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  1. A mechanism for spatial perception on human skin.Francesca Fardo, Brianna Beck, Tony Cheng & Patrick Haggard - 2018 - Cognition 178 (C):236-243.
    Our perception of where touch occurs on our skin shapes our interactions with the world. Most accounts of cutaneous localisation emphasise spatial transformations from a skin-based reference frame into body-centred and external egocentric coordinates. We investigated another possible method of tactile localisation based on an intrinsic perception of ‘skin space’. The arrangement of cutaneous receptive fields (RFs) could allow one to track a stimulus as it moves across the skin, similarly to the way animals navigate using path integration. We applied (...)
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  • The origin and use of positional frames of reference in motor control.Anatol G. Feldman & Mindy F. Levin - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):723-744.
    A hypothesis about sensorimotor integration (the λ model) is described and applied to movement control and kinesthesia. The central idea is that the nervous system organizes positional frames of reference for the sensorimotor apparatus and produces active movements by shifting the frames in terms of spatial coordinates. Kinematic and electromyographic patterns are not programmed, but emerge from the dynamic interaction among the system s components, including external forces within the designated frame of reference. Motoneuronal threshold properties and proprioceptive inputs to (...)
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  • A theory of visual stability across saccadic eye movements.Bruce Bridgeman, A. H. C. Van der Heijden & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):247-258.
    We identify two aspects of the problem of maintaining perceptual stability despite an observer's eye movements. The first, visual direction constancy, is the (egocentric) stability of apparent positions of objects in the visual world relative to the perceiver. The second, visual position constancy, is the (exocentric) stability of positions of objects relative to each other. We analyze the constancy of visual direction despite saccadic eye movements.Three information sources have been proposed to enable the visual system to achieve stability: the structure (...)
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  • Is there a role for extraretinal factors in the maintenance of stability in a structured environment?Eugene Chekaluk - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):258-258.
    The calibration solution to the stability of the world despite eye movements depends, according to Bridgeman et al., upon a combination of three factors which presumably all need to operate to achieve the goal of stability. Although the authors admit (sect. 4.3, para. 5) that the relative contributions of retinal and extraretinal factors will depend on the particular viewing situation, Figure 5 (sect. 4.3) makes it clear in its representation that the role of perceptual factors is relatively minor compared to (...)
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  • Mental representation and the subjectivity of consciousness.Pete Mandik - 2001 - Philosophical Psychology 14 (2):179-202.
    Many have urged that the biggest obstacles to a physicalistic understanding of consciousness are the problems raised in connection with the subjectivity of consciousness. These problems are most acutely expressed in consideration of the knowledge argument against physicalism. I develop a novel account of the subjectivity of consciousness by explicating the ways in which mental representations may be perspectival. Crucial features of my account involve analogies between the representations involved in sensory experience and the ways in which pictorial representations exhibit (...)
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  • Streams and consciousness: Visual awareness and the brain.A. David Milner - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (1):25-30.
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  • The central role of the parietal lobes in consciousness.John G. Taylor - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (3):379-417.
    There are now various approaches to understand where and how in the brain consciousness arises from neural activity, none of which is universally accepted. Difficulties among these approaches are reviewed, and a missing ingredient is proposed here to help adjudicate between them, that of ''perspectivalness.'' In addition to a suitable temporal duration and information content of the relevant bound brain activity, this extra component is posited as being a further important ingredient for the creation of consciousness from neural activity. It (...)
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  • Studying Spatial Conceptualization across Cultures: Anthropology and Cognitive Science.Stephen C. Levinson - 1998 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 26 (1):7-24.
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  • Why neural synchrony fails to explain the unity of visual consciousness.Eric LaRock - 2006 - Behavior and Philosophy 34:39-58.
    A central issue in philosophy and neuroscience is the problem of unified visual consciousness. This problem has arisen because we now know that an object's stimulus features (e.g., its color, texture, shape, etc.) generate activity in separate areas of the visual cortex (Felleman & Van Essen, 1991). For example, recent evidence indicates that there are very few, if any, neural connections between specific visual areas, such as those that correlate with color and motion (Bartels & Zeki, 2006; Zeki, 2003). So (...)
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  • Body-centered representations for visually-guided action emerge during early infancy.Rick O. Gilmore & Mark H. Johnson - 1997 - Cognition 65 (1):B1-B9.
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  • The functional significance of cortical reorganization and the parallel development of CI therapy.Edward Taub, Gitendra Uswatte & Victor W. Mark - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • Seeing where we look: Fixation as extraretinal information.D. Alfred Owens & Edward S. Reed - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):271-272.
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  • How Subjects Can Emerge from Neurons.Eric LaRock & Mostyn Jones - 2019 - Process Studies 48 (1):40-58.
    We pose a foundational problem for those who claim that subjects are ontologically irreducible, but causally reducible (weak emergence). This problem is neuroscience’s notorious binding problem, which concerns how distributed neural areas produce unified mental objects (such as perceptions) and the unified subject that experiences them. Synchrony, synapses and other mechanisms cannot explain this. We argue that this problem seriously threatens popular claims that mental causality is reducible to neural causality. Weak emergence additionally raises evolutionary worries about how we’ve survived (...)
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  • What does calibration solve?Arnold Trehub - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):279-280.
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  • Interdiscourse or supervenience relations: The primacy of the manifest image.J. Brakel - 1996 - Synthese 106 (2):253 - 297.
    Amidst the progress being made in the various (sub-)disciplines of the behavioural and brain sciences a somewhat neglected subject is the problem of how everything fits into one world and, derivatively, how the relation between different levels of discourse should be understood and to what extent different levels, domains, approaches, or disciplines are autonomous or dependent. In this paper I critically review the most recent proposals to specify the nature of interdiscourse relations, focusing on the concept of supervenience. Ideally supervenience (...)
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  • A localist evaluation solution for visual stability across saccades.David E. Irwin, George W. McConkie, Laura A. Carlson-Radvansky & Christopher Currie - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):265-266.
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  • Tendon elasticity and positional control.R. McN Alexander - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):745-745.
    The spring-like behaviour of a joint following a sudden change of torque is partly a result of the elastic properties of tendons. A large fall in a muscle with a long tendon may be accompanied by tendon recoil causing joint movements as large as 20°.
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  • How our world remains stable despite disturbing influences.Bruce Bridgeman, A. H. C. Van der Heijden & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):282-292.
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  • Just how different are perceptual and visuomotor localization abilities?Paul Dassonville, John Schlag & Madeleine Schlag-Rey - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):258-259.
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  • Is the multi-joint pointing movement model applicable to equilibrium control during upper trunk movements?Alexey Alexandrov, Alexander Frolov & Jean Massion - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):745-746.
    Two aspects of the target article, (1) the extension of the equilibrium point theory to multi-joint movements, and (2) the consequence that the EMG pattern is not directly controlled by the central nervous system (CNS), are discussed in light of the experiments on upper trunk bending in humans. The principle component kinematic analysis and the analysis of the EMG data, obtained under microgravity and additional loading conditions, support the application of Feldman and Levin's for multi-joint pointing movement to equilibrium control (...)
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  • A few reasons why psychologlsts can adhere to Feldman and Levin's model.Mireille Bonnard & Jean Pailhous - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):746-747.
    We emphasize the relevance to cognitive psychology of Feldman and Levin's theoretical position. Traditional views of motor control have failed to clearly separate “production control” at the level of motor command, based on task-independent CV (control variables), from intentional “product control” based on task-dependent parameters. Because F&L's approach concentrates on the first process (trajectory formation), it can distinguish the product control stage.
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  • Conservative or nonconservative control schemes.Daniel M. Corcos & Kerstin Pfann - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):747-749.
    The conservative strategy proposed by the authors suggests a solution of the degrees-of-freedom problem of the controller. However, several simple motor control tasks cannot be explained by this strategy. A nonconservative strategy, in which more parameters of the control signal vary, can account for these simple motor tasks. However, the simplicity that distinguishes the proposed model from many others is lost.
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  • The lambda model is only one piece in the motor control puzzle.Jeffrey Dean - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):749-749.
    The lambda model provides a physiologically grounded terminology for describing muscle function and emphasizes the important influence of environmental and reflex-mediated effects on final states. However, lambda itself is only a convenient point on the length-tension curve; its importance should not be overemphasized. Ascribing movement to changes in a lambda-based frame of reference is generally valid, but it leaves unanswered a number of questions concerning mechanisms.
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  • Natural unconstrained movements obey rules different from constrained elementary movements.Michel Desmurget, Yves Rossetti & Claude Prablanc - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):750-750.
    The concept of a conservative control strategy minimizing the number of degrees of freedom used is criticised with reference to 3-D simple reaching and grasping experiments. The vector error in a redundant system would not be the prime controlled variable, but rather the posture for reaching, as exemplified by nearly straight displacements in joint space as opposed to curved ones in task space.
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  • Perceptual stability and postsaccadic visual information: Can man bridge a gap?H. Deubel & W. X. Schneider - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):259-260.
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  • Voluntary oscillopsia: Watching the world go round.J. T. Enright - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):260-262.
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  • Early concepts on efference copy and reafference.Otto-Joachim Grüsser - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):262-265.
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  • Keeping track of visual codes that move from cell to cell during eye movements.Laurence R. Harris - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):265-265.
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  • The lambda model and a hemispheric motor model of intentional hand movements.Uri Fidelman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):750-751.
    The lambda model of Feldman & Levin for intentional hand movement is compared with a hemispheric motor model (IIMM). Both models imply similar conclusions independently. This increases the validity of both models.
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  • Moving models of motion forward: Explication and a new concept.Thomas G. Fikes & James T. Townsend - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):751-753.
    We affirm the dynamical systems approach taken by Feldman and Levin, but argue that a more mathematically rigorous and standard exposition of the model according to dynamical systems theory would greatly increase readability and testability. Such an explication would also have heuristic value, suggesting new variations of the model. We present one such variant, a new solution to the redundancy problem.
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  • Grip force adjustments during rapid hand movements suggest that detailed movement kinematics are predicted.J. Randall Flanagan, James R. Tresilian & Alan M. Wing - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):753-754.
    The λ model suggests that detailed kinematics arise from changes in control variables and need not be explicitly planned. However, we have shown that when moving a grasped object, grip force is precisely modulated in phase with acceleration-dependent inertial load. This suggests that the motor system can predict detailed kinematics. This prediction may be based on a forward model of the dynamics of the loaded limb.
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  • Reciprocal and coactivation commands are not sufficient to describe muscle activation patterns.C. C. A. M. Gielen & B. van Bolhuis - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):754-755.
    Recent results have shown that the relative activation of muscles is different for isometric contractions and for movements. These results exclude an explanation of muscle activation patterns by a combination ofreciprocal and coactivation commands. These results also indicate that joint stiffness is not uniquely determined and that it may be different for isometric contractions and movements.
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  • The case of the missing CVs: Multi-joint primitives.Simon Giszter - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):755-756.
    The search for simplifying principles in motor control motivates the target article. One method that the CNS uses to simplify the task of controlling a limb's mechanical properties is absent from the article. Evidence from multi-joint, force-field measurements and from kinematics that points to the existence of multi-joint primitives as control variables is discussed.
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  • Inverse kinematic problem: Solutions by pseudoinversion, inversion and no-inversion.Simon R. Goodman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):756-758.
    Kinematic properties of reaching movements reflect constraints imposed on the joint angles. Contemporary models present solutions to the redundancy problem by a pseudoinverse procedure (Whitney 1969) or without any inversion (Berkenblit et al. 1986). Feldman & Levin suggest a procedure based on a regular inversion. These procedures are considered as an outcome of a more general approach.
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  • Visual stability and transsaccadic information processing.Martin Jüttner - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):266-267.
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  • Task dependent spatial memory across saccades.Keith S. Karn, Joel Lachter, Per Møller & Mary Hayhoe - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):267-268.
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  • Objective Subjectivity: Allocentric and Egocentric Representations in Thought and Experience.Pete Mandik - 2000 - Dissertation, Washington University
    Many philosophical issues concern questions of objectivity and subjectivity. Of these questions, there are two kinds. The first considers whether something is objective or subjective; the second what it _means_ for something to be objective or subjective.
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  • Why Vision is More than Seeing.Melvyn A. Goodale - 2001 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 31 (sup1):186-214.
    Vision is so closely identified with visual phenomenology that we sometimes forget that the visual system does more than deliver our experience of the world. Vision also plays a critical role in the control of our movements, from picking up our coffee cups to playing tennis. But the visual control of movement has, until recently, been relatively neglected. Indeed, traditional accounts of vision, while acknowledging the role of vision in motor control, have simply regarded such control as part of a (...)
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  • Shifting frames of reference but the same old point of view.Gerald L. Gottlieb - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):758-758.
    Models of central control variables (CVs) that are expressed in positional reference frames and rely on proprioception as the dominant specifier of muscle activation patterns have not yet been shown to be adequate for the description of fast, voluntary movement, even of single joints. An alternative model with illustrative data is proposed.
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  • Twisted pairs: Does the motor system really care about joint configurations?Patrick Haggard, Chris Miall & John Stein - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):758-761.
    Extrapersonal frames of reference for aimed movements are representationally convenient. They may, however, carry associated costs when the movement is executed in terms of the complex coordination of multiple joints they require. Studies that have measured both fingertip and joint paths suggest the motor systems may seek a compromise between simplicity of extrapersonal spatial representation and computational simplicity of multi-joint execution.
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  • Is λ an appropriate control variable for locomotion?Thomas M. Hamm & Zong-Sheng Han - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):761-762.
    The lambda model predicts that the command received by each motor nucleus during locomotion is specific for the joint at which its muscle acts and is independent of external conditions. However, investigation of the commands received by motor nuclei during fictive locomotion and of the sensitivity of these commands to feedback from the limb during locomotion indicates that neither condition is satisfied.
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  • Do control variables exist?Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos & William H. Warren - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):762-762.
    We argue that the concept of a control variable (CV) as described by Feldman and Levin needs to be revised because it does not account for the influence of sensory feedback from the periphery. We provide evidence from the realm of rhythmic movements that sensory feedback can permanently alter the frequency and phase of a centrally generated rhythm.
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  • Points of view from the brain's eye view: Subjectivity and neural representation.Pete Mandik - 2001 - In William P. Bechtel, Pete Mandik, Jennifer Mundale & Robert S. Stufflebeam (eds.), Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 312.
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  • The unobservability of central commands: Why testing hypotheses is so difficult.Antony Hodgson - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):763-764.
    The experiments Feldman and Levin suggest do not definitively test their proposed solution to the problem of selecting muscle activations. Their test of the movement directions that elicit EMG activity can be interpreted without regard to the form of the central commands, and their fast elbow flexion test is based on a forward computation that obscures the insensitivity of the predicted trajectory to the details of the putative commands.
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  • Frames of reference interact and are task-dependent.Bruce A. Kay - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):765-765.
    The problem for the CNS in any particular movement task is to coordinate the various frames of reference appropriate to the task. Control variables are determined by this coordination. The coordination problem varies greatly from task to task, and so no single set of control variables is likely to account for a broad range of movement tasks.
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  • Equilibrium-point control? Yes! Deterministic mechanisms of control? No!Mark L. Latash - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):765-766.
    The equilibrium-point hypothesis (the λ-model) is superior to all other models of single-joint control and provides deep insights into the mechanisms of control of multi-joint movements. Attempts at associating control variables with neurophysiological variables look confusing rather than promising. Probabilistic mechanisms may play an important role in movement generation in redundant systems.
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  • What does body configuration in microgravity tell us about the contribution of intra- and extrapersonal frames of reference for motor control?F. Lestienne, M. Ghafouri & F. Thullier - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):766-767.
    The authors report that the reorganization of body configuration during weightlessness is based on an intrapersonal frame of reference such as the configuration of the support surface and the position of the body's center of gravity. These results stress the importance of “knowledge” of the state of internal geometric structures, which cannot be directly signalled by specific receptors responsible for direct dialogue with the physical external world.
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  • The λ model for motor control: More than meets the eye.Mindy F. Levin & Anatol G. Feldman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):786-806.
    Understanding of the λ model has greatly increased in recent years as evidenced by most of the commentaries. Some commentators underscored the potential of the model to integrate aspects of different sensorimotor systems in the production of movement. Other commentators focused on not-yet-fully-developed parts of the model. A few persisted in misunderstanding some of its basic concepts, and on these grounds they reject it. In responding to commentaries we continue to elaborate on some fundamental points of the model, especially control (...)
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  • Frameworks on shifting sands.R. Lngvaldsen & H. T. A. Whiting - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):764-765.
    Feldman and Levin present a model for movement control in which the system is said to seek equilibrium points, active movement being produced by shifting frames of reference in space. It is argued that whatever merit this model might have is limited to an understanding of “the how” and not “the why” we move. In this way the authors seem to be forced into a dualistic position leaving the upper level of the proposed control hierarchy “floating.”.
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  • What can we expect from models of motor control?Gerald E. Loeb - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):767-768.
    The lambda model of servocontrol seems superior to the alpha model in terms of dealing with the mechanical complexities of nonlinear and multiarticular muscles. Both, however, can be trivialized by noting that the “control variable” may simply be the sum of descending influences at propriospinal interneurons in the case of the lambda model or in the muscles themselves in the case of the alpha model. The notion that the brain explicitly computes output in terms of any such control variables may (...)
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