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  1. The Quantified Relationship.John Danaher, Sven Nyholm & Brian D. Earp - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (2):3-19.
    The growth of self-tracking and personal surveillance has given rise to the Quantified Self movement. Members of this movement seek to enhance their personal well-being, productivity, and self-actualization through the tracking and gamification of personal data. The technologies that make this possible can also track and gamify aspects of our interpersonal, romantic relationships. Several authors have begun to challenge the ethical and normative implications of this development. In this article, we build upon this work to provide a detailed ethical analysis (...)
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  • Should we campaign against sex robots?John Danaher, Brian D. Earp & Anders Sandberg - 2017 - In John Danaher & Neil McArthur (eds.), Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications. MIT Press.
    In September 2015 a well-publicised Campaign Against Sex Robots (CASR) was launched. Modelled on the longer-standing Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, the CASR opposes the development of sex robots on the grounds that the technology is being developed with a particular model of female-male relations (the prostitute-john model) in mind, and that this will prove harmful in various ways. In this chapter, we consider carefully the merits of campaigning against such a technology. We make three main arguments. First, we argue (...)
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  • Choice, pressure and markets in kidneys.Julian Koplin - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):310-313.
    We do not always benefit from the expansion of our choice sets. This is because some options change the context in which we must make decisions in ways that render us worse off than we would have been otherwise. One promising argument against paid living kidney donation holds that having the option of selling a ‘spare’ kidney would impact people facing financial pressures in precisely this way. I defend this argument from two related criticisms: first, that having the option to (...)
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  • The Best Option Argument and Kidney Sales: A Reply to Albertsen.Luke Semrau - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    In a recent article, Albertsen both elaborates the best option argument for regulated markets and levels a justice-based objection to kidney sales. In the present article, I show that Albertsen has crucially misunderstood the best option argument. It is not a defence of kidney sales, as Albertsen claims. It is a reply to an objection. The objection, perennial in the debate, opposes kidney sales on the grounds that sellers would be harmed. The best option argument—proving that prohibitions tend to set (...)
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  • Paying for sex—only for people with disabilities?Brian D. Earp & Ole Martin Moen - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (1):54-56.
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  • Exploitation, Criminalization, and Pecuniary Trade in the Organs of Living People.Hugh V. McLachlan - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):229-241.
    It is often maintained that, since the buying and selling of organs—particularly the kidneys—of living people supposedly constitutes exploitation of the living vendors while the so-called “altruistic” donation of them does not, the former, unlike the latter, should be a crime. This paper challenges and rejects this view. A novel account of exploitation, influenced by but different from those of Zwolinski and Wertheimer and of Wilkinson, is developed. Exploitation is seen as a sort of injustice. A distinction is made between (...)
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  • Understanding Choice, Pressure and Markets in Kidneys.Luke Semrau - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (4):277-278.
    Here, I briefly respond to a recent paper by Julian Koplin, in which he criticises my earlier work in this journal. I show that Koplin has misunderstood the distinction I have made between pressure to vend and pressure with the option to vend. I also show that his pessimism about the market regulations I favour is unwarranted.
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  • A care ethics approach to the Gender Kidney Donation Gap.Nathan Hodson - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2185-2194.
    Many studies have shown that women are more likely than men to be living kidney donors, and the discrepancy is particularly marked in heterosexual couples: wives are more likely than husbands to donate a kidney to their spouse. This ‘ Gender Kidney Donation Gap’ can be understood in terms of Carol Gilligan’s claims about gender differences in ethical decision-making style, making it appropriate to analyse responses to this imbalance using an ethic of care. This article centres the vast majority of (...)
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  • Seeing the Good in Medical Ethics.Finn Wilson - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (6):513-521.
    This issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy is unified by a theme of what contributes to and detracts from patient well-being. I highlight this unifying thread through five of this issue’s contributions, dividing them according to whether they are predominantly about what diminishes or enhances the well-being of patients. Three of them are more directly relevant to whether certain actions diminish well-being, and two of them touch more closely on what promotes well-being. Although these papers are generally focused (...)
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  • Kidney Sales and Disrespectful Demands: A Reply to Rippon.Luke Semrau - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (6):522-531.
    Simon Rippon, revising an earlier argument against kidney sales, now claims that offers involving the performance of invasive acts, when extended to people under pressure, constitute a kind of rights violation, Impermissibly Disrespectful Demands. Since offers involving kidney sales so qualify, Rippon finds prima facie reason to prohibit them. The present article levels four independent objections to Rippon’s argument: the account of Impermissibly Disrespectful Demands implausibly condemns kidney donation as much as kidney sales; the normative importance of having autonomous veto (...)
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