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  1. Classroom teasing: Institutional contingencies and embodied action.Stephen Daniel Looney - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (4):519-538.
    This article compares the sequential position, action, and design of teasing sequences in classroom and mundane interaction. This collection of teases comes from a university Geosciences classroom, and the analysis demonstrates that, like teases in ordinary conversation, classroom teases are sequentially bound and designed in extreme fashions. Nonetheless, classroom teasing sequences are unique in terms of the actions and precise designs of teasables and teases as well as the sequential contingencies that create opportunities for teasing. This paper contributes to past (...)
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  • Empathie und »Typische Problem-Situationen« (TPS).Michael B. Buchholz - 2017 - Psyche 71 (1):28-59.
    Typische problematische Situationen (TPS), die makroanalytisch beschreibbar sind, kennen Therapeuten sehr gut: Wenn der Patient zu spät kommt, die Rechnung nicht bezahlt wird, Ferien-Regelungen nicht zustimmt, den Kassenantrag lesen möchte, eine Stunde verlegt werden soll. Daneben lassen sich TPS erkennen, die nur mikroanalytisch erfasst werden können. Sie zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie weitaus schwerer zu erkennen sind, doch wenn man sie einmal erkannt hat, erkennt man sie wieder. Solche Situationen sind Klippen, an denen sich Gelingen oder Scheitern des Prozesses (...)
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  • Sexual consent as an interactional achievement: Overcoming ambiguities and social vulnerabilities in the initiations of sexual activities.Melisa Stevanovic & Simon Magnusson - 2023 - Discourse Studies 25 (1):68-88.
    Sexual consent is advocated around the world to reduce sexual assault. The widespread affirmative consent model emphasizes a need for unambiguous consent. In this paper, we contribute to a deeper understanding of how ambiguities in the initiations of sexual activities are routinely solved to achieve consent. Drawing on conversation analytic research on joint decision-making, and a dataset of 80 cases of sexual initiation in contemporary TV-series and movies, we investigate the interactional practices by which sexual activities are presented as consensual (...)
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  • Empowerment as an affective-discursive technology in contemporary capitalism: insights from a play.Riikka Nissi & Kati Dlaske - 2020 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (4):447-467.
    ABSTRACTOver recent years, an increasing body of research in social and cultural studies has investigated the contemporary processes of social change from the point of view of affective capitalism....
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