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  1. "El cuerpo" como problema hermenéutico en la lectura los textos homéricos.Aida Míguez Barciela - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 25:245-257.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es doble. Primero se recuerda cierta reserva metodológica relevante para una lectura hermenéutica de los poemas homéricos. En segundo lugar se intenta comprender cómo algo que ya se parece a nuestra dualidad de "el cuerpo" y "la mente" pudo generarse a partir de lo que originalmente era un fenómeno unitario. A modo de cierre se apunta asimismo hacia la cuestión de en qué sentido precisamente este fenómeno unitario juega un papel importante en la crítica de (...)
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  • Psyche as the Principle and Cause of Life in Aristotle.Martin F. Meyer - 2012 - Peitho 3 (1):115-142.
    Biology is the most extensive field in the Corpus Aristotelicum. In his fundamental work De anima, Aristotle tries to fix the borders of this life science. The term ψυχή has a twofold explanatory status. On the one hand, ψυχή is understood as a principle of all living beings. On the other hand, it is understood as a cause of the fact that all living beings are alive. The paper is divided into three sections. The first part shows why Aristotle discusses (...)
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  • Die Kunst des Möglichen Iii: Grundlinien Einer Dialektischen Philosophie der Technik Band 3: Macht der Technik.Christoph Hubig - 2015 - Transcript Verlag.
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  • Vielfalt achten: Eine Ethik der Biodiversität.Andreas Hetzel - 2024 - transcript Verlag.
    Das Leben hat sich auf unserem Planeten zu einer unermesslichen Fülle von Formen ausdifferenziert, die in komplexen Weisen interagieren. Durch die Zerstörung unserer natürlichen Umwelt bedrohen wir das Wunder der globalen Biodiversität in seinem Fortbestand. Dabei verdrängen wir, dass auch die Menschheit weiter von der Produktivität jener Ökosysteme abhängig bleibt, zu denen sich das Leben evolutionär organisiert hat. Doch wie lässt sich überzeugend für den Erhalt von Biodiversität argumentieren? Sind Arten und Ökosysteme nur als Voraussetzungen gelingenden menschlichen Lebens schützenswert? Oder (...)
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  • Theognis of Megara and the Divine Creating Power in the Framework of Semiotic Textology: An Application of János Sándor Petöfi’s Theory to Archaic Greek Literature. [REVIEW]Mauro Giuffrè - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (3):325-346.
    This paper is a demonstration of an application of Semiotic Textology to a limited case study. The main aspects of Semiotic Textology, the theory elaborated by Petöfi, are presented; secondly the linguistic aspects of the interpretation of lines 133–134 of the Theognis of Megara’s poem, analysed in the framework of said theory, are presented. All the relevant syntactic, semantic, pragmatic information involved in text processing have been considered. Through fixed steps, it is shown that text processing is not exclusively a (...)
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  • Realismus und unübersetzbare Sprachen.Sebastian Gäb - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 72 (3):382-409.
    This paper argues against Davidson’s claim that there is no distinction between conceptual schemes and their content and derives the implications for the debate on realism and antirealism. Starting from a semantic conception of realism, I discuss Davidson’s argument against conceptual schemes and untranslatable languages. I argue that the idea of an untranslatable language is consistent since language attribution is essentially normative. Untranslatable languages are metaphysically possible, but epistemically unrecognizable. This leads to a Berkeleyan argument against antirealism: if antirealism is (...)
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  • Gernot Böhmes atmosfæreæstetik og vejrfænomenologi.Sune Frølund - 2016 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 5 (2):19-37.
    The paper explores Gernot Böhme’s interpretation of the concept of atmosphere as an aesthetical concept of the natural environment, especially of the weather. Böhme takes over the concept of atmosphere from Hermann Schmitz’ body phenomenology in which human feelings are considered to be spatial atmospheres. Böhme integrates atmospheres into his phenomenology of nature by showing that they are bodily sensations of human’s mode of being in their environment. Based on this framework he sketches out a phenomenology of the weather, i.e. (...)
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  • Review of C. Koopman, Pragmatism as Transition. Historicity and Hope in James, Dewey, and Rorty. [REVIEW]Roberto Frega - 2009 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 1 (1).
    Koopman’s book revolves around the notion of transition, which he proposes is one of the central ideas of the pragmatist tradition but one which had not previously been fully articulated yet nevertheless shapes the pragmatist attitude in philosophy. Transition, according to Koopman, denotes “those temporal structures and historical shapes in virtue of which we get from here to there”. One of the consequences of transitionalism is the understanding of critique and inquiry as historical pro...
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  • Aristotle’s Vocabulary of Pain.Wei Cheng - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (1):47-71.
    This paper examines Aristotle’s vocabulary of pain, that is the differences and relations of the concepts of pain expressed by synonyms in the same semantic field. It investigates what is particularly Aristotelian in the selection of the pain-words in comparison with earlier authors and specifies the special semantic scope of each word-cluster. The result not only aims to pin down the exact way these terms converge with and diverge from each other, but also serves as a basis for further understanding (...)
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  • (1 other version)Plotinus and the Presocratics: A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus' Enneads.Giannis Stamatellos - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
    _The first book-length philosophical study on the Presocratic influences in Plotinus’ Enneads._.
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  • (1 other version)Plotinus and the Presocratics: A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus' Enneads.Giannis Stamatellos - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    The first book-length philosophical study on the Presocratic influences in Plotinus’ Enneads.
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  • Risk interpretation: Between doctor and patient.Fernando Rosa - 2004 - Topoi 23 (2):165-176.
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  • [Recensão a] Long, A. A. . Greek Models of Mind and Self.Pedro Proscurcin Junior - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 18:395-406.
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  • Eudaimonia socratica e cura dell’altro | Socratic Eudaimonia and Care for Others.Santiago Chame, Donald Morrison & Linda Napolitano Valditara (eds.) - 2021
    Special volume of "Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia" dedicated to the theme of Socratic Eudaimonia and care for others. It is a multilingual volume comprising twenty papers divided into six sections with an introduction by Linda Napolitano. Edited by Santiago Chame, Donald Morrison, and Linda Napolitano. -/- Despite the appearances given by certain texts, the moral psychology of Socrates needs not imply selfishness. On the contrary, a close look at passages in Plato and Xenophon (see Plato, Meno 77-78; Protagoras 358; (...)
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  • Face and Mask: “Person” and “subjectivity” in Language and Through Signs.Claudio Paolucci - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1257-1274.
    In this paper, I will deal with the way linguistics and semiotics focus on person and subjectivity in language. I start from two different meanings of the “person” word and from Benveniste and Latour’s theories of enunciation. Later, I deal with the problem of subjectivity in language and I connect it to two different views: Benveniste’s idea that subjectivity is grounded on the “I” and Guillaume’s idea of a primacy of the “he”. Starting from the Iliad and from the semiotic (...)
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  • Configurations of Pluralisms. Navigating Polyphony and Diversity in Philosophy and Beyond.Machiel Keestra - 2022 - In Keith Stenning & Martin Stokhof (eds.), Rules, Regularities, Randomness. Festschrift for Michiel van Lambalgen. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. pp. 87-99.
    In western philosophy and beyond, a tension between pluralism and monism has sparked many developments and debates. Pluralism of norms, of forms of knowledge, of aesthetic and moral values, of interests etc. has often been pitted against monism. Monism usually implies a hierarchical order of such norms etc. After having traced the origin of this tension between pluralism and monism in ancient tragedy and philosophy, I’m asking in this article whether a rejection of monism and embrace of pluralism necessarily raises (...)
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  • Sculpting the space of actions. Explaining human action by integrating intentions and mechanisms.Machiel Keestra - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
    How can we explain the intentional nature of an expert’s actions, performed without immediate and conscious control, relying instead on automatic cognitive processes? How can we account for the differences and similarities with a novice’s performance of the same actions? Can a naturalist explanation of intentional expert action be in line with a philosophical concept of intentional action? Answering these and related questions in a positive sense, this dissertation develops a three-step argument. Part I considers different methods of explanations in (...)
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  • Van narratieve tot dialogische identiteit. Identiteit en refiguratie tijdens de Keti Koti Tafel.Machiel Keestra - forthcoming - Filosofie En Praktijk.
    How can personal identity be determined in such a way that developments, experiences and other dynamic and context-dependent aspects of that identity can be taken into account? For several decades now, the narrative, the story, has often been referred to in answering this question as a cognitive instrument that can adequately deal with those aspects. The monologue thus appears to present itself as a medium in which personal or autobiographical identity is formed. However, what happens when we place the identity (...)
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  • Los juegos funerales en honor de Patroclo (Ilíada, XXIII.257 ss.).Carmen Victoria Verde Castro - 2011 - Synthesis (la Plata) 18:13-43.
    Los juegos funerales en honor de Patroclo presentan como componente estructural el catálogo de los contrincantes en tres versiones diferentes. El presente trabajo analiza el modo en que este componente estructural revela los aspectos accidentales o inexplicables de la existencia humana desde la perspectiva de la ética homérica The Funeral Games in honor of Patroclus shows the catalogue of contenders as a structural component in three different versions. The present work analyzes the way in which this structural component reveals accidentals (...)
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  • Ästhetische Grundbegriffe: Studien zu einem historischen Wörterbuch.Karlheinz Barck, Martin Fontius & Wolfgang Thierse (eds.) - 1990 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  • Elencuadre de la Pítica IV de Píndaro I.Carmen V. Verde Castro - 2009 - Synthesis (la Plata) 16:167-216.
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  • (1 other version)Vom Ort des Philosophierens.Damir Barbarić - 2002 - Prolegomena 1 (2):121-140.
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