Claude Lefort and Ernesto Laclau have argued that there is no standpoint outside language or representation, and they consider those representations as ideological that remain blind to their own political effects. However, a dimension that was crucial in the classical Marxist tradition has (...)
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  • F.J. Turner’s ‘frontier thesis’: The ruse of American ‘character’.Chris Rojek - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2):236-251.
    American society was transformed by the expansion of capital Westward and the explosion in opportunities for land-grabbing and agricultural and industrial investment. F.J. Turner’s ([1893] 1961) frontier thesis portrays this transformation as the fulfilment of American character. The tensions between character and personality are examined following the ideas of Carl Schmitt on the significance of ‘the occasion’ in acquiring competitive advantage. Schmitt indicated the significance of a ‘vertical’ frontier in challenging social conventions and this constitutes a counterpoint to the ‘horizontal’ (...)
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  • Carl Schmitt on the Secularisation of Religious Texts as a Resacralisation of Jurisprudence?Michael Salter - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (1):113-147.
    Carl Schmitt, an increasingly influential German law professor, developed a provocative and historically oriented model of “political theology” with specific relevance to legal scholarship and the authorship of constitutional texts. His “political theology” is best understood neither as an expressly theological discourse within constitutional law, nor as a uniquely legal discourse shaped by a hidden theological agenda. Instead, it addresses the possibility of the continual resurfacing of theological ideas and beliefs within legal discourses of, for instance, sovereignty, the force of (...)
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  • Something to Die for. The Individual as Interruption of the Political in Carl Schmitt’s The Concept of the Political.Marin Lavinia - 2016 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 60 (2):311–325.
    This article aims to question the anti-individualist stance in Carl Schmitt's concept of the political by uncovering the historical bias of Schmitt's anti-individualism, seen here as one of the main driving forces behind his argument. For Schmitt, the political can take place only when a collectivity is able to declare war to another collectivity on the basis of feeling existentially threatened by the latter. As such, Schmitt's framework implies the inescapable possibility of war, as the condition which makes possible the (...)
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  • Metaetika Kaip Romantizmo Forma.Alvydas Jokubaitis - 2013 - Problemos 83:86-95.
    Straipsnis skiriamas metaetikos kritikai. Tai bandymas pagilinti Ronaldo Dworkino kritiką, kuri kai kuriais atžvilgiais yra ribota ir nenuosekli. Šis autorius mano, kad metaetika yra tam tikras etikos variantas, tačiau neatskleidžia jos turinio. Dworkinas teisus sakydamas, kad metaetiką formuoja Apšvietos epistemologinės prielaidos, tačiau jis nemato, kad už to stovi ir romantizmas. Metaetika gali būti aiškinama kaip romantinio mąstymo forma. Pagal nusistovėjusį požiūrį, ši disciplina dažniausiai siejama su Apšvieta. Straipsnio tikslas – įrodyti romantiškas metaetinio mąstymo prielaidas.
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  • The Event and the Subject: The Possible Rehabilitation of Carl Schmitt.Charis N. Papacharalambous - 2010 - Law and Critique 21 (1):53-72.
    The subject is the bearer of the sovereign decision, according to C. Schmitt. This decision grounds on certain situational pragmatics, yet mainly is born out of a ‘null’; as the decision forms the political normalcy that follows after, it displays its nature as an ‘event’. This subject is simultaneously a legal and a political one; it is the founder of the Nomos. This founding subject has been eclipsed in alignment with its post-modernly acclaimed ‘death’. The subject is deemed to have (...)
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