- Representation theorems and the foundations of decision theory.Christopher Meacham & Jonathan Weisberg - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (4):641 - 663.details
Degrees of Assertability.Sam Carter - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (1):19-49.details
A Survey of Ranking Theory.Wolfgang Spohn - 2009 - In Franz Huber & Christoph Schmidt-Petri (eds.), Degrees of belief. London: Springer.details
Shifting Priorities: Simple Representations for Twenty-seven Iterated Theory Change Operators.Hans Rott - 2009 - In Jacek Malinowski David Makinson & Wansing Heinrich (eds.), Towards Mathematical Philosophy. Springer. pp. 269–296.details
A Ranking‐Theoretic Approach to Conditionals.Wolfgang Spohn - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (6):1074-1106.details
Ifs, though, and because.Hans Rott - 1986 - Erkenntnis 25 (3):345-370.details
Causation: An alternative.Wolfgang Spohn - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (1):93-119.details
Laws, ceteris paribus conditions, and the dynamics of belief.Wolfgang Spohn - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (3):373-394.details
Defeasible reasoning.Robert C. Koons - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
On the role of the research agenda in epistemic change.Erik J. Olsson & David Westlund - 2006 - Erkenntnis 65 (2):165 - 183.details
The Effort of Reasoning: Modelling the Inference Steps of Boundedly Rational Agents.Anthia Solaki - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (4):529-553.details
Epistemic logic and epistemology: The state of their affairs.Johan van Benthem - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (1):49 - 76.details
Enumerative Induction and Lawlikeness.Wolfgang Spohn - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (1):164-187.details
Bridging Ranking Theory and the Stability Theory of Belief.Eric Raidl & Niels Skovgaard-Olsen - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (6):577-609.details
Beliefs in conditionals vs. conditional beliefs.Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):115-132.details
Stability, strength and sensitivity: Converting belief into knowledge.Hans Rott - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2-3):469-493.details
Causal laws are objectifications of inductive schemes.Wolfgang Spohn - 1955 - In Anthony Eagle (ed.), Philosophy of Probability. Routledge. pp. 223-252.details
Approaching the truth via belief change in propositional languages.Gustavo Cevolani & Francesco Calandra - 2009 - In M. Suàrez, M. Dorato & M. Rèdei (eds.), EPSA Epistemology and Methodology of Science: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Springer. pp. 47--62.details
Open-Minded Orthodox Bayesianism by Epsilon-Conditionalization.Eric Raidl - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (1):139-176.details
A brief remark on the problem of interpreting probability objectively.Wolfgang Spohn - 1987 - Erkenntnis 26 (3):329 - 334.details
Keep Changing Your Beliefs, Aiming for the Truth.Alexandru Baltag & Sonja Smets - 2011 - Erkenntnis 75 (2):255-270.details
A Structuralist Theory of Belief Revision.Holger Andreas - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (2):205-232.details
Direct and indirect causes.Wolfgang Spohn - 1990 - Topoi 9 (2):125-145.details
Notes on the History of Ideas Behind AGM.Peter Gärdenfors - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (2):115 - 120.details
Safe Contraction Revisited.Hans Rott & Sven Ove Hansson - 2014 - In Sven Ove Hansson (ed.), David Makinson on Classical Methods for Non-Classical Problems (Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Vol. 3). Springer. pp. 35–70.details
Degrees all the way down: Beliefs, non-beliefs and disbeliefs.Hans Rott - 2009 - In Franz Huber & Christoph Schmidt-Petri (eds.), Degrees of belief. London: Springer. pp. 301--339.details
Comparing strengths of beliefs explicitly.S. Ghosh & D. de Jongh - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (3):488-514.details
Three Approaches to Iterated Belief Contraction.Raghav Ramachandran, Abhaya C. Nayak & Mehmet A. Orgun - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):115-142.details
The temporal dimension of thought: Cortical foundations of predicative representation.Markus Werning - 2005 - Synthese 146 (1-2):203-224.details
Changing minds about climate change: Belief revision, coherence, and emotion.Paul Thagard & Scott Findlay - 2011 - In Erik J. Olson Sebastian Enqvist (ed.), Belief Revision meets Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 329--345.details
How to understand the foundations of empirical belief in a coherentist way.Wolfgang Spohn - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (1):22–40.details
Protocols for belief merge: Reaching agreement via communication.A. Baltag & S. Smets - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (3):468-487.details
Probability and conditionals: Belief revision and rational decision.Joseph Y. Halpern - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (2):277-281.details
How to Learn Concepts, Consequences, and Conditionals.Franz Huber - 2015 - Analytica: an electronic, open-access journal
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Towards a “Sophisticated” Model of Belief Dynamics. Part II: Belief Revision.Brian Hill - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (3):291-323.details
Normische gesetzeshypothesen und die wissenschaftsphilosophische bedeutung Des nichtmonotonen schliessens.Gerhard Schurz - 2001 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 32 (1):65-107.details
A brief comparison of Pollock's defeasible reasoning and ranking functions.Wolfgang Spohn - 2002 - Synthese 131 (1):39-56.details
Coherent Choice and Epistemic Entrenchment.Hans Rott - unknowndetails
Causation, Coherence and Concepts : a Collection of Essays.Wolfgang Spohn - unknowndetails
The Place of Probability in Science: In Honor of Ellery Eells (1953-2006).Ellery Eells & James H. Fetzer (eds.) - 2010 - Springer.details
The Logic of Confirmation.Franz Huber - 2005 - In O. Neumaier, Clemens Sedmak & Michael Zichy (eds.), Philosophische Perspektiven: Beitrã¤Ge Zum Vii. Internationalen Kongress der ÃGp. Ontos Verlag.details
On the objects of belief.Wolfgang Spohn - 1996 - In C. Stein & M. Textor (eds.), Intentional Phenomena in Context. Hamburg.details
Interpreting enthymematic arguments using belief revision.Georg Brun & Hans Rott - 2013 - Synthese 190 (18):4041-4063.details
Five Questions : Wolfgang Spohn.Wolfgang Spohn - unknowndetails
On the Objectivity of Facts, Beliefs, and Values.Wolfgang Spohn - 2004 - In Peter K. Machamer & Gereon Wolters (eds.), Science, Values, and Objectivity. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 172.details
David Makinson on Classical Methods for Non-Classical Problems.Sven Ove Hansson (ed.) - 2013 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.details
An Accuracy Argument in Favor of Ranking Theory.Eric Raidl & Wolfgang Spohn - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (2):283-313.details
Epistemic-State Parallelism: Translating Between Probabilities and Ranks.Eric Raidl - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (1):209-236.details
Idealizations, intertheory explanations and conditionals.Hans Rott - 2011 - In Erik J. Olson Sebastian Enqvist (ed.), Belief Revision meets Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 59–75.details
Lehrer Meets Ranking Theory.Wolfgang Spohn - 2003 - In Erik Olsson (ed.), The Epistemology of Keith Lehrer. Kluwer Academic Publishers.details