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Philosophische Essays


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  1. Die Grenzen des Fortschritts.Jörg Zirfas - 2021 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 30 (1):30-42.
    Die Geschichte Europas wird spätestens seit der Aufklärung dominiert vom „Mythos des Fortschreitens“ (Sting). Fortschreiten bedeutet zunächst in einem formalen Sinne, die Dinge in einer spezifischen Weise wahrzunehmen, d.h. eine bestimmte Interpretation von Veränderungen vorzunehmen, dabei eine spezifische Richtung einzuschlagen, eine spezifische Betonung der Zukunft herauszustellen und letztlich ein spezifisches Ziel in der Zukunft zu realisieren zu suchen, wobei der Fortschritt nicht identisch mit der Erreichung des Ziels ist (Spaemann). Mit der Idee des Fortschritts gelingt eine Sicherung der Unvergeblichkeit jedes (...)
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  • Extending the embodied semiotic square: A cultural-semantic analysis of “Follow your Arrow”.Daniel Candel - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):275-295.
    Pelkey’s anchoring of the semiotic square in embodiment is excellent news for cognitive literary theory, a dynamic field still in search of itself. However, his validation of the square, though theoretically unexceptionable, suffers in the execution, for his interpretation of the country song “Follow your Arrow” is less successful. The present article benefits from Pelkey’s validation as it organizes a tool of cultural-semantic analysis (CS-tool) as a ‘deviant’ semiotic square. The article then shows how this particular semiotic square allows us (...)
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  • Kultürlichkeit statt Natürlichkeit: Ein vernachlässigtes Argument in der bioethischen Debatte um Enhancement und Anthropotechnik.Dietmar Hübner - 2015 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 19 (1):25-58.
    Natürlichkeitsargumente haben allgemein in der Bioethik und speziell in der Debatte um Enhancement und Anthropotechnik keinen guten Ruf. Neben dem formalen Vorwurf, einen naturalistischen Fehlschluss zu begehen, werden sie mit dem inhaltli-chen Einwand konfrontiert, eine falsche Auffassung von menschlicher Natur zugrunde zu legen: Recht verstanden definiere sich diese menschliche Natur nicht durch eine biologische Substanz, die durch biotechnische Eingriffe korrumpiert werden könnte, sondern durch kulturelle Vollzüge, zu denen gerade auch der Einsatz biotechnischer Verfahren zähle und die daher durch biotechnische Manipulationen (...)
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  • Review of Robert Spaemann's persons. [REVIEW]Arthur Madigan - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (2):373-392.
    This review presents the principal themes of Robert Spaemann's Persons: The Difference between ‘Someone’ and ‘Something.’ To be a person is not to be identical with one's teleological nature, but rather, to have that nature. Personal consciousness is necessarily temporal consciousness. Persons have a range of distinctively personal acts, such as recognizing and respecting one another, understanding their lives as wholes, making judgments of conscience, promising, and forgiving. All members of the human species, whatever their stage of development or limitations, (...)
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  • The language of rights and conceptual history.Oliver O'Donovan - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (2):193-207.
    The historical problem about the origins of the language of rights derives its importance from the conceptual problem: of "two fundamentally different ways of thinking about justice," which is basic? Is justice unitary or plural? This in turn opens up a problem about the moral status of human nature. A narrative of the origins of "rights" is an account of how and when a plural concept of justice comes to the fore, and will be based on the occurrence of definite (...)
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  • On the political aspects of Agnes Heller’s ethical thinking.Vlastimil Hála - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):60-71.
    The author describes Heller’s concept of ethics as a “quasi-sphere” intersecting with various fields relating to human relationships. Special attention is paid to the axiological aspects of her concept of ethics and the relationship between virtues and responsibility. The author also seeks to show how Heller integrated a traditional philosophical question—the relationship between “is” and “ought to be”—into her concept of “radical philosophy” at an earlier stage in the development of her philosophy. She initially considered the relationship between “is” and (...)
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  • Systematizing evil in literature: twelve models for the analysis of narrative fiction.Daniel Candel - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (242):141-168.
    While there are interesting connections between literature and evil, there is as of yet no systematic collection of models of evil to study literature. This is problematic, since literature is among other things an evaluative discourse and the most basic evaluative category is the polarity of good versus evil. In addition, evil shows important affinities with basic narratological principles. To initiate a discussion of models of evil for the analysis of literature, this article organizes a dozen models of evil into (...)
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