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  1. Towards a conversational culture? How participants establish strategies for co-ordinating chat postings in the context of in-service training.Åsa Mäkitalo & Mona Nilsen - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (1):90-105.
    Within the research field of computer-mediated communication, extensive attention has been paid to the differences between CMC and spoken conversation, particularly in terms of sequential structure. In this study, the aim is to analyse how participants maintain continuity and handle discontinuities in institutionally arranged, computer-mediated communication. The empirical material consists of chat log files from in-service training courses for professionals in the food production industry. In the chat sessions we analysed, participants initially had some problems in co-ordinating their postings, that (...)
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  • Sequential order in multimodal discourse: Talk and text in online educational interaction.Will J. Gibson - 2014 - Discourse and Communication 8 (1):63-83.
    This article analyses the sequential ordering of multi-modal discussions in real-time online classes in postgraduate education contexts. The article explores the ways that text and verbal talk are organized by the participants as inter-connecting modes of interaction. Focusing on Initiation, Response and Feedback sequences as an example of a form of exchange, the article shows that the interaction was comparatively disorderly where conducted across talk and text modes. For instance, written responses to questions or to encouragement turns often overlapped with (...)
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  • Making sense of danmu: Coherence in massive anonymous chats on Bilibili.com.Daniel Cassany & Leticia-Tian Zhang - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (4):483-502.
    Although coherence has been widely studied in computer-mediated communication, insufficient attention has been paid to emergent multimodal forms. This study analyzes a popular commentary system on Chinese and Japanese video-sharing sites – known as danmu or danmaku – where anonymous comments are superimposed on and scroll across the video frame. Through content and multimodal discourse analysis, we unpack danmu-mediated communication analyzing the newest interface, the comments, the interpersonal interactions and the unusual use of the second-person pronoun. Results show that despite (...)
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  • Aspects of sequential organization in text message exchange.Vanita Tanna & Ian Hutchby - 2008 - Discourse and Communication 2 (2):143-164.
    This article builds on a range of work analysing interactive properties of text-based technologically mediated communication which has revealed its deeply interactive properties. Based on a corpus of 1250 SMS text messages, it examines in detail the sequential organization revealed in extended series of text exchanges. Adopting methods and findings from conversation analysis, the study looks at the internal construction of texts as interactive artefacts, focusing on the production of both single-unit and multi-unit messages, and analyses how participants construct exchanges (...)
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  • Disagreement, confusion, disapproval, turn elicitation and floor holding: Actions as accomplished by ellipsis marks-only turns and blank turns in quasisynchronous chats.Kenneth Keng Wee Ong - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (2):211-234.
    This study evidences turn actions done by ellipsis marks-only turns and blank turns as employed in quasisynchronous chats that are not discussed in prior literature. A brief introduction to the research background of ellipsis marks in online chats is followed by a description of the data collected before delving into the actions done by ellipsis marks-only turns and blank turns. Data were culled from multi-party chats among tertiary students during a critical reasoning class. A Conversation Analysis-informed approach is applied in (...)
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  • Continuing assessments in online dating: Enabling relational development between potential romantic partners in WeChat conversations.Yumei Gan & Shuyi Pan - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (5):545-565.
    Potential romantic partners often employ specific communicative strategies in computer-mediated communication based on their anticipation of future interactions. This conversation analytic study examines the practice of assessments used in WeChat conversations between potential romantic partners. We found that people recurrently mobilize the action of assessment to maintain or terminate their relationships. Especially, people tend to provide more assessments after an initial assessment, which we term ‘continuing assessment’. We show that continuing assessments are sequentially organized in conversational context between co-participants and (...)
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