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Proper and Improper Forcing

Studia Logica 64 (3):421-425 (2000)

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  1. Toward categoricity for classes with no maximal models.Saharon Shelah & Andrés Villaveces - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 97 (1-3):1-25.
    We provide here the first steps toward a Classification Theory ofElementary Classes with no maximal models, plus some mild set theoretical assumptions, when the class is categorical in some λ greater than its Löwenheim-Skolem number. We study the degree to which amalgamation may be recovered, the behaviour of non μ-splitting types. Most importantly, the existence of saturated models in a strong enough sense is proved, as a first step toward a complete solution to the o Conjecture for these classes. Further (...)
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  • Set mapping reflection.Justin Tatch Moore - 2005 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 5 (1):87-97.
    In this note we will discuss a new reflection principle which follows from the Proper Forcing Axiom. The immediate purpose will be to prove that the bounded form of the Proper Forcing Axiom implies both that 2ω = ω2 and that [Formula: see text] satisfies the Axiom of Choice. It will also be demonstrated that this reflection principle implies that □ fails for all regular κ > ω1.
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  • Greatly Erdős cardinals with some generalizations to the Chang and Ramsey properties.I. Sharpe & P. D. Welch - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (11):863-902.
    • We define a notion of order of indiscernibility type of a structure by analogy with Mitchell order on measures; we use this to define a hierarchy of strong axioms of infinity defined through normal filters, the α-weakly Erdős hierarchy. The filters in this hierarchy can be seen to be generated by sets of ordinals where these indiscernibility orders on structures dominate the canonical functions.• The limit axiom of this is that of greatly Erdős and we use it to calibrate (...)
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  • Prikry forcing and tree Prikry forcing of various filters.Tom Benhamou - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):787-817.
    In this paper, we answer a question asked in Koepke et al. regarding a Mathias criteria for Tree-Prikry forcing. Also we will investigate Prikry forcing using various filters. For completeness and self inclusion reasons, we will give proofs of many known theorems.
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  • Cofinal types of ultrafilters.Dilip Raghavan & Stevo Todorcevic - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (3):185-199.
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  • Fusion and large cardinal preservation.Sy-David Friedman, Radek Honzik & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (12):1247-1273.
    In this paper we introduce some fusion properties of forcing notions which guarantee that an iteration with supports of size ⩽κ not only does not collapse κ+ but also preserves the strength of κ. This provides a general theory covering the known cases of tree iterations which preserve large cardinals [3], Friedman and Halilović [5], Friedman and Honzik [6], Friedman and Magidor [8], Friedman and Zdomskyy [10], Honzik [12]).
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  • Bounding, splitting, and almost disjointness.Jörg Brendle & Dilip Raghavan - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2):631-651.
    We investigate some aspects of bounding, splitting, and almost disjointness. In particular, we investigate the relationship between the bounding number, the closed almost disjointness number, the splitting number, and the existence of certain kinds of splitting families.
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  • Isolating cardinal invariants.Jindřich Zapletal - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (1):143-162.
    There is an optimal way of increasing certain cardinal invariants of the continuum.
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  • An equiconsistency result on partial squares.John Krueger & Ernest Schimmerling - 2011 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 11 (1):29-59.
    We prove that the following two statements are equiconsistent: there exists a greatly Mahlo cardinal; there exists a regular uncountable cardinal κ such that no stationary subset of κ+ ∩ cof carries a partial square.
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  • Cardinal invariants of the continuum and combinatorics on uncountable cardinals.Jörg Brendle - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 144 (1-3):43-72.
    We explore the connection between combinatorial principles on uncountable cardinals, like stick and club, on the one hand, and the combinatorics of sets of reals and, in particular, cardinal invariants of the continuum, on the other hand. For example, we prove that additivity of measure implies that Martin’s axiom holds for any Cohen algebra. We construct a model in which club holds, yet the covering number of the null ideal is large. We show that for uncountable cardinals κ≤λ and , (...)
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  • The comparison of various club guessing principles.Tetsuya Ishiu - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (5):583-600.
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  • On almost precipitous ideals.Asaf Ferber & Moti Gitik - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (3):301-328.
    With less than 0# two generic extensions ofL are identified: one in which ${\aleph_1}$ , and the other ${\aleph_2}$ , is almost precipitous. This improves the consistency strength upper bound of almost precipitousness obtained in Gitik M, Magidor M (On partialy wellfounded generic ultrapowers, in Pillars of Computer Science, 2010), and answers some questions raised there. Also, main results of Gitik (On normal precipitous ideals, 2010), are generalized—assumptions on precipitousness are replaced by those on ∞-semi precipitousness. As an application it (...)
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  • Bounding by canonical functions, with ch.Paul Larson & Saharon Shelah - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (02):193-215.
    We show that the members of a certain class of semi-proper iterations do not add countable sets of ordinals. As a result, starting from suitable large cardinals one can obtain a model in which the Continuum Hypothesis holds and every function from ω1 to ω1 is bounded on a club by a canonical function for an ordinal less than ω2.
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  • Baumgartnerʼs conjecture and bounded forcing axioms.David Asperó, Sy-David Friedman, Miguel Angel Mota & Marcin Sabok - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (12):1178-1186.
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  • P-points in Qmax models.Q. Feng & W. H. Woodin - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 119 (1-3):121-190.
    We show how to get canonical models from in which the nonstationary ideal on ω1 is ω1 dense and there is no P-point.
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  • The grounded Martin's axiom.Miha E. Habič - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (5):437-453.
    We introduce a variant of Martin's axiom, called the grounded Martin's axiom, or math formula, which asserts that the universe is a c.c.c. forcing extension in which Martin's axiom holds for posets in the ground model. This principle already implies several of the combinatorial consequences of math formula. The new axiom is shown to be consistent with the failure of math formula and a singular continuum. We prove that math formula is preserved in a strong way when adding a Cohen (...)
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  • The saturation of club guessing ideals.Tetsuya Ishiu - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 142 (1):398-424.
    We prove that it is consistent that there exists a saturated tail club guessing ideal on ω1 which is not a restriction of the non-stationary ideal. Two proofs are presented. The first one uses a new forcing axiom whose consistency can be proved from a supercompact cardinal. The resulting model can satisfy either CH or 20=2. The second one is a direct proof from a Woodin cardinal, which gives a witnessing model with CH.
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  • Coding with canonical functions.Paul B. Larson & Saharon Shelah - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (5):334-341.
    A function f from ω1 to the ordinals is called a canonical function for an ordinal α if f represents α in any generic ultrapower induced by forcing with math formula. We introduce here a method for coding sets of ordinals using canonical functions from ω1 to ω1. Combining this approach with arguments from, we show, assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, that for each cardinal κ there is a forcing construction preserving cardinalities and cofinalities forcing that every subset of κ is (...)
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  • Finding generic filters by playing games.Heike Mildenberger - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (1):91-118.
    We give some restrictions for the search for a model of the club principle with no Souslin trees. We show that ${\diamondsuit(2^\omega, [\omega]^\omega}$ , is almost constant on) together with CH and “all Aronszajn trees are special” is consistent relative to ZFC. This implies the analogous result for a double weakening of the club principle.
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  • The relative consistency of {$\germ g<{\rm cf})$}.Heike Mildenbergert & Saharon Shelah - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):297-314.
    We prove the consistency result from the title. By forcing we construct a model of g = ℵ l , b = cf(Sym(ω)) = ℵ 2.
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  • Weak diamond and open colorings.Justin Tatch Moore - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (01):119-125.
    The purpose of this article is to prove the relative consistency of certain statements about open colorings with 2ℵ0 < 2ℵ1. In particular both OCA and the statement that every 1–1 function of size ℵ1 is σ-monotonic are consistent with 2ℵ0 < 2ℵ1. As a corollary we have that 2ℵ0 < 2ℵ1 does not admit a ℙ max variation.
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  • SPFA by finite conditions.Moti Gitik & Menachem Magidor - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (5-6):649-661.
    Itay Neeman presented a new way of iterating of proper forcings. We would like to generalize it here to semi-proper.
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