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  1. New Materialism: Interviews and Cartographies.Rick Dolphijn & Iris van der Tuin - 2012 - Open Humanities Press.
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  • Using Gender to Undo Gender: A Feminist Degendering Movement.Judith Lorber - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (1):79-95.
    Women’s status in the Western world has improved enormously, but the revolution that would make women and men truly equal has not yet occurred. I argue that the reason is that gender divisions still deeply bifurcate the structure of modern society. Feminists want women and men to be equal, but few talk about doing away with gender divisions altogether. From a social constructionist structural gender perspective, it is the ubiquitous division of people into two unequally valued categories that undergirds the (...)
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  • Alternate Currents in Women’s Republicanism During the French Revolution.Patrick Ball - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (4):392-402.
    ABSTRACT In this article I consider alternate but often complementary models for women’s republicanism from those discussed by Sandrine Bergès. In particular, I make use of Bergès’s insights about extending philosophical inquiry beyond traditional texts to analyse how militant political action was both informed by and informed the creation of philosophical texts, and consider the possibility of bringing direct action into the realm of philosophical investigation.
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  • Equality and Difference in Olympe de Gouges’ Les droits de la femme. A La Reine.Martina Reuter - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (4):403-412.
    ABSTRACT This article examines Olympe de Gouges’ demands for the rights of woman in her famous but still understudied work Les droits de la femme. A La Reine [1791]. Particular emphasis is put on analysing how she combines her demand for equality with her conception of sexual difference. The article consists of three parts. The first part gives a brief overview of the demands for the equality of the sexes as they were presented in seventeenth-century France and critically reacted upon (...)
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  • Pushing dualism to an extreme: On the philosophical impetus of a new materialism.Rick Dolphijn & Iris Tuin - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (4):383-400.
    This article discusses the way in which a group of contemporary cultural theorists in whose work we see a “new materialism” (a term coined by Braidotti and DeLanda) at work constitutes a philosophy of difference by traversing the dualisms that form the backbone of modernist thought. Continuing the ideas of Lyotard and Deleuze they have set themselves to a rewriting of all possible forms of emancipation that are to be found. This rewriting exercise involves a movement in thought that, in (...)
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  • Pushing dualism to an extreme: On the philosophical impetus of a new materialism.Rick Dolphijn & Iris van der Tuin - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (4):383-400.
    This article discusses the way in which a group of contemporary cultural theorists in whose work we see a “new materialism” (a term coined by Braidotti and DeLanda) at work constitutes a philosophy of difference by traversing the dualisms that form the backbone of modernist thought. Continuing the ideas of Lyotard and Deleuze they have set themselves to a rewriting of all possible forms of emancipation that are to be found. This rewriting exercise involves a movement in thought that, in (...)
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  • Metafysiikka valistuksena.Jani Hakkarainen - 2022 - In Hemmo Laiho (ed.), Valistuksen perinnöt: Suomen Filosofisen Yhdistyksen kollokvion esitelmiä. University of Turku. pp. 37-48.
    Kirjoituksessa argumentoin, että metafysiikka on ollut valistusta, vaikka se edelleen kaipaa lisää valistumista, kun valistus ymmärretään avoimena prosessina, joka ei ole ajasta ja paikasta riippuvaista. Käsittelen ensin sitä, mitä metafysiikka ja valistus ovat. Sitten lausun länsimaisen metafysiikan historiasta hyvin lyhyesti. Päätän esseen argumentoimalla, että metafysiikka on valistunutta siinä mielessä, että klassisen substanssi-ominaisuus-skeeman sokeasta seuraamisesta on pitkälti päästy eroon. Metafysiikka kaipaa kuitenkin lisää valistusta ja kriittistä tarkastelua, jotta vapaudumme täysin kyseisen skeeman ja modernin predikaatti-logiikan johdatuksen aiheuttamasta kolmesta ongelmallisesta suositusta (tausta)oletuksesta: (1) (...)
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  • Mundo común, feminismo y mitología.Fina Birulés - 2013 - Isegoría 49:407-420.
    Desde la década de 1970 el feminismo ha significado una de las profundizaciones críticas m.s productivas del legado del pensamiento político de la modernidad. El presente artículo atiende al cuestionamiento de las modernas nociones de libertad y comunidad políticas que Linda Zerilli ha llevado a cabo en su lectura de Hannah Arendt y de Ludwig Wittgenstein. A partir de ah. y de la reciente querella en torno al diformismo sexual, se muestra la necesidad de repensar la relación entre teoría y (...)
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  • American lesbians are not French women: heterosexual French feminism and the Americanisation of lesbianism in the 1970s.Ilana Eloit - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (4):381-404.
    This article examines the ways in which 1970s French feminists who participated in the Women’s Liberation Movement (Mouvement de libération des femmes – MLF) wielded the spectre of lesbianism as an American idiosyncrasy to counteract the politicisation of lesbianism in France. It argues that the erasure of lesbian difference from the domain of French feminism was a necessary condition for making ‘woman’ an amenable subject for incorporation into the abstract unity of the French nation, wherein heterosexuality is conceived as a (...)
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  • Author(iz)ing Agency: Feminist Scholars Making Sense of Women's Involvement in Religious `Fundamentalist' Movements.Sarah Bracke - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (3):335-346.
    This article discusses ways in which feminist scholars draw upon agency in relation to the complex subject matter of women's engagement in so-called `fundamentalist' movements. While postcolonial critiques generally reject the term `fundamentalism', and in particular the way it is linked to Islam, feminist perspectives have a vested interest in looking at contemporary developments in different religions from the perspective of women's lives. Against the patriarchal reputations of fundamentalist movements, feminist scholarship increasingly tends to emphasize women's agency, thereby effectively breaking (...)
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  • Revisando Foucault: homo politicus e homo oeconomicus / terceiro capítulo de Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution.Wendy Brown - 2017 - Doispontos 14 (1).
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  • 17 Feminist Posthumanities: Redefining and Expanding Humanities’ Foundations.Cecilia Åsberg & Rosi Braidotti - 2024 - In Rosi Braidotti, Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Marjan Ivković & Daan F. Oostveen (eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to the New European Humanities. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 328-348.
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  • (1 other version)Suffering Rights as Paradoxes.Wendy Brown, Anabella Di Tullio & Romina Smiraglia - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 9 (17):243-261.
    This article is a translation into Spanish of Wendy Brown's article “Suffering rights as paradoxes,” originally published in Constellations in 2000. In this paper, the author considers the difficult relation between selected feminist ambitions and rights discourse in the United States. This translation is part of the dossier “Feminist Political Theory: Tensions, Dilemmas and Debates,” published in Las Torres de Lucca, International Journal of Political Philosophy in July 2020.
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  • The Edinburgh Companion to the New European Humanities.Rosi Braidotti, Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Marjan Ivković & Daan F. Oostveen (eds.) - 2024 - Edinburgh University Press.
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  • The Appearance and Subordination of Women: An examination of the increased emergence of symbolic female imagery and the subordination of women during the French Revolution.Lily Climenhaga - 2014 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 5 (1).
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  • On ‘The evidence of experience’ and its reverberations: An interview with Joan W. Scott.Lisa Diedrich & Victoria Hesford - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (2):197-207.
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  • Colonial Dependence and Sexual Difference: Reading for Gender in the Writings of Simón Bolívar (1783–1830).Catherine Davies - 2005 - Feminist Review 79 (1):5-19.
    The article explores the textual construction of gender categories in the political discourse of Simón Bolívar by means of a close critical reading of his seminal writings made public between 1812 and 1820. The historical and political processes known as Latin American independence constitute a moment of radical transformation. It was during this period that the questions of political rights, nationality and citizenship were most open to debate throughout the continent. The article shows how the category woman is constructed ambiguously (...)
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  • The history of feminism: Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de caritat, Marquis de condorcet.Joan Landes - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Fugit Hora: Fashion and the ethics of style.Hilary Radner - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (2):340-354.
    . Fugit Hora: Fashion and the ethics of style. Cultural Values: Vol. 2, No. 2-3, pp. 340-354.
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  • Regimes of Visibility: Representing Violence against Women in the French Banlieue.Sarah Dornhof - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1):110-127.
    Recent discussions about violence against women have shifted their attention to specific forms of violence in relation to migration and Islam. In this article, I consider different modes of representing women's experiences in French immigrant communities. These representations relate to the French feminist movement Ni Putes Ni Soumises (neither whore nor submissive), a movement that in the early 2000s deplored both the sustained degradation of certain banlieue neighborhoods and also the charges and restrictions that this entails, particularly for young women. (...)
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  • Deconstruction of gender and women’s agency: A proposal for incorporating concepts of feminist theory into historical research, exemplified through changes in Berlin’s Poor Relief Policy, 1770–1850.Dietlind Hüchtker - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (3):328-348.
    The article discusses Berlin’s Poor Relief Policy from the late 18th century to the mid-19th century, posing the question: how can premises of theoretical and political feminist discussion be put into practice? In analysing the shift in poor relief, I have taken up three essential aspects: (1) power relations must be examined in a context that cannot be reduced simply to the opposition between ruler and subject or men and women; (2) when does gender become a principle of social order?; (...)
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  • Why Weren't They Feminists?: Parisian Noble Women and the Campaigns for Women's Rights in France, 1880—1914.Elizabeth C. Macknight - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (2):127-140.
    This article examines the responses of Parisian noble women to campaigns for women's rights in France of the early Third Republic. The methodology of the article is based on the works of Pierre Bourdieu. His concept of the habitus is used to analyse the effects of class and gender in noble women's attitudes to French feminisms before the First World War. The conditioning of Parisian noble women explains their resistance, indeed often outspoken opposition, to feminists' demands. These female aristocrats supported (...)
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  • Protesting like a Girl: Embodiment, Dissent and Feminist Agency.Wendy Parkins - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (1):59-78.
    This article examines feminist agency in the light of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological account of the body subject. Stressing the importance of embodiment to feminist agency (without reifying an essential female body), I argue that bodies inhabit specific social, historical and discursive contexts which shape our corporeal experience and our opportunities for political contestation. Beginning with the assertion that we cannot think of agency without the body, I examine a historical instance of feminist agency in which women’s bodies were central to the (...)
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  • Sex, Race and ‘Unnatural’ Difference: Tracking the Chiastic Logic of Menopause-Related Discourses.Celia Roberts - 2004 - European Journal of Women's Studies 11 (1):27-44.
    Theorizing interconnections of sexual and racial differences remains a core problematic within feminist theory. In this article the author argues that these connections might in some cases usefully be understood as constituting a chiasmas. The term ‘chiasmas’ is taken from MichËle Le Doeuff’s analysis of the writings of 18th-century physiologist Pierre Roussel. Le Doeuff argues that Roussel’s understanding of sexual difference is chiastic. An examination of contemporary medical and scientific discourses around the menopause and its treatment through hormone replacement therapy (...)
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  • Imagining and Living the Revolution: An Arendtian Reading of Rosa Luxemburg's Letters and Writings.Maria Tamboukou - 2014 - Feminist Review 106 (1):27-42.
    In this paper, I look into personal and political entanglements in Rosa Luxemburg's letters and essays revolving around questions and problems of the revolution. The analysis is informed by Hannah Arendt's theorisation of revolutions in modernity, as well as her reading of narratives within the political. What is intriguing about the Luxemburg/ Arendt encounter is the fact that although both theorists consciously refused to connect themselves with feminist ideas and movements of their times and geographies, their writings have inspired a (...)
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  • Selves, persons, individuals : a feminist critique of the law of obligations.Janice Richardson - unknown
    This thesis examines some of the contested meanings of what it is to be a self, person and individual. The law of obligations sets the context for this examination. One of the important aspects of contemporary feminist philosophy has been its move beyond highlighting inconsistencies in political and legal theory, in which theoretical frameworks can be shown to rely upon an ambiguous treatment of women. The feminist theorists whose work is considered use these theoretical weaknesses as a point of departure (...)
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  • Feminist Practice Meets Feminist Theory. [REVIEW]Myra Marx Ferree - 2009 - Sociological Theory 27 (1):75 - 80.
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