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Thoughts on Machiavelli

Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1978)

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  1. Machiavelli and the liberalism of fear.Thomas Osborne - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (5):68-85.
    This article revisits the long-standing question of the relations between ethics and politics in Machiavelli’s work, assessing its relevance to the ‘liberalism of fear’ in particular in the work of Judith Shklar, Bernard Williams and also John Dunn. The article considers ways in which Machiavelli has been a ‘negative’ resource for liberalism – for instance, as a presumed proponent of tyranny; but also ways in which even for the liberalism of fear he might be considered a ‘positive’ resource, above all (...)
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  • Agency, freedom, and the blessings of opacity.Edwin C. Laurenson - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):111-120.
    Abstract: How can the decisions of “autonomous” individuals provide a rationale for freedom and self-governance if a mechanical and causal sense of the self leads us to question the foundational nature of the individual? If most of our decisions originate in brain function below the level of consciousness, we live in a virtual world produced by mechanisms outside our control, arising from transparent self-models of which we are not aware. “Opacity,” the gift of not perceiving directly, of not automatically believing (...)
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  • The Therapy of Desire in Times of Crisis: Lessons Learned from Buddhism and Stoicism.Xiaojun Ding, Yueyao Ma, Feng Yu & Lillian Abadal - 2023 - Religions 14 (237):1-24.
    Desire is an important philosophical topic that deeply impacts everyday life. Philosophical practice is an emerging trend that uses philosophical theories and methods as a guide to living a eu‐ daimonic life. In this paper, we define desire philosophically and compare different theories of desire in specific Eastern and Western traditions. Based on the Lacanian conceptual–terminological triad of “Need‐Demand‐Desire”, the research of desire is further divided into three dimensions, namely, the subject of desire, the object of desire, and the desire (...)
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  • Machiavelli contra governmentality.Robyn Marasco - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (4):339-361.
    Although Machiavelli would appear to be only a minor figure in Foucault's genealogy of modernity, this article examines his 1977–1978 lectures at the Collège de France and argues that the author of The Prince plays a pivotal role in the development of ‘governmental reason’ and its critique. These lectures indicate how The Prince serves as the negative touchstone for the emergence of an extensive and evolving discourse on government, confirming that Machiavelli was more than a passing interest for Foucault. I (...)
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  • Normative prudence as a tradition of statecraft.Alberto R. Coll - 1991 - Ethics and International Affairs 5:33–51.
    Coll clearly advocates the Aristotelian notion that "moral principles are ultimately realized only in specific acts which human beings choose to carry out." He cites Washington, Lincoln, and Churchill as examples of leaders whose moral wisdom in political reasoning led to a statecraft explicitly derived from prudence.
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  • The politics of modern honor.Haig Patapan - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):459-477.
    Modern honor appears to be distinguished by two contradictory impulses, a neglect or even disdain of honor, and an ambition to elevate and promote it as dignity, self-esteem, and recognition. The article argues that these tensions can be traced to a foundational difference regarding the political importance of the passion of honor, evident in the seminal and contending formulations by Machiavelli and Hobbes. In recovering and articulating the bases of these competing modern conceptions of honor and tracing the influence of (...)
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  • Citizens, Leaders and the Common Good in a world of Necessity and Scarcity: Machiavelli’s Lessons for Community-Based Natural Resource Management.Kristof Van Assche, Raoul Beunen & Martijn Duineveld - 2016 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 19 (1):19-36.
    In this article we investigate the value and utility of Machiavelli’s work for Community-Based Natural Resource Management. We made a selection of five topics derived from literature on NRM and CBNRM: Law and Policy, Justice, Participation, Transparency, and Leadership and management. We use Machiavelli’s work to analyze these topics and embed the results in a narrative intended to lead into the final conclusions, where the overarching theme of natural resource management for the common good is considered. Machiavelli’s focus on practical (...)
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  • Phenomenology as a critique of politics.Hwa Yol Jung - 1982 - Human Studies 5 (1):161 - 181.
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  • Machiavelli and the Play-Element in Political Life.Robyn Marasco - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (4):575-595.
    This essay interprets Machiavelli’s famous letter to Francesco Vettori in terms of a play-element that runs across his works. The letter to Vettori is a masterpiece of epistolary form, but beyond its most memorable passage, where Machiavelli recounts his evening in study, it has not received much scholarly attention. Reading the letter in its entirety is to discover Machiavelli’s account of an eclectic political education and the pleasures of playing with others. Machiavelli’s letter speaks to a basic ludicity in his (...)
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  • Tractatus Politico-Technologicus as Common Cause.Paul Diduch - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (3):343-346.
    Carl Mitcham makes the case for Leo Strauss’s importance as a theorist of technology whose work complements thinkers like Bernard Stiegler and others in philosophy of technology and science and technology studies. His main argument is that a political philosophy of technology follows from the core elements of Strauss’s unique analysis of modernity. Importantly, he adapts Strauss’s “cave within a cave” image to encapsulate the interventionist origins and subsequent artificiality of modernity, and, thus, helps us to see why a “Tractatus (...)
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  • Fear and Trembling’ Reconsidered in Light of Kant’s ‘Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.Morgan Keith Jackson - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1541-1561.
    In this study I provide a thematic comparison of Søren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling and Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals to suggest that the representation of the ethical in Fear and Trembling is transparently Kantian. At times I draw on Kant’s Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, Conflict of the Faculties, and The Metaphysics of Morals to offer a comprehensive account of Kant’s ethical theory. Both philosophers hold profoundly important positions within the milieu of ethics, however (...)
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  • Seeking wisdom after postmodernism: Back to Plato.Christopher Coney - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1473-1474.
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  • The necessity of the tension.George J. Graham - 1993 - Social Epistemology 7 (1):25-34.
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  • Viroli, Maurizio: how to Choose a Leader: Machiavelli’s Advice to Citizens: New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2016. Hardcover . €14.95. 144 pp.Peter J. Josse - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (3):679-680.
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  • Filosofía y mística. De la soledad del Príncipe al “Solo Dios basta” del Apóstol en el siglo de Oro.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2015 - Endoxa 35:49.
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  • The Hindenburg Line of the Strauss wars.William H. F. Altman - 2010 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40 (1):118-153.
    Bringing continental sensibilities and skill to his project, David Janssens has abandoned the line of defense heretofore used by North American intellectuals to shield Leo Strauss from criticism: Janssens wastes no time trying to prove Strauss was a liberal democrat, frankly admits his atheism, and emphasizes the continuity and European origins of his thought. Nevertheless committed to defending Strauss even at his most vulnerable points, Janssens is compelled to anchor his new defensive position on a misreading of what he calls (...)
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  • The Crisis of Modernity in The Works of Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss. Differences That Clarify Common Problems.Dolores Amat - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):81-106.
    Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss were contemporary with each other; they shared courses, readings and taught at the same universities. Their lives were also affected by the same historical events, both tried to understand the crisis of Modernity, and the same thinkers and philosophical ideas influenced their works. However, their conclusions differ completely and understanding both their coincidences and their differences can illuminate not only the specificities of two of the most important works of political thought of last century, but (...)
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  • El “gran historiador frustrado”.Constanza Cavallero - 2021 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 14:57-72.
    This work focuses on the reading and analysis of the work of Nicholas Machiavelli made by the Argentinian historian José Luis Romero in several of his historical and historiographical writings. It attends, particularly, to the assessment that Romero has made of the famous Florentine thinker as historian. From this perspective, it will be studied the impact of the Machiavellian work on the thought and intellectual work of the Argentinian academician. This work seeks to show that Machiavelli was, for the aforementioned (...)
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  • Modernity in Philosophy and Sociology: An Appraisal with Special Reference to Bangladesh.Lipon Kumar Mondal - 2012 - Philosophy and Progress 51 (1).
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  • A Glance at the Problem of Reason of State through Siyasatnamas.Hasan Bahadır Türk - forthcoming - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy:573-591.
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  • Touraine's Concept of Modernity.Charles Turner - 1998 - European Journal of Social Theory 1 (2):185-193.
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  • The ethics of the intellectual: Rereading Edward Said.Raef Zreik - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (1):130-148.
    This article is a close reading of Edward Said’s image of the intellectual and offers a critique and restatement of that image. Said characterizes the intellectual in contrast to two other images:...
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  • Rationality in Machiavelli and in Kant.Vadim Chaly - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 4:89-97.
    The paper contains interpretation and comparative analysis of Machiavelli’s and Kant’s conceptions on rationality as two prime examples of “realist” and “idealist” modes of agency. Kantian model of rationality is viewed as an augmentation of the Machiavellian one, not an opposition to it. To elaborate the point, Robert Aumann’s model of act-rationality and rulerationality is applied to the two philosophical models. Kantian practical reason is interpreted as an addition to Aumann’s instrumental rationality, providing rules for rules, or “rule-rule-rationality”.
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  • The Metabolism of the State.Sean Erwin - 2015 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (1):81-104.
    At Discorsi II.20, Machiavelli defines auxiliary arms as those, “whom a prince or a republic send captained and already paid for, for your aid.” My contention is that Machiavelli’s treatment of auxiliary arms is much more nuanced than it may seem at first glance. Throughout his works, Machiavelli articulates this type of force from the standpoint of the prince but also, surprisingly, from the standpoint of the people. In their princely employment, auxiliary arms act instrumentally as means for the projection (...)
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  • Sancho panza’s politics of self‐deception.Michael Kowalski - 2007 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 19 (4):589-602.
    ABSTRACT What are the sources of political myths? Useful starting points for answering this question can be found in the fiction of Cervantes and the political philosophies of Machiavelli, Erasmus, and Leo Strauss. These writers, who sought to defuse clashes of custom and of religion, emphasized the need to pay attention to the consequences of false belief, without lapsing into cynicism. In this, they were the ultimate idealists, whose insights might temper the dogmas of the modern ideologue.
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  • Can the Problem of the Theologico-Political be Resolved? Leo Strauss and Claude Lefort.Gilles Labelle - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 87 (1):63-81.
    The starting point of this article is that there is a kind of ‘hidden dialogue’ that Claude Lefort is trying to conduct with Leo Strauss on the theologico-political problem. If Strauss claims this problem to be ‘irresolvable’, Lefort seeks to show that the ‘permanence of the theologico-political’ in modernity is only an appearance, as democracy has, in the last instance, succeeded in ‘cutting’ the knot tied between the theological and the political in pre-modern societies. Moreover, while Strauss associates recognition of (...)
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  • On Conquests and Desires: The Figure of Lucretia in La Mandragola by Niccolò Machiavelli.Eugenia Mattei - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (17):293-318.
    The aim of this article is to analyze La Mandragola di Niccolò Machiavelli and in particular the character of Lucretia, the female protagonist of the play. We will try to demonstrate that Machiavelli’s Mandragola exceeds the literary record and contains its own theoretical-political potential. For this purpose, we will first restore the textual mentions of Lucretia and analyze what Machiavelli says about her. Secondly, we will briefly focus on the Roman legend of Lucretia, as it appears in Tito Livio’s account (...)
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  • Leo Strauss: Uma Nova figuração do maquiavelismo.André Menezes Rocha - 2015 - Cadernos Espinosanos 32:117.
    Analisaremos o comentário produzido por Leo Strauss a partir dos textos de Maquiavel no livro Thoughts on Machiavelli. Com base na crítica do método de leitura e escrita dos textos filosóficos de Strauss, podemos perceber que a operação interpretativa de Strauss consiste na construção de uma nova figuração do velho maquiavelismo que assaltou a obra de Maquiavel desde que passou a ser censurada pelos padres. A enunciação da tese de que o ensinamento de Maquiavel é diabólico consiste apenas no traço (...)
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  • Killing the father, Parmenides: On Lacan’s anti-philosophy.Matthew Sharpe - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (1):51-74.
    This paper examines the historical claims about philosophy, dating back to Parmenides, that we argue underlie Jacques Lacan’s polemical provocations in the mid-1970s that his position was an “anti-philosophie”. Following an introduction surveying the existing literature on the subject, in part ii, we systematically present the account of classical philosophy Lacan has in mind when he declares psychoanalysis to be an antiphilosophy after 1975, assembling his claims about the history of ideas in Seminars XVII and XX in ways earlier contributions (...)
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  • Eradicating Theocracy Philosophically.Pouya Lotfi Yazdi - manuscript
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  • Leo Strauss: de Nietzsche a Platón.Oscar Mauricio Donato & Luciano Nosetto - 2014 - Bogota: Universidad Libre.
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  • Thomas Hobbes: libertad y poder en la metamorfosis moderna.Diego Fernández Peychaux, Antonio David Rozenberg & Ramírez Beltrán Julián (eds.) - 2024 - Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani.
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  • Do We Need Jerusalem 'and' Athens? A Straussian Reflection on the Role of Religion and Medievalism.Maria Alejandra Vanney - 2012 - Postmodern Openings 3 (1):57-77.
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  • L' esecutore privilegiato di Dio: la figura de Moisés en la obra de Nicolás Maquiavelo.Eugenia Mattei - 2016 - Análisis Filosófico 36 (1):103-131.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las menciones y usos que realiza Nicolás Maquiavelo de la figura de Moisés en Il principe y en los Discorsi. Maquiavelo realiza un particular tratamiento que es necesario seguir de cerca: es a partir de su análisis que podemos encontrar insumos para interrogar cómo operan los liderazgos en la obra maquiaveliana y cómo los líderes interactúan con el pueblo a través de un círculo pasional que se genera entre ambos. A estos efectos, procederemos en (...)
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  • Il rapporto tra contingenza e ideologia nella filosofia politica di Louis Althusser.Fabio Raimondi - unknown
    During the Cold War and especially after the failure of Stalinism, Althusser tried to give a contribution to build up a new Marxism by the production of an original "theory of ideology". The result was the draft of a new political philosophy: the so-called "aleatory materialism" that is a philosophy of contingency (or a philosophy of the un-necessary). Using at the same time Machiavelli, Spinoza and Marx, Althusser proposed an explanation of the birth of society and State with reference neither (...)
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