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  1. Probabilities of Conditionals.Bas van Fraassen - 1975 - In C. Hooker, Foundations of probability theory, statistical inference, and statistical theories of science. Springer.
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  • On the Ternary Relation and Conditionality.Jc Beall, Ross T. Brady, J. Michael Dunn, A. P. Hazen, Edwin D. Mares, Robert K. Meyer, Graham Priest, Greg Restall, David Ripley, John Slaney & Richard Sylvan - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (3):595 - 612.
    One of the most dominant approaches to semantics for relevant (and many paraconsistent) logics is the Routley-Meyer semantics involving a ternary relation on points. To some (many?), this ternary relation has seemed like a technical trick devoid of an intuitively appealing philosophical story that connects it up with conditionality in general. In this paper, we respond to this worry by providing three different philosophical accounts of the ternary relation that correspond to three conceptions of conditionality. We close by briefly discussing (...)
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  • Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Thomas Piecha & Kai F. Wehmeier (eds.) - 2024 - Springer.
    This open access book is a superb collection of some fifteen chapters inspired by Schroeder-Heister's groundbreaking work, written by leading experts in the field, plus an extensive autobiography and comments on the various contributions by Schroeder-Heister himself. For several decades, Peter Schroeder-Heister has been a central figure in proof-theoretic semantics, a field of study situated at the interface of logic, theoretical computer science, natural-language semantics, and the philosophy of language. -/- The chapters of which this book is composed discuss the (...)
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  • Natural Deduction, Hybrid Systems and Modal Logics.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book provides a detailed exposition of one of the most practical and popular methods of proving theorems in logic, called Natural Deduction. It is presented both historically and systematically. Also some combinations with other known proof methods are explored. The initial part of the book deals with Classical Logic, whereas the rest is concerned with systems for several forms of Modal Logics, one of the most important branches of modern logic, which has wide applicability.
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  • Conditional Excluded Middle without the Limit Assumption.Eric Swanson - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (2):301-321.
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  • Frontiers of Conditional Logic.Yale Weiss - 2019 - Dissertation, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
    Conditional logics were originally developed for the purpose of modeling intuitively correct modes of reasoning involving conditional—especially counterfactual—expressions in natural language. While the debate over the logic of conditionals is as old as propositional logic, it was the development of worlds semantics for modal logic in the past century that catalyzed the rapid maturation of the field. Moreover, like modal logic, conditional logic has subsequently found a wide array of uses, from the traditional (e.g. counterfactuals) to the exotic (e.g. conditional (...)
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  • Gentzen and Jaśkowski Natural Deduction: Fundamentally Similar but Importantly Different.Allen P. Hazen & Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (6):1103-1142.
    Gentzen’s and Jaśkowski’s formulations of natural deduction are logically equivalent in the normal sense of those words. However, Gentzen’s formulation more straightforwardly lends itself both to a normalization theorem and to a theory of “meaning” for connectives . The present paper investigates cases where Jaskowski’s formulation seems better suited. These cases range from the phenomenology and epistemology of proof construction to the ways to incorporate novel logical connectives into the language. We close with a demonstration of this latter aspect by (...)
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  • An Indexical Theory of Conditionals.Ken Warmbrōd - 1981 - Dialogue 20 (4):644-664.
    Language theorists have recently come to have an increasing appreciation for the fact that context contributes heavily in determining our interpretation of what is said. Indeed, it now seems clear that no complete understanding of a natural language is possible without some account of the way in which context affects our interpretation of discourse. In this paper, I will attempt to explore one facet of the language – context relationship, namely, the relation between conditionals and context. The first part of (...)
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  • Reasoning with conditionals.Guy Politzer - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):79-95.
    This paper reviews the psychological investigation of reasoning with conditionals, putting an emphasis on recent work. In the first part, a few methodological remarks are presented. In the second part, the main theories of deductive reasoning (mental rules, mental models, and the probabilistic approach) are considered in turn; their content is summarised and the semantics they assume for if and the way they explain formal conditional reasoning are discussed, in particular in the light of experimental work on the probability of (...)
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  • Natural Deduction Calculi and Sequent Calculi for Counterfactual Logics.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (5):1003-1036.
    In this paper we present labelled sequent calculi and labelled natural deduction calculi for the counterfactual logics CK + {ID, MP}. As for the sequent calculi we prove, in a semantic manner, that the cut-rule is admissible. As for the natural deduction calculi we prove, in a purely syntactic way, the normalization theorem. Finally, we demonstrate that both calculi are sound and complete with respect to Nute semantics [12] and that the natural deduction calculi can be effectively transformed into the (...)
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  • A Gentzen- or Beth-type system, a practical decision procedure and a constructive completeness proof for the counterfactual logics VC and VCS.H. C. M. de Swart - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (1):1-20.
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  • Modal Hybrid Logic.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2007 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 16 (2-3):147-257.
    This is an extended version of the lectures given during the 12-thConference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and in the Foundationsof Mathematics in Szklarska Poręba. It contains a surveyof modal hybrid logic, one of the branches of contemporary modal logic. Inthe first part a variety of hybrid languages and logics is presented with adiscussion of expressivity matters. The second part is devoted to thoroughexposition of proof methods for hybrid logics. The main point is to showthat application of hybrid logics (...)
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  • Translations Between Gentzen–Prawitz and Jaśkowski–Fitch Natural Deduction Proofs.Shawn Standefer - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (6):1103-1134.
    Two common forms of natural deduction proof systems are found in the Gentzen–Prawitz and Jaśkowski–Fitch systems. In this paper, I provide translations between proofs in these systems, pointing out the ways in which the translations highlight the structural rules implicit in the systems. These translations work for classical, intuitionistic, and minimal logic. I then provide translations for classical S4 proofs.
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  • Counterfactual Assumptions and Counterfactual Implications.Bartosz Więckowski - 2024 - In Thomas Piecha & Kai F. Wehmeier, Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Springer. pp. 399-423.
    We define intuitionistic subatomic natural deduction systems for reasoning with elementary would-counterfactuals and causal since-subordinator sentences. The former kind of sentence is analysed in terms of counterfactual implication, the latter in terms of factual implication. Derivations in these modal proof systems make use of modes of assumptions which are sensitive to the factuality status of the formula that is to be assumed. This status is determined by means of the reference proof system on top of which a modal proof system (...)
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  • Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Chicago, 1989.Kenneth Manders - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):436-445.
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