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  1. Clinical Ethics Support for Healthcare Personnel: An Integrative Literature Review.Dara Rasoal, Kirsti Skovdahl, Mervyn Gifford & Annica Kihlgren - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (4):313-346.
    This study describes which clinical ethics approaches are available to support healthcare personnel in clinical practice in terms of their construction, functions and goals. Healthcare personnel frequently face ethically difficult situations in the course of their work and these issues cover a wide range of areas from prenatal care to end-of-life care. Although various forms of clinical ethics support have been developed, to our knowledge there is a lack of review studies describing which ethics support approaches are available, how they (...)
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  • Ethical difficulties in clinical practice: experiences of European doctors.S. A. Hurst, A. Perrier, R. Pegoraro, S. Reiter-Theil, R. Forde, A.-M. Slowther, E. Garrett-Mayer & M. Danis - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1):51-57.
    Background: Ethics support services are growing in Europe to help doctors in dealing with ethical difficulties. Currently, insufficient attention has been focused on the experiences of doctors who have faced ethical difficulties in these countries to provide an evidence base for the development of these services.Methods: A survey instrument was adapted to explore the types of ethical dilemma faced by European doctors, how they ranked the difficulty of these dilemmas, their satisfaction with the resolution of a recent ethically difficult case (...)
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  • How physicians face ethical difficulties: a qualitative analysis.S. A. Hurst - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):7-14.
    Next SectionBackground: Physicians face ethical difficulties daily, yet they seek ethics consultation infrequently. To date, no systematic data have been collected on the strategies they use to resolve such difficulties when they do so without the help of ethics consultation. Thus, our understanding of ethical decision making in day to day medical practice is poor. We report findings from the qualitative analysis of 310 ethically difficult situations described to us by physicians who encountered them in their practice. When facing such (...)
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  • Clinical ethics support services in the UK: an investigation of the current provision of ethics support to health professionals in the UK.A. Slowther - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (90001):2i-8.
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  • Balancing the perspectives. The patient’s role in clinical ethics consultation.Stella Reiter-Theil - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (3):247-254.
    The debate and implementation of Clinical Ethics Consultation is still in its beginnings in Europe and the issue of the patient's perspective has been neglected so far, especially at the theoretical and methodological level. At the practical level, recommendations about the involvement of the patient or his/her relatives are missing, reflecting the general lack of quality and practice standards in CEC. Balance of perspectives is a challenge in any interpersonal consultation, which has led to great efforts to develop “technical”approaches, e.g., (...)
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  • Initiating and maintaining clinical ethics support in psychiatry. Ten tasks and challenges – And how to meet them.Stella Reiter-Theil - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (2-3):45-53.
    Initiating clinical ethics support in psychiatry and maintaining its continuity appear to be easy. This is contradicted by the observed delay or lack of CESiP, e.g. ethics consultation. On the basis of a published literature search and the discussion of practical experiences over 2.5 years 10 tasks and relating challenges of initiating and maintaining CESiP are formulated and illustrated by examples. Referral to experiences is grounded on the systematic documentation of ca. 100 CESiP activities. The tasks and challenges illustrate how (...)
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  • Need for ethics support in healthcare institutions: views of Dutch board members and ethics support staff.L. Dauwerse, T. Abma, B. Molewijk & G. Widdershoven - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):456-460.
    Next SectionObjective The purpose of this article is to investigate the need for ethics support in Dutch healthcare institutions in order to understand why ethics support is often not used in practice and which factors are relevant in this context. Methods This study had a mixed methods design integrating quantitative and qualitative research methods. Two survey questionnaires, two focus groups and 17 interviews were conducted among board members and ethics support staff in Dutch healthcare institutions. Findings Most respondents see a (...)
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  • Two years of ethics reflection groups about coercion in psychiatry. Measuring variation within employees’ normative attitudes, user involvement and the handling of disagreement.Bert Molewijk, Reidar Pedersen, Almar Kok, Reidun Førde & Olaf Aasland - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-19.
    Background Research on the impact of ethics reflection groups (ERG) (also called moral case deliberations (MCD)) is complex and scarce. Within a larger study, two years of ERG sessions have been used as an intervention to stimulate ethical reflection about the use of coercive measures. We studied changes in: employees’ attitudes regarding the use of coercion, team competence, user involvement, team cooperation and the handling of disagreement in teams. Methods We used panel data in a longitudinal design study to measure (...)
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  • Ethical challenges experienced by prehospital emergency personnel: a practice-based model of analysis.Lotte Huniche, Søren Mikkelsen, Louise Milling & Henriette Bruun - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    AbstractBackgroundEthical challenges constitute an inseparable part of daily decision-making processes in all areas of healthcare. In prehospital emergency medicine, decision-making commonly takes place in everyday life, under time pressure, with limited information about a patient and with few possibilities of consultation with colleagues. This paper explores the ethical challenges experienced by prehospital emergency personnel. MethodsThe study was grounded in the tradition of action research related to interventions in health care. Ethical challenges were explored in three focus groups, each attended by (...)
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  • Implementing ethics reflection groups in hospitals: an action research study evaluating barriers and promotors.Henriette Bruun, Reidar Pedersen, Elsebeth Stenager, Christian Backer Mogensen & Lotte Huniche - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):49.
    An ethics reflection group is one of a range of ethics support services developed to better handle ethical challenges in healthcare. The aim of this article is to evaluate the implementation process of interdisciplinary ERGs in psychiatric and general hospital departments in Denmark. To our knowledge, this is the first study of ERG implementation to include both psychiatric and general hospital departments. The implementation and evaluation strategies are inspired by action research, using a qualitative approach and systematic text condensation of (...)
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  • Context-adjusted clinical ethics support in psychiatry: Accompanying a team through a sensitive period.Dagmar Meyer & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (2-3):70-80.
    In a clinic-wide approach to establish liberal policies, a closed psychiatric ward was planned to be opened. The leaders of the multi-professional team of this ward requested continuous ethics support during the first few months after the transition from their previously closed ward into an open one. During the process of accompanying the team through this ethically sensitive period of institutional change, several variations of ethics consultation were developed: the ‘context-adjusted’ clinical ethics support. Some ethics consultations focused on a retrospective (...)
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  • Hospital ethics reflection groups: a learning and development resource for clinical practice.H. Bruun, L. Huniche, E. Stenager, C. B. Mogensen & R. Pedersen - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundAn ethics reflection group is one of a number of ethics support services developed to better handle ethical challenges in healthcare. The aim of this article is to evaluate the significance of ERGs in psychiatric and general hospital departments in Denmark.MethodsThis is a qualitative action research study, including systematic text condensation of 28 individual interviews and 4 focus groups with clinicians, ethics facilitators and ward managers. Short written descriptions of the ethical challenges presented in the ERGs also informed the analysis (...)
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  • Clinical ethics support services in the UK: an investigation of the current provision of ethics support to health professionals in the UK.Anne Slowther, Chris Bunch, Brian Woolnough & Tony Hope - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (suppl 1):2-8.
    Objective—To identify and describe the current state of clinical ethics support services in the UK.Design—A series of questionnaire surveys of key individuals in National Health Service (NHS) trusts, health authorities, health boards, local research ethics committees and health professional organisations. Interviews with chairmen/women of clinical ethics committees identified in the surveys.Setting—The UK National Health Service.Results—Responses to the questionnaires were received from all but one NHS trust and all but one health authority/board. A variety of models of clinical ethics support were (...)
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  • Shall parent / patient wishes be fulfilled in any case? A series of 32 ethics consultations: from reproductive medicine to neonatology.Mirella Muggli, Christian De Geyter & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):4.
    Questions concerning the parent/ patient’s autonomy are seen as one of the most important reasons for requesting Ethics Consultations. Respecting parent/ patient’s autonomy also means respecting the patient’s wishes. But those wishes may be controversial and sometimes even go beyond legal requirements. The objective of this case series of 32 ECs was to illustrate ethically challenging parent / patients’ wishes during the first stages of life and how the principle of patient’s autonomy was handled. The case series has a qualitative (...)
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  • The Freiburg approach to ethics consultation: process, outcome and competencies.S. Reiter-Theil - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (90001):21i-23.
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  • Clinical ethics as partnership—or how an ethical guideline on fair resource-allocation can be developed and implemented in the clinic.Stella Reiter-Theil, Marcel Mertz, Heidi Albisser Schleger, Barbara Meyer-Zehnder, Reto W. Kressig & Hans Pargger - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (2):93-105.
    Ethische Leitlinien für die klinische Praxis erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit. Damit klinisch-ethische Leitlinien aber überhaupt erfolgreich wirksam werden können, ist noch Pionierarbeit zu leisten. Solche Leitlinien müssen wissenschaftlich stärker fundiert und ihre praktische Anwendbarkeit muss verbessert werden. In dieser Arbeit werden die ersten Schritte des Projekts METAP zur methodischen Entwicklung und praktischen Implementierung einer Leitlinie für eine patientengerechte Versorgung am Krankenbett beschrieben und zur Diskussion gestellt. Das Projekt orientiert sich methodisch an der Entwicklung medizinischer Leitlinien und generiert damit eine forschungs- (...)
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  • Institutional Challenges for Clinical Ethics Committees.Andrea Dörries, Pierre Boitte, Ana Borovecki, Jean-Philippe Cobbaut, Stella Reiter-Theil & Anne-Marie Slowther - 2011 - HEC Forum 23 (3):193-205.
    Clinical ethics committees (CECs) have been developing in many countries since the 1980s, more recently in the transitional countries in Eastern Europe. With their increasing profile they are now faced with a range of questions and challenges regarding their position within the health care organizations in which they are situated: Should CECs be independent bodies with a critical role towards institutional management, or should they be an integral part of the hospital organization? In this paper, we discuss the organizational context (...)
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  • Survey on the experience in ethical decision-making and attitude of Pleven University Hospital physicians towards ethics consultation.Silviya Aleksandrova - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):35-42.
    BackgroundContemporary medical practice is complicated by many dilemmas requiring ethical sensitivity and moral reasoning.ObjectiveTo investigate physicians’ experience in ethical decision-making and their attitude towards ethics consultation.MethodsIn a cross-sectional survey 126 physicians representing the main clinics of Pleven University hospital were investigated by a self-administered questionnaire. The following variables were measured: occurrence, nature and ways of resolving ethical problems; physicians’ attitudes towards ethics consultation; physicians’ opinions on qualities and skills of an ethics consultant, and socio-demographic characteristics. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, (...)
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  • The Freiburg approach to ethics consultation: process, outcome and competencies.Stella Reiter-Theil - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (suppl 1):21-23.
    The paper describes how ethics consultation can be valuable to health professionals, patients and their families in understanding and evaluating ethical values and their consequences in a particular situation. Ethics consultation as it is practised at the university hospital of Freiburg is a special professional service offered by members of an academic institution.The practical approach and the goals are illustrated by a case study showing the difficulties of deciding about the limitation of intensive care medicine after heart surgery in the (...)
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  • Clinical ethics consultation service at the Ev. Krankenhaus Bielefeld-Background, concepts and strategies for evaluation.Klaus Kobert & Margarete Pfaefflin - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (2):122-133.
    Wie muss ein ethischer Beratungsdienst strukturiert sein, damit er in moralischen Konfliktsituationen im klinischen Alltag angefragt wird und die Ratsuchenden ergebnisorientiert unterstützen kann? Nach welchen Kriterien lassen sich die Beratungsgespräche auswerten und bewerten? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen werden theoretisch fundierte Konzepte ethischer Fallbesprechung aus Nimwegen, Leuven und Basel herangezogen; dies geschieht vor dem Hintergrund der Erfahrungen mit der über zehnjährigen Entwicklung der ethischen Arbeit im Ev. Krankenhaus Bielefeld (EvKB). Als Resultat stellen wir einen strukturierten, multidisziplinären Ansatz vor, mit dem in (...)
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  • Needs assessment for providing clinical ethics consultation services in Tehran.Fariba Asghari, Alireza Parsapoor, Khorshid Vaskooi & Saeedeh Saeedi Tehrani - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (1):19-27.
    Introduction One of the most important duties of hospital ethics committees is to provide medical ethics consultation to the staff and patients. This study was conducted with the aim of the needs assessment of the staff for optimal provision of medical ethics consultation services. Materials and methods The data collection tool was a self-administered questionnaire. Hospital managers, chief nursing officers, ward managers, and head nurses of all hospitals affiliated with Tehran and Iran University of Medical Sciences entered the study. The (...)
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  • Der klinische Ethik-Beratungsdienst im Evangelischen Krankenhaus Bielefeld.Dr med Klaus Kobert, Margarete Pfäfflin & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (2):122-133.
    Wie muss ein ethischer Beratungsdienst strukturiert sein, damit er in moralischen Konfliktsituationen im klinischen Alltag angefragt wird und die Ratsuchenden ergebnisorientiert unterstützen kann? Nach welchen Kriterien lassen sich die Beratungsgespräche auswerten und bewerten? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen werden theoretisch fundierte Konzepte ethischer Fallbesprechung aus Nimwegen, Leuven und Basel herangezogen; dies geschieht vor dem Hintergrund der Erfahrungen mit der über zehnjährigen Entwicklung der ethischen Arbeit im Ev. Krankenhaus Bielefeld (EvKB). Als Resultat stellen wir einen strukturierten, multidisziplinären Ansatz vor, mit dem in (...)
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  • What Ethics Support for Resolving Ethical Conflicts Do Internists Use in Spanish Hospitals?Antonio Blanco Portillo, Rebeca García-Caballero, Diego Real de Asúa, Karmele Olaciregui Dague & Benjamín Herreros - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (2):285-293.
    Background Ethical conflicts generate difficulties in daily clinical activity. Which methods of ethical advice are most frequently used to resolve them among Spanish doctors has not been studied. The objective of this study is to describe what methods hospital internal medicine physicians in Spain use to resolve their ethical doubts and which they consider most useful. Design A cross-sectional observational study was conducted through a voluntary and anonymous survey and distributed through an ad hoc platform of the Spanish Society of (...)
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  • Application of METAP methodology for clinical ethics consultation in end-of-life care in Bulgaria.Silviya Stoyanova Aleksandrova-Yankulovska - 2020 - Clinical Ethics 15 (4):204-212.
    Although clinical ethics consultation has existed for more than 40 years in the USA and Europe, it was not available in Bulgaria until recently. In introducing clinical ethics consultation into our country, the Modular, Ethical, Treatment, Allocation of resources, Process (METAP) methodology has been preferred because of its potential to be used in resource-poor settings and its strong educational function. This paper presents the results of a METAP evaluation in a hospital palliative care ward in the town of Vratsa. The (...)
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  • Informal ethics consultations in academic health care settings: A quantitative description and a qualitative analysis with a focus on patient participation.Abraham Rudnick, Luljeta Pallaveshi, Robert William Sibbald & Cheryl Forchuk - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (1):28-35.
    Background Ethics consultations are established in contemporary health care. Informal ethics consultations often occur and are possibly beneficial, yet they have not been empirically studied. We sought to describe features of informal ethics consultations and to identify facilitators and disruptors of patient participation in such ethics consultations. Methods We used a mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) evaluation design and conveniently sampled 64 sequential informal ethics consultations over a period of 3 years in two academic health care centers in one city (...)
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  • Ethics consultation in germany: The present situation. [REVIEW]Stella Reiter-Theil - 2001 - HEC Forum 13 (3):265-280.
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  • Ethik in der Klinik – Theorie für die Praxis: Ziele, Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten des Ethik-Konsils. [REVIEW]Stella Reiter-Theil - 1999 - Ethik in der Medizin 11 (4):222-232.
    Definition of the problem: Ethics consultation is one of the most important ways in which clinical ethicists can support both health-care providers and patients and their relatives in coping with ethical and existential challenges. The practice of ethics consultation, as performed at the Freiburg University Hospital is described and illustrated by a case report about the problem of treatment termination. The range of subject matters that come up in ethics consultations is analyzed. A research program in clinical ethics is summarized (...)
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