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  1. Substitute decision making in medicine: comparative analysis of the ethico-legal discourse in England and Germany. [REVIEW]Ralf J. Jox, Sabine Michalowski, Jorn Lorenz & Jan Schildmann - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (2):153-163.
    Health care decision making for patients without decisional capacity is ethically and legally challenging. Advance directives (living wills) have proved to be of limited usefulness in clinical practice. Therefore, academic attention should focus more on substitute decision making by the next of kin. In this article, we comparatively analyse the legal approaches to substitute medical decision making in England and Germany. Based on the current ethico-legal discourse in both countries, three aspects of substitute decision making will be highlighted: (1) Should (...)
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  • Advance directive: does the GP know and address what the patient wants? Advance directive in primary care.Guda Scholten, Sofie Bourguignon, Anthony Delanote, Bieke Vermeulen, Geert Van Boxem & Birgitte Schoenmakers - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):58.
    Due to the rapid changes in the medical world and the aging population, the need for advanced care planning grows. Despite efforts to make this topic discussed, only a minority of patients discusses the advance directive with their general practitioner. This study aimed to map thresholds: What barriers are identified by GPs and patients in preparing and discussing an advance directive? A cross section survey in patients and GP’s was performed. Citizens were recruited by multimedia and by street interviews. GP’s (...)
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  • Would They Follow What has been Laid Down? Cancer Patients' and Healthy Controls' Views on Adherence to Advance Directives Compared to Medical Staff.Stefan Sahm, R. Will & G. Hommel - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (3):297-305.
    Advance directives are propagated as instruments to maintain patients’ autonomy in case they can no longer decide for themselves. It has been never been examined whether patients’ and healthy persons themselves are inclined to adhere to these documents. Patients’ and healthy persons’ views on whether instructions laid down in advance directives should be followed because that is (or is not) “the right thing to do”, not because one is legally obliged to do so, were studied and compared with that of (...)
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  • Interpreting Advance Directives: Ethical Considerations of the Interplay Between Personal and Cultural Identity. [REVIEW]Silke Schicktanz - 2009 - Health Care Analysis 17 (2):158-171.
    In many industrialized countries ethicists and lawyers favour advance directives as a tool to guarantee patient autonomy in end-of-life-decisions. However, most citizens seem reluctant to adopt the practice; the number of patients who have an advance directive is low across most countries. The article discusses the key argument for seeing such documents as an instrument of self-interpretation and life-planning, which ultimately have to be interpreted by third parties as well. Interpretation by third parties and the process of self-reflection are conceptually (...)
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  • The utility of standardized advance directives: the general practitioners’ perspective.Ina Carola Otte, Bernice Elger, Corinna Jung & Klaus Walter Bally - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):199-206.
    Advance directives are written documents that give patients the opportunity to communicate their preferences regarding treatments they do or do not want to receive in case they become unable to make decisions. Commonly used pre-printed forms have different formats. Some offer space for patients to appoint a surrogate decision maker, and/or to determine future medical treatments and/or give a statement of personal values. So far it is unknown which forms GPs preferably use and why they decide to do so. 23 (...)
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  • Doctor-cared dying instead of physician-assisted suicide: a perspective from Germany. [REVIEW]Fuat S. Oduncu & Stephan Sahm - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (4):371-381.
    The current article deals with the ethics and practice of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and dying. The debate about PAS must take the important legal and ethical context of medical acts at the end of life into consideration, and cannot be examined independently from physicians’ duties with respect to care for the terminally ill and dying. The discussion in Germany about active euthanasia, limiting medical intervention at the end of life, patient autonomy, advanced directives, and PAS is not fundamentally different in (...)
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  • “I don’t need my patients’ opinion to withdraw treatment”: patient preferences at the end-of-life and physician attitudes towards advance directives in England and France.Ruth Horn - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (3):425-435.
    This paper presents the results of a qualitative interview study exploring English and French physicians’ moral perspectives and attitudes towards end-of-life decisions when patients lack capacity to make decisions for themselves. The paper aims to examine the importance physicians from different contexts accord to patient preferences and to explore the role of advance directives in each context. The interviews focus on problems that emerge when deciding to withdraw/-hold life-sustaining treatment from both conscious and unconscious patients; decision-making procedures and the participation (...)
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  • Erratum zu: Die Sterbehilfedebatte und das Bild der Palliativmedizin in deutschen Printmedien. [REVIEW]Marie-Christin Hahnen, Tania Pastrana, Stephanie Stiel, Arnd May, Dominik Groß & Lukas Radbruch - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (4):307-307.
    Die Diskussionen um Sterbehilfe und Patientenverfügung sowie der Ruf nach einer Stärkung der Palliativmedizin nehmen viel Platz in der deutschen Presselandschaft ein. Da Zeitungen einerseits Meinungen und Wissen der Bevölkerung abbilden, andererseits auch zu deren Meinungsbildung und Information beitragen, wurde eine Analyse der Darstellung der Sterbehilfedebatte und der Palliativmedizin durchgeführt. Als empirisches Material dienten 433 Artikel aus den Jahren 2006 und 2007, die mithilfe einer Suche nach den Schlagworten „Palliativmedizin“, „Hospiz“, „Sterbebegleitung“, „Patientenverfügung“, „Patientenautonomie“ und „Sterbehilfe“ in den Print-Archiven verschiedener deutscher (...)
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  • Die Sterbehilfedebatte und das Bild der Palliativmedizin in deutschen Printmedien.Marie-Christin Hahnen, Tania Pastrana, Stephanie Stiel, Arnd May, Dominik Groß & Lukas Radbruch - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (4):289-305.
    ZusammenfassungDie Diskussionen um Sterbehilfe und Patientenverfügung sowie der Ruf nach einer Stärkung der Palliativmedizin nehmen viel Platz in der deutschen Presselandschaft ein. Da Zeitungen einerseits Meinungen und Wissen der Bevölkerung abbilden, andererseits auch zu deren Meinungsbildung und Information beitragen, wurde eine Analyse der Darstellung der Sterbehilfedebatte und der Palliativmedizin durchgeführt. Als empirisches Material dienten 433 Artikel aus den Jahren 2006 und 2007, die mithilfe einer Suche nach den Schlagworten „Palliativmedizin“, „Hospiz“, „Sterbebegleitung“, „Patientenverfügung“, „Patientenautonomie“ und „Sterbehilfe“ in den Print-Archiven verschiedener deutscher (...)
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