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  1. Business Ethics, Confucianism and the Different Faces of Ritual.Chris Provis - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2):191-204.
    Confucianism has attracted some attention in business ethics, in particular as a form of virtue ethics. This paper develops ideas about Confucianism in business ethics by extending discussion about Confucian ideas of ritual. Ritual has figured in literature about organisational culture, but Confucian accounts can offer additional ideas about developing ethically desirable organisational cultures. Confucian ritual practice has diverged from doctrine and from the classical emphasis on requirements for concern and respect as parts of ritual. Despite some differences of emphasis (...)
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  • The Golden Rule, Humanity, and Equality: Shu and Ren in Confucius’ Teachings and Beyond.Junghwan Lee - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (3):347-368.
    This essay explores the correlation between shu 恕 and ren 仁 in Confucius’ teachings and its broader implications concerning the role of the golden rule. It first shows that whereas the golden rule is premised on equality between agent and recipient, Confucius’ correlation of shu with ren aims mainly at establishing a more solid foundation for the hierarchy-specific duty of the ruler to care for the ruled. It thus reveals that this conflict arises from the golden rule’s incompatibility with asymmetrical (...)
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  • The Comic Character of Confucius.Katrin Froese - 2014 - Asian Philosophy 24 (4):295-312.
    This article examines the comic portrayal of Confucius in the Analects and the Zhuangzi, maintaining that there is a humorous aspect to the character of Confucius that is often overlooked. Conventional interpretations of the Analects downplay the pranks and mocking comments that are sprinkled throughout them. Many of the humorous words Confucius utters are directed at ritualistic behaviour which has become mechanistic, suggesting that in order to take ritual seriously, we must also be prepared to take it in jest. Furthermore, (...)
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  • Why Does Confucius Think that Virtue Is Good for Oneself?Guy Schuh - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2):193-216.
    Is being virtuous good not only for others, but also for the virtuous person herself? Call the “yes” answer to this question “the eudaimonistic thesis.” In this essay, I argue that the most prominent explanation for why Confucius accepts the eudaimonistic thesis should be rejected; this explanation is that he accepts the thesis because he also accepts “naturalistic perfectionism” or that for something to be good for oneself is for it to realize one’s nature and that being a virtuous person (...)
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  • Toward Relationally Engaging Confucian Texts as Contemporary Educational Resources.Mary K. Chang - 2020 - Educational Studies 56 (5):482-505.
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  • More than good executives: The teaching mission of Confucian political leaders.Jingcai Ying - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (9):1017-1032.
    Emboldened by the rise of China, a meritocratic trend has surged in recent Confucian political theory. Confucian meritocracy is upheld as an equally viable alternative, if not a superior one, to de...
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  • From Wife to Moral Teacher: Kang Chŏngildang on Neo-Confucian Self-Cultivation.Sungmoon Kim - 2014 - Asian Philosophy 24 (1):28-47.
    This paper aims to investigate the philosophical thought and moral practice of a Korean neo-Confucian female scholar named Kang Chŏngildang 姜靜一堂, who not only believed in moral equality between men and women and the possibility of female sagehood but actually empowered herself to become a moral paragon. Furthermore, Chŏngildang’s strong faith in moral equality between men and women enabled her to engage in social criticism of the existing educational system and social norms which discriminated against women, not by overcoming neo-Confucianism, (...)
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  • The secret of confucian wuwei statecraft: Mencius's political theory of responsibility.Sungmoon Kim - 2010 - Asian Philosophy 20 (1):27 – 42.
    Despite his strong commitment to the ideal of _wuwei_ statecraft, Mencius advanced a distinct yet cohesive theory of Confucian _youwei_ statecraft that can serve the ideal of _wuwei_, first by means of the principled application of individual and social responsibility under unfavorable socioeconomic conditions, and second by offering a concrete public policy (i.e. the well-field system) that contributes to a decent socioeconomic condition on which the society can be self-governing and where individuals (and families) can fully exercise their individual moral (...)
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  • The moral development in Stoic oikeiôsis and Wang Yang-ming’s ‘wan wu yi ti’.Jiangxia Yu - 2017 - Asian Philosophy 27 (2):150-173.
    The Neo-Confucian notion of wan wu yi ti 万物一体 and Stoic oikeiôsis both come up with a motivational basis for the expansion of concern, but one of the toughest problems in them is how to elaborate on selfhood and self–other relation in moral development. This paper takes a comparative view of Hierocles’ fragments and a few other relevant Stoic texts and Wang Yang-ming’s Inquiry on the Great Learning, and argues that doing so helps eliminate some confusions concerning selfhood and self–other (...)
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  • Philosophical meaning of personality activity in society.Tatyana Pavlova - 2019 - Матеріали Міжнародної Науково-Практичної Конференції «Universum View 13».
    Людина у своєму житті проявляє активність, все її життя є певною формою активності. Діяльність є формою такої активності. Вона передбачає наявність мети, а також засобів завдяки яким ця мета може бути досягнута.
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  • Rhetorics of authority: Leviticus and the Analects compared.G. Barden & R. Weber - 2010 - .
    The biblical text Leviticus and the Confucian Analects might appear as neither an obvious nor a very promising choice for a comparative philosophical exercise. To be sure, both texts now and then do share some similarity in matter. But such similarity in matter upon closer examination and contextualisation frequently turns out to be undermined by overt differences which call into question the comparative effort. Our comparison therefore proceeds from a different angle and is motivated by an asserted similarity in rhetoric, (...)
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