- "Consciousness". Selected Bibliography 1970 - 2004.Thomas Metzinger - unknowndetails
Book Reviews : Frederick Crews, Skeptical Engagements. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986. Pp. xi, 244, $9.95 (paper. [REVIEW]Michelle Marshall - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (3):398-403.details
The nature of insight.Stuart G. Shanker - 1995 - Minds and Machines 5 (4):561-581.details
On the inter-relatedness of theory and measurement in the study of unconscious processes.Eyal M. Reingold & Philip M. Merikle - 1990 - Mind and Language 5 (1):9-28.details
Human Consciousness: Where Is It From and What Is It for.Boris Kotchoubey - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.details
A thoroughly empirical approach to consciousness.Bernard J. Baars - 1994 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 1.details
Event-related potential indicators of the dynamic unconscious.Howard Shevrin, W. J. Williams, R. E. Marshall & Linda A. Brakel - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (3):340-66.details
Dynamic variations in affective priming.P. Wong - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (2):147-168.details
Individual conscious and unconscious perception of emotion: Theory, methodology and applications.Myron Tsikandilakis, Persefoni Bali, Zhaoliang Yu, Christopher Madan, Jan Derrfuss, Peter Chapman & John Groeger - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 94 (C):103172.details
The evolution of psychodynamic mechanisms.Randolph M. Nesse & Alan T. Lloyd - 1992 - In Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby (eds.), The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. Oxford University Press. pp. 601--624.details
Brain indices of nonconscious associative learning.Philip S. Wong, Edward Bernat, S. Bunce & H. Shevrin - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (4):519-544.details
The unconscious mind: From classical theoretical controversy to controversial contemporary research and a practical illustration of the “error of our ways”.Myron Tsikandilakis, Persefoni Bali, Jan Derrfuss & Peter Chapman - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 74 (C):102771.details
Varieties of consciousness.Paolo Bartolomeo & Gianfranco Dalla Barba - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):331-332.details
Brain indices of nonconscious associative learning.Philip S. Wong, Edward Bernat, S. . Bunce & Shevrin . - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (4):519-544.details
Religious experience, archetypes, and the neurophysiology of emotions.James P. Henry - 1986 - Zygon 21 (1):47-74.details